what lift are you most scared to do Jow Forums?
What lift are you most scared to do Jow Forums?
Rookie gym goer here
Deadlift and squat, i fesr fucking myself up with a bad forma
Anything Oly, snatches and cleans, that shit is bullshit. I've wanted to try it but every time I see someone doing it my brain screams no; that it is a horrible idea for an untrained person to be manipulating their joints under load in anything other than straight lines
>plus saw some kid smash his collarbone and go down like a bitch in front of the thicc russian PT and I just couldn't mentally handle that fap fantasy being gone forever like that
Cleans still scare me a little but my form is getting better, squat pr's are a little scary not because I'm scared of failing, ive done that many times, just because i know it will be a war
>trap bar deadlift
>dumbell goblet squats
There. Do these and get stronger at them the rest of the year. The best gains of your life will come.
Funny I used to do them for fun to get the bar back on the rack but after learning the C&J from an Oly coach they totally fuck me up. Didn't get properly taught about bar crash and got hurt enough to be spooked by them now.
squats because i hurt my lower back doing them
When the goblet squats are too easy just switch to front squat.
The cost-benefit ratio of using conventional lifts is not worth it for people who aren't competitive powerlifters.
Thank you brahs, i'll try em and do my best
same op
My autistic ass still needs to learn some Jow Forums basics...
Front squats, I've tried it a couple of times with an empty bar by pulling it off the high rack, I just cannot get my hands to bend that far backward, and one time I did it someone thought I was going to drop it and came running over, but I just put it back
I can do back squats just fine and frankly enjoy them
Squats because i lift at home and one of the adjustable bar holders is coming loose
>be me, dling lmao3pl8
>feel shooting pain up my back
>back is seized up for a week and can barely take deep breath without pain
the risk/reward for this lift is just not worth it for the vast majority of gymgoers. inb4
>but m-muh form!! if your back angle had been .5 degrees more inclined it wouldn't have happened!!!1
if you have to maintain absolutely perfect form at all times to prevent injury, then the lift is too dangerous to make it a regular part of your routine.
I would either have two fingers on the bar or use wrist straps.
If you can't do the lift without the bar''s weight getting onto your fingers then the weight is too heavy.
Or as you said, could replace it with a lift that works for you. I personally can't do back squats without hip damage and prefer front or weighted lunges.
>admits his form is trash
>posts the video anyway
Why would someone do this?
I even tried it with an empty smith bar so there it weighs next to nothing, just couldn't get my hands in the right position, I will try two fingers as that seems easier, thank you
its a fine lift for doing 3 sets of 10 at a weight you can do and adding 5-10lbs each time you can next time, it's a terrible lift to max out and lift once or twice and call it a day, 3 plates is a lot of fucking weight, its just ego lifting at that point
unironically bench because when you fail you're at the complete mercy of bystanders
>"wb squats tho"
squat racks are actually designed to catch your weight if you fuck up
Deadlift, just because I know it's gonna suck ass! I work up for a heavy set of 3-5 and do a back-off set. Deadlift once a week, squat three days a week.
Well fucking fix it before you need a life alert.
squats. i've tried practicing with a guitar case on my back and holy shit do my knees not like that motion.
Just bench with safeties you goof.
deadlifts and squats. i've blasted my knees and back more times than i can count and would have to quit gym all the time. dont think i will ever do them again in my life
Sumo DL. Fucked up my hips for weeks twice. Never again.
Bench since I tore my pec last year
If you're worried about deadlift or squat form just ask an instructor at the gym
>3 plates is a lot
Nah dude, 3pl8 is working weight for someone who's been lifting for 6 months.
I want to do trap bar deadlift but my gym doesn't have it fuuuu
cleans and ohp. only ones I've almost hurt myself doing
I do dumbbells for my bench for this reason. Been making great gains and almost no injuries.
If you leave clips off when you bench, when you're really desperate you can lean the bar and hope some weight slides off. I had to do that twice when I was at babbyweight and it worked, but if you're talking over a plate it might be difficult to slide them off.
same here
just stretch then
bench press, everytime I try to go up in weight I'm afraid that I won't be able to push out the weight and get stuck under the bar
bench press
yeah deadlifts are ego lifting haha not like all other exercises i do to get bigger muscles and look better though haha
Ever since I saw the gif of the guy doing leg press and snap both his fucking legs upwards I am fucking terrified of literally any leg press machine
Always that fear of collapsing under the weight or snapping
read and comprehend you stupid nigger
What if you're an uber Manlet and that's more than twice your body weight?
I'm terrified of gifs with legpress. I refuse to watch them. The recent video of juji and hafthor legpressing was hard to watch.
Do bodyweight + kettlebells then
Squat. I'm uncoordinated and fear I'm going to fall backwards and the bar is going to hit me on the head and kill me.
I'd snap my shit up with all that responsibility.
