Youtuber Thread

I feel like every single fucking youtuber has become a normiefag, it's worse than FUCKING REDDIT.
link channels who aren't based roastie cunts

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Youtube has become a cucked sensitive pile of SJW place that made decent creators lose their income. So yeah, whatever the fucking normie fags like that would get most traction.
fuck the war who cares

YouTubers, besides the educational ones like EEVlog, are mostly just money and fame hungry whores who exhibit sociopathic tendencies.
Once you realize that these people will say and do anything for money, you stop caring about them completely.

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this dude doxxed and sent boxes and gang niggers to trannies houses for censoring him one of his fans even made a recreation channel cause he just left after that lmao
fuck trannies

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Britfeelers/Jow Forums podcast

did you deleted havlf your vids m8?

I watch the weekly sweat which is funny

I also watch a lot of Nick Fuentes

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Eyy watch some Bombstrap its kino.

Quantrell Bishop/Elpresador for an actual man's perspective.
Economic Invincibility is the most objective mother fucker i've seen on Youtube, i don't think a single video has upset me or made me disagreeable.
Elliot Hulse for more masculine guidance.

from there you should get suggested good shit.

pewdiepie ori
Check out The Wolfe Pit, world's comfiest Youtube channel.

Mumkey Jones (all hail chancellor Susan)
State of the YouTube
John ward
you have no soul
19 year old zoomer

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rip Bellagio Sampler

Imagine not making videos because you think you're entitled to being paid for them. Holy Christ. lmfao

Heed and Succeed
Monday FA Monday
RF Square
Staying Sane Amid the Insanity

Emperor lemon pretty good imo

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Man, emperor lemon is really funny haha. It makes me ROFL and lol at his frying Dory memes. Haha.

I'm in the realms of studying the MGTOW videos right now. AND BOY IS IT FUCKING AMAZING how they have ALL adopted this same DELUSIONAL, TWISTED VIEW OF THE WORLD, and esp. women, with every single thought pattern offered by their pack mates. Even the women among them, seeking for MALE VALIDATION through sucking some MGTOW dick by hating feminists (God I hate those retards). But it's just purely amazing, on the SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL point of view. I mean, it kind of PROVES how PRONE HUMANS ARE TO BE DELUSIONAL, IN ORDER TO STRENGHTEN THE POSITION OF THEIR OWN PACK COMPARED TO THE RIVALLING PACKS of humans. It fucking happens EVERYWHERE: among incels, MGTOWS, SJWs, Nazis, art students, cultural elite, gamers, surfers, you name it. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING FULL OF LIES AND DELUSIONS. Just to cope or beat up their rivals.

I'm not even going to start listing up the RETARDED DELUSIONS of these MGTOW idiots as the list would be too long. I just give you one, that kind of sums up the way they are completely delusional, out of this world.

>if a man does not trust women it's because women can not be trusted
>if a women does not trust men it's because she is a feminist

I mean, that is totally RETARDED. How is it possible for grown individuals be that retarded? Exactly. Because THEY NEED THEIR DELUSIONS TO COPE and beat their rivaling group that is women.

This shit is getting really interesting. I love to hate these people, esp. the retarded females among them, but also it has OPENED MY EYES ABOUT THE NATURE OF HUMANS.