Why dont introverts kill themselves already?

There are lots of these worthless pitiful subhumans in my nation called introverts and they do nothing but sit in their houses all day and do pointless shit like listen to music or read books/watch pedophile cartoons, and then whine on forums like these about muh depression. What would happen to the world if these sullen, quiet, weak and effeminate people disappeared? Nobody would care about their disappearance; some people might be grateful that the 'quiet shy nice guy' has finally disappeared from making situations awkward when he has to talk to people in his job or at university, and most of these people are depressed and want to die anyways. I look forward to the day when these people disappear, they contribute nothing to society and expect societies support at the same time; what a bother.

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sorry that most people are unremarkable and do shit like wear other men's sports jerseys and scream at tv screens in buffalo wild wings you fucking faggot. id rather read a well written book or listen to a podcast where I already know what information I'm being exposed to than some generic high energy faggot spouting off about worthless bullshit. I'm glad I piss people like you off. Try spending some time alone and introspecting on what I say instead of just spewing your thoughtless dogshit

You're confusing introverts with lonely people.
Introverts prefer being alone most of the time. Most introverts do manage to get enough social exposure to not fall into depression.

You sound pretty retarded . Why do extroverts have the feel to force their shitty tasteless unvalid opinions on others? No one wants to hear it extroverts are the reason why we having people doing prank videos and retarded shit on camera and social media.

as a schizoid i get nothing out of social interaction. i go to great lengths to avoid it; even to my detriment. I'll pick jobs solely because i don't have to talk to people and cancel plans to eat somewhere/sit somewhere if I can't find isolated seating.

its people like you that truly are just insufferable in this world; people rose in this world because they communicated with one another or else they would die, and here we have inferior people like you who sit in their basement and 'read books' like the useless parasite you are
I unironically hope you and the rest of you are killed in a terrible incident
that's just what they want to make you think, most of them crave intimacy and are too pathetic to admit it
social cohesion is one of humanities greatest strengths, and people like you break that cohesion
you too should be killed


I know we are social animals but man I feel way better alone or with just 1 or 2 real friends by my side discussing philosophical ideas

>retards falling for this obvious bait

>most of them crave intimacy
Everyone does.
Again, you're confusing introverts with lonely people.
You think all introverts and involuntarily and perpetually alone.
Actual introverts prefer to either be alone a lot, or in small tight knit groups. But they choose their solitary lifestyle. But, like I said before, most introverts do have friends they socialize with.
Your definition of introvert is wrong.

ITT: op is a nigger with 70 iq that can't comprehend doing anything else other than slaving to shlomo or talking to people for self afirmation
friendly reminder that normalfaggots are not wanted on this board, if you are not a NEET, hikikomori, incel or have some kind of autism YOU ARE NOT WANTED ON THIS BOARD, you are literally the most pathetic lifeform existent, you genes are worthless and you will die not understanding anything about the world or yourself

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Even though it's bait it's an opinion a lot of people secretly hold. It's only natural to be disgusted and want to get rid of weak people. I am one of those overly sensitive, useless weaklings myself.

I miss the like button for posts like these

Normie fags might think that
who cares

the only thing that's cringeworthy are you pathetic losers who can't even step outside without having a panic attack
I find that hard to believe, since humans have evolved to be social; humans who stepped out of line and prefered solitary activities would be killed off very quickly, and I guarantee most of these losers will be killed off when law and order breaks down in our countries
and you are a 50 iq loony who is so pathetically mentally deranged that he cannot maintain a good conversation with someone for more than 2 minutes
also looking at the absolute state of your board with incels eatting up female attention it is easy to say that this isn't your secret club anymore
you can help yourself, but instead you browse useless shitholes like this to try and receive sympathy from other pathetic losers who will only make you more miserable
only you can change your circumstances

yea and times, society, and technology have changed allowing intelligent people to cordon themselves off from perpetually babbling faggots like you. Imagine being so devoid of intelligence and so spiritual impoverished that you have to go around acquiring energy by babbling a bunch of meaningless bullshit about the latest social media trope shat out on the masses. And then when you don't have any faggots to babble with you lose energy and become depressed. Pathetic! What an inefficient and WEAK human being that is!

>when law and order breaks down in our countries
oh god its a Jow Forumstard, fuck off to your containment board normalfaggot, I bet you fap to the thought of gunning down people in the streets while total anarchy ensures, too bad some nigger is gonna blow your brains out and rape your coalburner

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You find it hard to believe because you are legitimately autistic and see things only through a matter of fact/analytical view. And you lack the capability to think outside of objectifying everyone.

