Sorry about your on-call lunch break, jannies!
Which one are you, Jow Forums? A, B, or C? Remember to be honest with us and yourself!
Sorry about your on-call lunch break, jannies!
Which one are you, Jow Forums? A, B, or C? Remember to be honest with us and yourself!
I am C btw, formerly B
C but I still want to be fucked by girls and dominated by them
A and B, depending on my mood.
Why do you do this, out of curiosity?
A you fags
A and B while dressed as C but with the girls from B,C, and A
not him but probably because he wants to talk about it and is turned on by the image
>be honest
Why not? It's fun!
B for me
I'm pretty sure the OP is just a probe by a nation state to assess the time scheduling and staffing of janitors ahead of the 2020 elections.
Jow Forums will become a political leverage point in the future and saturated with psyops posts.
Good grief
I’m the blonde futa
I'm just a bored guy on his way to 1/2/3/4
I'm D. I fantasize about getting fucked by the chad in A.
A + B
Blonde futa, other two regular girls, futa and i swap em
A but pounding C in his cheerleader outfit
You'd make a good friend!
that's C
A while dressed as C. Also this isn't /sig/ so jannies wont delete it.
A but only with the girl in the middle.
They deleted it before for some reason!
This desu
Don't call them out next time! This is obviously fitness related..
3x3 orgy with us boys flexing on each other while we have or dicks sucked would be good enough.
a little of everyone. I guess the correct answer will be:
dressed like C while doing A with girls like B
Fit is full of alpha males so A. Ask this on r9k to get more diverse answers
>be honest
Wtf user wtf the damn ruskies are up to no good
A with girls from B dressed as C
A by far.