3 dates from 43 approaches but no lays. Is that a decent number?

3 dates from 43 approaches but no lays. Is that a decent number?

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pretty bad, you probably need to unironically work on your personality

The first one I could probably have fucked though if I had wanted to meet her again. The last one I didn't meet because she was deliberately late so I drove away before she arrived and didn't answer her texts and call.

Don’t discourage him he’s doing more than you are. Keep it up OP

No one cares about your ‘conquests’, failed or otherwise. Stop objectifying women.

You sound like a huge bitch and you're probably ugly too

I've never been rejected by a girl. They've just all had boyfriends.

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>toasty roastie

is this bait

No, it's not, keep in mind if you go into the "approach" with the idea of it being an approach and not that you wanna fuck this woman and where you can go next, they can feel that.
C'mon man are you actually trying to get laid? Seems like you're afraid of intimacy. There's other things you can do if a girl shows up late.
>you probably need to unironically work on your personality
personality is a meme

>drove away
Drove away from where? If you had already commited to being where you were, you should of played it cool and hung out for a bit and approached a couple more girls since you were already out

I agree with the user who said you sound like a total bitch

your vapid "encouragement" like "keep it up" is retarded and doesn't help anybody, there's almost nothing you can say that would be less useful to somebody

That's a woman's easy defense, either she doesn't want to talk further or she wants you to try harder. Understand a girl having a boyfriend means fucking nothing.

>personality is a meme
if he's getting dates but not succeeding his personality is the problem.

>if he's getting dates but not succeeding his personality is the problem.
Personality literally does not matter you retard, it is a meme. You cannot measure personality. If your game is on point you can get any girl.

It's about one date every 15 approaches. I averaged just a little over one approach per day during this time. If I get the average up to 5 approaches per day I could get a date every 3 days.

No lol

>There's other things you can do if a girl shows up late.
Like what?

>personality doesn't matter because I'm going to call it "game" instead
fuck off retard + kill yourself

>You cannot measure personality
>Therefore it doesn't matter
Lol k

lmao cope

Please don't tell me that you mean PUA shit when you say "43 approaches." I cannot fathom why any man other than very good looking ones would want to cold approach women -- in public no less -- in the age of social media shaming and #metoo.

Please be bait.

Yeah, I think you've had too much Red Pill. That shit don't work. Did you expect her to blow up your phone out of animalistic desire after you drove off? Lmao. If she wanted to bang you, she would have been 15 minutes early, not late. You have to understand that women have so many more options than men when it comes to dating, that the latter are ultimately disposable to them. I guarantee she had 20 other dudes in her DMs and phone she could have found.

Have sex

So how many percent of your approaches lead to dates?

"game" is a word for personality and charisma except it's only used by people autistic enough to have learned "game" through reading forums and books instead of getting it naturally through experience
if you want to call personality "game" you can, but you're an autistic retard + kill yourself

>Yeah, I think you've had too much Red Pill. That shit don't work. Did you expect her to blow up your phone out of animalistic desire after you drove off? Lmao. If she wanted to bang you, she would have been 15 minutes early, not late. You have to understand that women have so many more options than men when it comes to dating, that the latter are ultimately disposable to them. I guarantee she had 20 other dudes in her DMs and phone she could have found.
So? Retard. That's why I drove away.

The other user said so earlier, chat up women at the venue you were gonna meet up at, do something else there that's fun, give her a little more than a few minutes of being late. If she's like an hour late then yeah, by all means don't stick around, but go do some other stuff.

If it were me depending on the venue I woulda had a blast on my own and gotten out of there to do something else that night. Then if she contacted me later I'dve jsut said soemthing like
>"lol yeah you didn't show so I went and had fun on my own"
probably cap it off with something like
>"call me if you wanna get serious"
obviously not like that, however the situation called for it to make it seem carefree.

Except you still haven't said what a "personality" is. How do you quantify it? How do you improve it? What kind of things are considered a "good personality"?

When a man and woman are attracted to one another, there is no need for game. Everything flows naturally. Any faux pas or mistake you make will be overlooked; women are great at rationalizing away the flaws of the men they are attracted to -- which isn't very many given how selective they are.

Fair enough.

If women were good judges of personality, the domestic violence rate against them would nearly drop to 0. Good looking people are automatically assumed to have good personalities. It's called The Halo Effect.

The "personality" card is Just-World Fallacy nonsense that people use to excuse the fact that the guy simply wasn't attractive. Like I said, good looking people are assumed to have good personalities. It's a psychological fact.

as I suspected you're literally autistic enough that you want me to lay a groundwork of what personality is so you can have a nice retarded debate, holy shit literally kill yourself I'm not wasting my time arguing with a fucking internet autist. kill yourself.