>when law and order breaks down
I'd be able to hunt and stalk you babbling faggots because youd give away your location with the sounds of your useless worthless conversations.

who gives a shit, he came here to get reactions out of you, not to have a proper conversation. You're the retard for giving him (You)'s

its just a shame that society isn't always going to exist the way it is, what will you do when you have no parents to leech off of, or when society breaks apart? people who have friends will be able to support eachother in difficult times, while you people will be robbed by thieves and get killed in less than a week
you people are subhumans, and you should be treated as such
>Jow Forumstard
nobody actually smart thinks that the world is going to be the way it is 20 years from now, it isn't endemic to right-wing thinking
and I don't need to fap to the thought of killing you people when you most often end up killing yourselves :)
so you think that people like yourself existed back in ancient times? considering that most social animals today would be killed off by predators if they stuck too far away from the ranch I find that quite hard to believe, maybe very few exceptions would exist but I almost know for a fact that defective people like that are the first to go
and you think you will be able to shoot down a massive armed group of 30 people, who can all practice their shooting and technique together while all you have is your counterstrike skills from sitting in your basement like the fat fuck you are all day? you reinforce my point that you will be one of the first to die

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If getting (you)s is going to make his day, then so be it. That's such a pitiful existence that him "winning" means literally nothing to me.

Such a low quality bait thread how low has r9k fallen

It's 2019, we have technology that made Darwinism and survival of the fittest irrelevant to humanity.
It doesn't matter if I would have survived 2000 years ago, because I'm here now, layinb in bed, on my tablet.

Because they're better than extroverts.

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Why would you give him satisfaction if you acknowledge this is a retarded bait?

Jow Forums was a mistake, this is how yall gonna end up if you stay there any longer, brainwashed into thinking society is gonna end and believing all of that natural selection bullshit, thinking you are some apex human and everyone else is weak and will be killed by everyone else which coincidentally are also apex humans
DELETE Jow Forums
>DELETE Jow Forums
DELETE Jow Forums
>DELETE Jow Forums
DELETE Jow Forums
>DELETE Jow Forums

>everything I don't like is bait
you're pathetic too
and you think, in 50 years, that you will be able to be laying in bed, playing on your tablet?
once hierarchy breaks down again and humans return to their natural way of living, it will be the same way it was 2000 years ago, and again you won't survive the first week
weak people are a burden on this society and you should just die

>in 50 years, that you will be able to be laying in bed, playing on your tablet?

What else is there to do when you're 70+. My grandma spends all day on her little tablet

that's because your grandma doesn't live in the same circumstances people will be living in 50 years from now
if you think the world is sustainable with climate change/overpopulation/depletion of world resources then you are sincerely quite delusional and wrong

>a burden on this society

how about i just disagree with the concept of society as a whole?
i couldn't care less about society

if you didn't care about society then why do you live in one?

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>introverts should be killed
>some of the most influential scientists were introverts
ok buddy enjoy making houses out of sticks and mud

First off, to clear the air, I'm not lonely. I know how to socialize. Most introverts do. You assume all introverts are autistic and awkward like you. But they're not.
I work in an environment with other people. I'm also not weak. I work out 5 days a week and go shooting on the weekends.
Stop projecting your inefficiencies on me.

much choices

In 50 years I'll be 80 years old. I've spent the prime of my life in the comforts on modern society, despite your boogeyman scenario.

[citation needed]
>let me tell you about all of the things I like to pretend myself doing while I continue to bathe in self misery
classic projection too when I call you out for being the cretinous introverted shit you are
you wouldn't browse this board if you weren't pathetic and lonely
you could go and live out in the wilderness, lots of people who aren't limp wristed fags like the losers on here go on to do just that
that's assuming anyone here has any sort of skills or talent however, I can't say I expected much
you imply it will even be 50 years, that's a worst case scenario time estimate

>I'm a self loathing loser, therefore everyone here must be.
It can't be because it's 230 am and I'm trying to keep myself occupied because i can't fall asleep can it?

wait, we live in a society?

I like how hostile op has become after he found out he's just an awkward loser and there isn't an ocean of other losers like him out there.
He assumes all introverts are socially awkward losers like him.