Enjoy being a cripple
deadlifts. i can never tell if my form is good or not
Unless you have safeties. Even with a spotter 100kg can kill you.
squat PRs and bench
>what is the roll of shame
The only case where it won't save you is if the bar suddenly falls out of your hands, in which case a spotter won't save you either -- only safetied will
up-right rows
they hurt my shoulder joints and I don't want them to break
Bench. I don't like having that weight over me. It's a bit similar as with squats but with squats I kinda got used to it. Also I hurt my shoulder benching once so I'm not really fond of it.
try loading up the barbell too heavy to lift and using it to try and stretch into position
i have bad mental anxiety about squatting despite being able to do the weight
and if I fail a single rep im mentally destroyed and cant continue anymore even if its like my 2nd set and i have the strenght still
Side dumbbell raises
I don't know how it happened because I didn't think my form was bad but I somehow strained my rotator cuff pretty bad and had to let it recover for months
Was my favorite lift until I somehow blacked out recently and almost dropped the barbell on my head
I was lucky one side of it fell into the rack
DYLET skellington
Benchpress. I'm going up in weights (can do 95 now, but barely), and I'm scared of getting trapped under the bar and having someone save me
Bench Press. If the bar slips out of your hands you are fucked
Check out this kike
easily squats, it's hard for me to hit proper depth while keeping a straight back
deadlifts, mildly injured myself 3 times and have never hurt myself doing anything else Don't even enjoy them, am considering unironically quitting them and just doing RDLs instead or something
Overhead squat
>3 plates is a lot of fucking weight
>its just ego lifting at that point
post body. I'm convinced you don't lift
Cross your arms like an x and hold the bar with your fingers
Too lazy to find a link but just look up how to front squat wrist position
Helped me a lot
Squats. Nearly guillotined myself when I switched from low bar to high bar, started way too high of weight.
If you can't deadlift and squat like 140kg there's no way you'll injure yourself with bad form. Most injuries are due to excessive muscle fatigue from doing retarded crossfit workouts or from using weight way above what a novice lifter can lift. You shouldn't bee too worried. Just learn the form and get stronger
I'm at 95kg too. I got stuck with like 87.5 before. It's super easy to roll off. Just sit up with it. Got some bruises on my thighs though. Anything below 2pl8 i feel is totally safe.
Deadlifts and or incline bench because I'm high blood pressure and could stroke out if I get too intense and I love lifting heavy. My nightmare is screaming LIGHT WEIGHT one last time and waking up as a vegetable
Do sissy squats then
People will give you funny looks but fuck em
Deadlifts. Messed up my back in the military, but know I need to keep working on my back or itll only get worse. Did deadlifts for the first time in years 3 days ago. Form slips on second set, feel sharp pain, and haven't been able to lift all week
>all this cope for people who cant do simple movements like DL and squat
I fucking hate going heavy on bench cause I always psych myself out of it or need a spotter and 90% of people spot like retards. I wish I could just drop this dumbass movement but there aren't any 1:1 substitutes
Leg press, not only is it an unnecessary exercise but I've seen too many people get their knees fucked and legs crushed online and even at my own gym. Yes they had bad form but the problem is that bad and good form on that machine are extremely close, extend your legs a cm to far and there goes you knees
this, basically
just seems like a good way to get hurt even if it does look impressive
if you do it in the power rack, you don't need a spotter and you're 100% safe
Anything oly, power cleans
Way too much to set up right every time. Thanks for the suggestion tho.
When did this board become so pathetic?
>plus saw some kid smash his collarbone and go down like a bitch in front of the thicc Russian PT and I just couldn't mentally handle that fap fantasy being gone forever like that
Had a dude in high school gym for football doing cleans. This fucking mong stacked the bar with 25's instead of pl8's for some retarded reason. tipped himself back at the top and smashed his windpipe. fucked shit. I've haven't done power cleans since.
This is the best thing ive read.
Its true, the failure isn't the worst part, the war is.
It's not just the bad form, it's the retard weight they stack on the machine. In that one webm of the guy crippling himself he maxed out both sides with ~40 plates as well as stacking 10 plates on the top of the machine. Of course locking out your legs under 2200 lbs is going to result in becoming a quadriplegic
fucking dumbass using a thumbless grip
I do most of my lifting at home, so Deadlifts and Benches have always scared me.
Work on your wrist mobilty while doing it with straps, and later on with your fingers on the bar; also play around with your grip width
I managed to go from front squatting with the cross grip to being able to front squat with my hand entirely around the bar, I'm sure you can manage too
Bench press w/o a spotter. I'm too much of a pussy to do anything over 1.5 plates by myself.
overhead squat
feels like there's no good way to dump it if something goes wrong during the movement
still doing bitch weight but it's a start
Or he could do front squats and romanian deadlifts.
zercher squat?
Snatches and Leg Press
visual contact with a girl and her friend laughing at me
zercher squats?
Bench... almost died trying for a 275 pr was able to rack one side but other arm started giving out before I could rack it and half the bar scratched my neck. People ran up and helped after like 30 seconds pinned under half the bar. Don’t really go heavier than 205 anymore unless I’m training with someone and do more dumbbell presses now too.
>people throw their backs out picking up a 1lb box
>yeah bro just like jerk this 140kg bar with your back bro you'll be fine
Stop giving "advice" before you kill someone
learn to hip hinge, tension hamstrings and engage lats from the get go, learn your anthropometry for optimal hip/shin angle, and you can get away with all kinds of form breakdown on the deadlift. it's not that touchy of a lift
talk to women
Squat due to hip flexor pain every time I go up.
Squats, DL and sometimes bench (albeit this one is totally unfounded).
I also do them everyday.
>3 plates is a lot of fucking weight, its just ego lifting at that point
3pl8 is barely a warm up for me
Leg Press Machine
I saw too much webms to do it.
soap in prison shower