>The "personality" card is Just-World Fallacy nonsense that people use to excuse the fact that the guy simply wasn't attractive
he was attractive enough to get a date but couldn't go further. your worldview is

>decent but you need to improve your negging, amog more and sarge more

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sometimes I wish I were born male. It seems way easier. You're expected to make the first move so get to decide how to play things out. If you get rejected, you can just shrug it off and move to the next one. You can fuck around and improve your skills like it's a video game. If you're a virgin, the girl would think you're bf-material. If you're a stag, the girl would enjoy the experience. If you're a beta, you can get a feminist gf who'd make the all the decisions and be the provider. If you're a chad, you can get a christian wife who can cook and decorate the house and bear your kids. A guy can be a beta in HS but an alpha by his 20s if he sets his mind to it but one shitty habit can ruin a girl forever (getting pregnant, sleeping around=damaged goods, eating a lot=hamplet mode). Guys can roid and get the chad bod within a year, girls have to get all these expensive surgeries just to cheat. Not to mention I can relate to 99.9% of threads on Jow Forums if I were a guy instead of skimming over thinning hair, low test, bulking threads.
All of this is unironic and you are all fags

medium quality bait

Yeah you literally can't describe it because it's not an actual thing. If you knew what it was and were so sure of yourself you could explain it, but you can't.
>he was attractive enough to get a date but couldn't go further.
Getting a date has nothing to do with attractiveness it has to do with inner confidence being projected outward.
>his physical attraction didn't change during the date,
Has nothing to do with what happened
>what changed was how he acted. aka his fucking personality. holy shit you fucking retards.
so all that changed is him being congruous with his assertive personality he displayed earlier. Except that's not the case because he didn't meet her after he got the initial date.

Hold your fire. This is bait.

>you have to be A to respect A

Nah, you don't have to be, but if you respect women, you're either a woman or a beta. There's no reason to respect anyone who gets everything easy.

I’m so tired of getting rejected bros

Honestly OP congrats you're putting yourself out there keep it up

0 iq post

I'm waiting for you to disprove the Halo Effect. You won't because you can't. You're post implies that the guy had a shot of going further in the first place. A recent survey showed that many women simply use dates as a way to get free food.

>Getting a date has nothing to do with attractiveness it has to do with inner confidence being projected outward.


No because I texted her a few minutes before the appointment and then she said she was in a bookstore for too long that wasn't just nearby and she said it was raining too much even though it only rained for a few minutes. Then I knew she was just being a bitch. I told her to call when she was there, and then I decided drive off. 25 minutes after the appointment she texted that she was there. And then she texted and called for an hour and a half and then said she was leaving and didn't want to meet again. Plus she had told me she only had an hour to an hour and a half that she could sit with me.

>implying women are consistent enough to reveal rational patterns of behavior that can be studied
I'm not the guy you're talking with but I kek'd


I don't approach at all, and I'm trying to muster up the courage
how to prepare myself for dozens of rejections bros?

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43 approaches is probably 2 times as many moves as I've made in my entire life, I'm 30. And I'm tall, decently fit with a good sexy career.

I am just terrified of women.

Sorry, didn't mean to make this about me.
Wanted to say I'm proud for you. Don't give up.

>Approaching women

Your numbers are not bad for approaching women but this is a shit strategy for getting laid. Bad use of time.

>Get some decent pictures
>Throw up a tinder profile, don't have to say much besides your nonmanlet height and maybe mention your high-earning job and good education
>Swipe right on every woman clearly not fat

You should be able to get a date in about 2 hours counting time waiting for messages back. Pretty easy to stack a weekend in a Wednesday-Thursday afternoon.

If you want higher caliber women join the league.

hell no, tinder is for losers

Or she didn't think my job was good enough. Or she didn't believe the lie I told about what I do. The first woman and the last was me rejecting them as I've already said.

>overcomplicating a hook up like this
holy shit no wonder your numbers are amateur. Just be straightforward and always fucking call.
>where are you
>let's meet at x place at x time
>see you
hang up and just be there. If she's 15 minutes late, call again. If she doesn't answer, fucking leave. No pussy is worth waiting past 15 minutes unless she either told you she'll be late in advance or she's a 9.5-10

>A recent survey showed that many women simply use dates as a way to get free food.
It's true. Getting hard not to hate women irl. youtube.com/watch?v=qCDvWtkfjIk

Seems like you're a bit too focused on this chick. woulda probably asked her an hour before saying "hey we still on for x?" and if she gave me a bunch of bullshit I'd probably just say "lol no worries take care" and then never bother again, while going after more women. That way if she does message you back a month later because her options are drying up you've got plenty of shit on the side you're enjoying and won't feel any pressure at all to date her.
>>Getting a date has nothing to do with attractiveness it has to do with inner confidence being projected outward.
Literally anybody who is good with women, PUA, life coaches, your Chad friend. Looks at the top tier can get any woman, but if you're not that, it's all about how you talk to them and how to pull their strings correctly.

Wow I like totally agree with everything you just said femananon. Do you mind if I screenshot this and post it to Reddit? I think they would frickin love it there!!!

>picking up women on tinder
Enjoy your std and the mentally ill psychos you'll get it from

>Getting a date has nothing to do with attractiveness it has to do with inner confidence being projected outward.