I guess OP is just a fag

>[citation needed]
Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin.
I'd tell you to look it up but I know you don't want to face the truth and you'd rather just spew bullshit
It has also been proven that on average, introverts have a higher IQ

stop with the facs or OP might impolde

oh right, since you are likely a fatass American it is probably the middle of the night for you
you truly are just waste
I know you've been under a rock for most of your life but yes, if you are posting on this website you are very likely living in a society
nope, nice projection though
this is the first time I even visited this board in months, and its good to see that the same pathetic people are posting the same pathetic things day by day
your lives truly are meaningless, nothing in this world would change if every person in this board were killed tomorrow
now why don't you name all of the scientists who were extroverts? you'd probably be here all day listing down every single name, yet you can only come up with three

Jesus Christ you're pathetic. Anyway I'm getting tired and I only have 7% battery left on this thing,
Keep living in denial buddy. You just desperately want everyone to be as miserable as you are.

>yet you can only come up with three
if you weren't so ignorant you would know that these 3 names are more valuable than hundreds of other scientists, admit it, that guy gave you the facts and you cant refute it, you got BTFOed by multiple people in the thread

if i were a redditfag r/quityourbullshit would be my answer to that post

considering that I'm rich and have a successful life compared to you I wouldn't think that I would be the one living in denial
kek, so you think that these three contemporary scientists are more influential than the combined influence of every other scientist in the world? one of those guys had pretty much all of their theories debunked in the 20th century anyways
you again reinforce my point that introverts are inferior and would be killed in the ideal society
sorry I don't browse reddit, can you enlighten me as to how that board correlates to my post?

i think you're competent enough to at least figure that out

Imagine caring this much that someone lives their lifestyle different. OP, have you tried not being such a fucking cock?

Just live and let live. No need to hate people.

If you're so god damn rich why are you browsing this board? Just to show how superior you are to us? I guarantee most of us don't care.

>you'd probably be here all day listing down every single name, yet you can only come up with three
I can bring up more if you'd like. But besides that's not the point, your argument is that introverts should kill themselves while I just brought up some of the most influential people to ever exist who changed science and other fields as we know it.

Collectivist garbage like you should collectively jump off a bridge. Nothing that you do is more important than anything they do. Most of the people that you're talking about get zero support from society anyway, so it just seems like you're mad that weird people can make your conversations awkward sometimes. Get over yourself.

>one of those guys had pretty much all of their theories debunked in the 20th century anyways
so you are not only a Jow Forumstard but also a /x/ fag
>ideal society
sure buddy, live in your fantasy world more, just admit it, you are too much of a brainlet to defend your own points and use ad hominem in every post because you cant even make a valid point besides 'hurr yall would be killed by strong burly men like myself hurr ideal society everyone I don't like should be killed why aren't yall big strong construction workers like me who tf even cares about intelectual contribution god I wished I everyone lived like a caveman so I can use my big muscular body which is my only redeeming quality btw to actually be apreciated'
I would just neck myself if I were you, subhuman piece of trash, 2 digit iq pieces of shit like you should be exterminated, also r/iamverysmart is that way, no one cares about your perfect society bullshit, if you were actually inteligent or succesfull like you claim you would have changed something, instead you are a literally who

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>just let and live bro.. just let and live....
because I enjoy seeing how poor and inferior people get by from time to time, easiest way to see that is to just browse this board for 5 minutes
you brought up 3 people in a world with hundreds of different influential scientists, just 3 people (who's research and findings are pretty much exclusively restricted to science)
if we really looked into history then we could also name scientists who were much more influential than any of those three figures, but shallow minded people like you can only analyze history if it happened within the past 200 years or so
>/x/ fag
what? newton had lots of his theories about the universe debunked by Einstein when he made general relativity, I don't know where you got /x/ from unless you are just that much of a uneducated dimwit
>no one cares about your perfect society bullshit
right now they don't, later this century they will because it will be coming to you whether you like it or not you ugly and useless imbecile

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you imply you aren't all on neetbucks or leeching off your parents, its the only way useless vermin like you can get by day by day
the faster you are killed the more resources we will have as a society, you aren't and never will be an improvement to this world

>proceeds to mock the concept of living and let live
Go on, tell me then you fucking pseudo-intellectual. Tell me, what is wrong with living and let live when the other person isn't affecting your life. Seriously, how the fuck are introverts affecting your life negatively?

...and what exactly do you contribute to society?. Wanting a large percent of the human race to kill themselves just because you don't like them doesn't really make you a great human being, ya know.
You know what makes me depressed? People like you going around spreading your vile verbal vomi. If you care so much about society do something genuinly possitive that will improve it for everybody, stop filling yourself with so much resentment and hate towards other people

Does anyone remember the name of the guy in that pic?

>because I enjoy seeing how poor and inferior people get by from time to time, easiest way to see that is to just browse this board for 5 minutes
Why do you enjoy that? Seeing how "poor" and "inferior" people get by? How does this interest you?

>if we really looked into history then we could also name scientists who were much more influential than any of those three figures, but shallow minded people like you can only analyze history if it happened within the past 200 years or so
Name a few.

i feel like OP just saw the Purge and actually thought its a good idea



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because peoples tax dollars go to supporting useless pieces of shit like you, imagine how much better our countries would be if welfare queens like you didn't take away 25% of the states budget, especially when you have absolutely nothing whatsoever to offer to society
you're affecting everyone's lives negatively, and we can only live in peace once we have a uniform and civilized society that can work in harmony
I am doing something good for society, by getting rid of useless vermin like you
overpopulation is a serious issue and this would be a very good place to start
it helps reinforce my image of the world, by seeing parts of it firsthand
it is like if you want to study a certain kind of society you would go and live in it for a few weeks/months or so, and then you would get the hell out of there if it is a decrepit shithole like this place is
I have no idea what that is, but if it involves killing off useless people like yourself then yes, it likely is a good idea

Why would I care about being an improvement to this world? Here's how much I give a fuck about certain groups of people.

>myself - high amount of fucks given
>family and close friends - high amount of fucks given
>acquaintances - moderate to low amounts of fucks given
>pretty much anyone else - 0 fucks given, and can probably suck my dick.

Why do you put so much stock in the whole? Work on yourself. I'm pretty sure that people like you have no real accomplishments, so you feel the need to be a part of a group that's worth a shit. Also, I'm not going anywhere. I'll continue to live how I want to, and there ain't shit that you can do about it, faggot.

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Nikola Tesla is another one. He was asocial and died a virgin, but he accomplished a thousand times more in his life than the OP or anyone he knows could ever hope to accomplish.

it is exactly this kind of thinking that destroys societies, the kind where you only care about yourself and your immediate beneficiaries; don't you ever wonder how much better society would be if there weren't any people like yourself? it would be a paradise, but paradise is incompatible with your existence
its just a shame you people don't kill yourselves fast enough, companies should start coming up with ways to make you people kill yourselves faster since it would be more beneficial to the economy

>I'm pretty sure that people like you have no real accomplishments
Saying that you're posting on this board trying to make us mad is a real sign that you've had no real accomplishments.

citation needed, also welfare goes mostly to niggers and other minorities in general? don't you have anything to say about that? oh right, they would curbstomp your head if you did you little pussy, go into the hood and yell in the middle of the street that they are weak and shouldn't recieve welfare anymore, its basically what you are doing here
>by getting rid of useless vermin like you
overpopulation is a serious issue and this would be a very good place to start
I think FBI will apreciate this post

>because peoples tax dollars go to supporting useless pieces of shit like you,
>OP has to group everyone in one group because he doesn't understand the concept of individuality.

OP, I have my own job and I'm not on welfare or any disability check like that. What makes you think I'm on any of that?
>but you're an introvert
People are different. You're mad at lazy people, not introverts.

>you brought up 3 people in a world with hundreds of different influential scientists, just 3 people
I brought up those 3 because they were influential, not every scientist accomplishes such significant things
>(who's research and findings are pretty much exclusively restricted to science)
What's your point? Science is important, without it you wouldn't be able to make a fool of yourself right now for this board's enjoyment. But even that is not true. Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln are both supposed to have been introverts and they had nothing to do with science. I know you're uneducated but Lincoln was a president of the US showing that not all introverts are meek faggots you assume they are.
>if we really looked into history then we could also name scientists who were much more influential than any of those three figures, but shallow minded people like you can only analyze history if it happened within the past 200 years or so
Enlighten me on extroverted scientists pre 19th century

OP is originaly a fucking retard

George Washington was an introvert. What do you have to say for yourself now?

George Washington was unironically one the best fucking dudes to ever live. I love that guy.

Your words can't hurt me. Your soul is filled with darkness but evil can't touch me because my path is a path of light. The words of a man cursed with hate have no power over a man blessed with love, The Void welcomes you. Alac urch b'ah sehe. You are cursed with a rage that will consume your name, your soul and your spirit, by the power of the moon and the ocean.