>personality gets a girl
>looks keep one

Literally braindead

The last line might trigger another shooting desu

Cope. We have site metrics from OkCupid, Tinder, and other dating sites that gauge the behavior of women. After all, most couples in 2019 met online, so this is a great way to gauge general behavior. The vast majority of men ranked below average in looks. We have for years gauged the behavior of women -- none of it looks very good for men if you are not in the top 20% of them.

They do, and most people good with women will tell you it's mostly about confidence. Thing is how would you pay to have that study done? Women DO NOT WANT to be revealed as they truly are because it goes against their mating strategy. They want to be this mystical unknowable thing when really they're just a horny slut LARPing at being something good.

If a scientist came forward tomorrow with scientific hard proof that women adhere to hypergamy and that no marriage is safe, do you really think it'd get published? Not only do women not want that out there, but the people who run the show wouldn't either, you can't keep a worker ant happy if he knows he'll never have a queen ant to keep him company. It's essentially removing the carrot on the stick for most men, when you reveal that women are as terrible as they are , which is why you get copelets defending "quality women" hard.

As my coworker says, fifty no’s and one yes, is still a yes. Keep at er

great fitness-related post op

that's a lot of words to say nothing, Retardio

>Because rando mall sluts you approach are totally clean

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>The last one I didn't meet because she was deliberately late so I drove away before she arrived and didn't answer her texts and call.
You failed the shittest by overreacting. She was right to test you.
You have the wrong mindset and don't understand women.

You should study your own habit of selecting women and take note of any patterns. Maybe you're choosing beyond or below your level. Low-tier girls can sense they're being played on if an above-average guy is suddenly cold approaching them. Do cold approach in bars/clubs/parties or even cafes/parks but never anywhere else. Study their body language and first responses and practice different pick-up lines and gestures. You gotta treat it like a science experiment

This, chill out op, read into it a little more, but keep asking girls out. You're making progress.

>Except you still haven't said what a "personality" is. How do you quantify it?
I know it's kind of a meme to call people on this site autistic, but this is literal autism.

>Literally anybody who is good with women, PUA, life coaches, your Chad friend. Looks at the top tier can get any woman, but if you're not that, it's all about how you talk to them and how to pull their strings correctly.

Attraction is non-negotiable. You won't get your foot in the door if you aren't at least somewhat physically attractive to her. That's why we have the friendzone.

>Attraction is non-negotiable.
No shit, but women aren't attracted like men are. Looks can get you in but how you talk and pull strings is what keeps them in.

I'm not one to say incel but most of you guys in the thread are incels

>Getting a date has nothing to do with attractiveness it has to do with inner confidence being projected outward.

Whew, wrong and stupid pilled. Were you to ever use the slightest amount of critical thinking you'd realize this is a testable statement that doesn't hold up to science or even basic scrutiny.

The beauty of online dating is you can control for almost everything. Make two otherwise identical profiles with different pictures and see the results in match rates. From there, use the same messages to "project inner confidence outward". Observe the differences in responses and percent who give numbers or agree to dates.

Or if that's too casual of an experiment there's literally a mountain of evidence on how attractiveness changes dateability.

Did you miss my post where 80% of men were marked as "below average to average" looks on online sites -- the number one avenue couples met in 2019? Women most certainly are attracted like men are.

creepy beta incel future shooter
>approaches huge numbers of women,
>gets rejected by 95%
>desensitized to the shame of rejection and so is literally shameless
chad thotfucker
>puts himself in frequent social situations where he's around attractive women
>displays his personality proudly and in plain sight for all
>only hits on girls once they've hit on him
>expert at picking up female microques that indicate sexual interest
>never gets rejected as a result

studies from dating sites are about as accurate as studies or surveys on porn sites
>scientific hard proof that women adhere to hypergamy and that no marriage is safe
the proof is third wave feminism and social media culture, and they don't hide it you brainlet
>men would do anything for pussy
that's about the only bluepill you vomited out

God dammit you better improve your game. Analyse what's failing, that's less than a 10% success rate.

You just go for it because you're a man and will take those rejections like a man. You don't have a choice, you must seek the things that you want.
Every rejection makes the next one less painful and easier. Try different approaches, take risks, learn what works and what doesn't.
You'll get better at it and start scoring regularly but you'll also become less interested in the girl because you understand them better.
Then, when you hit your sexual prime and can pull any slag you want, you just start pump and dumping them en mass- even the ones that are desperate to get off the cock carousel and settle. Those are the easiest to to pull then ghost. You don't feel bad about it because you know they're used to it by now.
Then you just laugh at the old unwanted and unloved wine aunts that never had kids and were only good for a fuck because they valued their career and vacations over a family.

Does that seem wrong or shocking to you? Attractiveness is approximately normally distributed, you'd expect around 80% of the population to be either below the mean or within a standard deviation of it.

Here you go man. Visuals help.

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>social situations where he's around attractive women
I don't know what such situations are