Well, I guess I'll just keep dragging your shitty society down by literally just not interacting with it. No skin off my bones. Stay mad, loser.

I've done things that I'm proud of, and I like myself. My accomplishments might not have brought much monetary value, but I'm still satisfied. Collectivists are always going on about how great their country, or their race, or their species is; but you almost never hear them talking about anything cool that they did. Coincidence? Doubtful.

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>but you almost never hear them talking about anything cool that they did.
I don't see you talking about anything cool you did.

Anyway, still waiting on those extroverted scientists that had more influence than the 4 another user mentioned.

its not just niggers/minorities, its you useless people along with disabled too
at least some blacks are capable of doing a working class job unlike you parasitical assmonkeys
>FBI will appreciate this post
shame I don't live in America, and if I did shame they can't do anything about what I said since it would be under free speech
nah, I'm mad at you faggots too because you're obnoxious in social settings and usually are some of the most shitty and boring people I have ever met
anyone I meet at work who is a grumpy asshole is almost guaranteed to be an introshit
ironic since you can't even spell 'originally' right apparently
who gives a fuck about George Washington
and now he deludes himself by thinking that he is in the right by proclaiming that he is on 'the path of light' when in reality it is the path of weakness that ends in a slow painful death of dying alone
yikes, and he posts a pedophile image just to top it off
looks like you fully validated my argument, and as much as you say it is meaningless it won't be when the government stops giving you money and when mentally ill fuckups like you start getting killed en masse (if you don't kill yourself first, of course)
I, along with the rest of society, look forward to the day you are killed; it will be a good day when there is nobody like you left to poison this world any longer.

Guys, I think this is bait. OP is fucking retarded and there is no way one person could harbor this much hatred to a simple personality type.

I won't now just out of spite for people like you. Thanks for the motivation

>shame I don't live in America
oh, so you are a third worlder, that explains your low iq, also saying you want or are going to kill a group of people doesn't fall under free speech bucko, people have been SWATed for this reason in the past and you are about to be too

We aren't hurting anybody. Why not just leave as alone, as you always have?

I've never even met one introvert that was worth talking to because they are all cunty little bitch boys
experience breeds hatred, and I have good reason to despise these losers
don't worry, if your reason for not killing yourself is exclusively reliant on spiting people like me you probably aren't going to last very long
there is no such thing as the third world, and there is also no such thing as IQ
and I don't live in a sjw shithole like you do so naturally it would fall under free speech, that or our government naturally just doesn't care l m a o
you're hurting the very foundations of our society, all school shooters have been introverts because they simply don't fit in
its become clear that we can't leave you people alone any longer, especially since most of you leech money off of the governments and peoples money

My smile is stuck
I cannot go back to your frownland
My spirit's made up of the ocean
And the sky and the sun and the moon
And all my eyes can see
I cannot go back to your land of gloom
Where black jagged shadows
Remind me of the coming of your doom
I want my own land
Take my hand and come with me
It's not too late for you, if it's not too late for me
To find my homeland
Where a man can stand by another man
Without an ego flying
With no man lying
And no one dying by an earthly hand
Let the devils burn and the beggar learn
And the little girls that live in those old worlds
Take my kind hand

My smile is stuck
I cannot go back to your frownland

>here is no such thing as the third world
>and there is also no such thing as IQ
>and I don't live in a sjw shithole like you do so naturally it would fall under free speech, that or our government naturally just doesn't care l m a o
you dont seriously think that laws are tied to sjw's
OP confirmed for a dirty low iq african LMAO IMAGINE GETTING THIS BTFOed and coping this hard

now that is what I call a horrible taste in music; I truly do pity you

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>purposefully ignores my post
yeah that's what I thought faggot, you have no idea what you're talking about, better fuck off back to your safespace where nobody will question your stupid beliefs.

What about introverts who have jobs and aren't leeching?

I don't need your pity, but thank you. You should save it for yourself and for that hateful lunatic

third world is a useless term that stopped being relevant at the end of the cold war, if you didn't have an excruciatingly low intelligence you would probably know this
IQ also cannot be proven to be real by any authentic means, and as such it has absolutely no scientific basis
judging by your low intelligence I would probably say that you are a shitskin living in America, am I correct?
which one? I will gladly respond to the trivial shit you likely spouted at me
almost nonexistent, and even then they can't be trusted
a uniform society is always preferable to a non-uniform one, and introverts are the antithesis to a unified society; why do you think countries like Asia are so successful culturally when compared to us?
>hateful lunatic

>which one?

>almost nonexistent
>thinks 33% of people don't/have never worked
please jump off a bridge, you keep mixing up introverts and disabled people

>IQ also cannot be proven to be real by any authentic means, and as such it has absolutely no scientific basis
>what is pattern recognition
>third world is a useless term that stopped being relevant at the end of the cold war, if you didn't have an excruciatingly low intelligence you would probably know this
sure bro whatever makes you sleep better at night in your mud hut, you probably think your shithole country is on the same level as the superpowers, this is the power of government brainwashing, you are like those people that said INDIA SUPERPOWER BY 2020
>judging by your low intelligence I would probably say that you are a shitskin living in America, am I correct?
no but you wished you were born where I was born, we actually have laws here and don't die of malaria

>why do you think countries like Asia are so successful culturally when compared to us
But Asians countries are some of the most introverted user

you only see them as significant things because you are incapable of viewing things outside of the perspective of the time we are living in; although I will concede that lots of the discoveries being made were in the 19th century since widespread discovery only became a reality during the enlightenment
that being said, if you think those three are more influential then every other scientist then you are indeed quite delusional; Darwin himself copied most of Wallace's discoveries in his book, On the Origin of Species, meaning that if these scientists didn't do it someone else would have, it's just that they did it first and were given all the credit for said discoveries
>science is important
and not as important as you think it is, do you think the normal person really cares about some random scientific discovery if it does not have some kind of social implication on their life?
you imply they aren't synonymous with each-other
you don't even know where I live though, and I can guarantee you that the country I live in is 100x better than whatever shithole you live in even calling America a developed country today would be like saying that China is the world leader of human rights
>I literally know nothing about countries outside the west; the post
I seriously hope you don't think this

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Jow Forums active server:


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>you don't even know where I live though, and I can guarantee you that the country I live in is 100x better than whatever shithole you live in
no but I can guarantee you live in africa or india
>even calling America a developed country today
Im sure your country is 10 times more developed than America, I bet you go to work with your flying car every morning, by the way NASA which is American just announced they are going back to the moon in a few years, your shithole country doesn't even have a space program, I don't even want to know what countries you consider advanced but I can tell you already that nothing on your malaria infested continent is
>couldn't disaprove my IQ point
yep, spot on, you are just madly coping, fuck off third worlder

>Africa or India
guarantee it, huh. you sure sound confident :)
>flying car
actually yes, my living standards compared to America is like having a flying car to work every morning
>disprove IQ
I don't need to because there are countless threads on sci and such that continually disprove the theory of IQ as being anything more than a meaningless horoscope, in the same way the Myers Briggs is meaningless in actually determining personality
the best part is that seeing that only 56% of the American population is white, you are either a Mexican (who you would consider 'low iq'), a shitskin, or worse; a nigger, most probable being the latter based around the fact that you probably aren't very smart
I am actually happy that I wasn't born in your country, since your country is by all means what you would call a third world country, you might have power but you only have power in the same way that Russia has power, and even then China is outcompeting you in power anyways, so what does your nation have to offer to anyone?

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>you only see them as significant things because you are incapable of viewing things outside of the perspective of the time we are living in
Yeah no shit, their research is significant to us right now and might become irrelevant in 500 years, I don't care what transpires in 500 years. Some other scientists will come up with something and he'll be relevant for the next 300-500 years. They are significant to us right now and that is why talking about them is not a moot point
>do you think the normal person really cares about some random scientific discovery if it does not have some kind of social implication on their life?
You absolute moron, whether a normal person cares about it or not is completely irrelevant. Nikola Tesla's alternating current is still widely used to this day. You're a retard if you think his research has no significance on your day to day life.

so going along with what you just said, in that whether a normal person cares about it or not is irrelevant, are you saying that what normal people think is irrelevant?
personally I don't really care about the effect as to what Nikola Tesla's alternating current did to my life, even if it weren't invented I doubt it would have changed my life in a significantly negative way, so why would I or anyone else care?
and before you perceive me as saying his discovery is useless, that is not what I'm implying, but what I am implying is that your magnifying something to be more important than you think it is since you aren't looking at it in terms of the bigger picture

they could just eat unlimited burger king for free

>you imply they aren't synonymous with each-other
>Ignoring the point completely
imagine thinking that 33% of the population doesn't work
lmao @ your life