Homemade tank top at the gym

Homemade tank top at the gym
Based or Cringe?

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I wore them when i was a teen, I'm like 24 now though and i couldnt see myself wearing em to the gym

Based if lean
Cringe if over 12% bf

that guys baby face is so unproportionate to his bulk lmfao

Cased and Bringe

I thought it was a roided out female for a sec to be honest

i wear these and i don't even lift lmao

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Roided out female (male)

I (rarely af) wear my homemade shorts, I guess a homemade tank top is better ...

Is this achievable natty?

I sometimes wear them. But not the sandwich board ones like that, I dont know why yanks wear that shit it looks dumb as fuck. Get yourself a loose scoop neck t-shirt and cut the sleeves off that it will look a lot betterr. And dont cut off too much you dont want your nipples hanging out like that.

Based if you're ripped and big, cringe if you're fat or small.

Also cut a few inches off the bottom to show off your abs.

I cut the sleeves out and make the shoulder portion small like but i don't cut it where I'm basically shirtless. That's the douchebag look

Yes dumbass
Have high T, good genes, good eating habits, good life habits and discipline in general

Actually, who cares even if not. What do I take to get body like this?

cut down to below 10% bf
blast and cruise

those shoulders are little suspect desu

What mode do you have to be for a crop top to be acceptable?


It's mega tryhard and also prole. You think patricians wear shit like that?

I've only seen two types of males wear crop tops. Twinks and Chad football players

Big homo-de

Lift, eat well, sleep well. Be consistent in terms of years, not months

Wat are you doing on Jow Forums then

So either side of two extremes?

I have a jojo tanktop I sometimes use, it isn't cringe right? It has that picture of Jotaro and DIO walking up to each other


hes cute. would love to fuck him in the sauna

Nowhere near as cringe as this.

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please tell me this is fake

Why would anyone do this lmao

I would personally only wear a cut-off shirt if I'm at home working our or doing yard work in the summer heat or something. Kinda trashy to wear one out in public desu.

god i wanna lick the sweat off this qt

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I wear one when it gets above 90. Dont give a shit. This guys feminine as shit face is weird on his roided out body

What am I supposed to be seeing?

Did anyone else realize this is David Laid? Thought this was just some random twink faced big guy

If I can see your nipples at the gym you best bet I'll be fapping to them when I get home.

>he wears store bought tanks instead of free range

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You have to hit proficient in every muscle group first otherwise it's cringe

Way more based than buying one. Especially if the shirt's from some festival or event that isn't that common

That's true of any tanktop

Found the fatty

If you look like that just wear whatever
No one cares

bro you didn't hear bro?

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Tanks are insecurity megaphones


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Don’t care, wear my stringer, cutoffs, muscle tees and mog 90% of my $10 per month gym. Will keep doing it unabashedly. OHP and row in the squat rack all I want, even do it on the deadlift platform squat rack because I’m bigger than everyone and I know nobody is going to say shit to me.

I don’t do it to piss people off, I do it because i can and it’s convenient for me

Some serious insecurity cope right here

Some serious projection right here

I used to think cringe but then I realized it's the closest you can get to shirtless without your back touching the gross ass bench. Based.

Some killer deflection right here

how can he ever come back to the gym now?

turn off your computer and do 50 pushups. 20 more if you're on your phone and the screen is too small to see it.

that guy could fuck your mother if he wanted to, show some respect

A forced meme

I thought that he was cute, that he looks like David Laid. Then I realized it is actually him.

I'm straight but I have a weakness for blonde, lean twinks. No homo

Okay? In a few years his face probably lose any baby look.

In a few years for you, however, your face will still look like haggard shit and your body will still be a skinnyfat mess.

cringe af

I don't think that adorable baby boy would want to dirty his pretty hands digging her out.

Blah blah blah, don’t care, you probably wear lifting gloves while your girl sneaks glances at my nipples when they poke out

I don't like how the collar feels

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I don't understand is it because he's wearing converse.

Cringe as fuck. When the nips hang out the sides you are a faggot. I'm cool with regular tank tops though.

Quite a nice erection right here

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Takes a certain face to pull certain clothes off. This dude needs a haircut.

dont forget to wear protection right there?

who the FUCK cares

No way lol

If it’s 95+ like it is right now tank tops are allowed no questions asked

He's leaning on the bar like he owns the bitch, like nigger, you better be mogging the whole gym if not the world, before you just bend over and pop a lean on gym equipment like that, like bro, are you fuckin Hafthor here or what? Respect the weight, and respect that a real man will press you to the sky for reps and then pop a fat lean on your mangy ass if he sees you hot doggin it with bitch weight like that. I mean I'm a nice guy, I'll warn him once first, but after that even I won't show any mercy. Muscle up or piss off.
Not to change the subject too drastically but me bullocks are hangin real low and heavy today, fyi

if the nips are showing just go shirtless mode

absolutely based

Either side?

Based if it's what you want to wear and you don't give a fuck. Cringe if you think anyone else gives a shit.

based if you did because you were literally outgrowing the shirt
cringe if you did because you're an attention seeking woman in a man's body

holy fuck if one of my friends did this I'd ignore him for life.

Half of each nipple, or one full nipple must be visible at all times.

dude, get a life. who cares. he probably doesnt know any better

That's cute though


Is this shit real?

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There is no fucking way this is real

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he started roiding early, that's why he has a boyish face

>1 plate on each side of the bar
>red tank top
>basketball short
>blender bottle
I finally understand

If your nipples are visible there's something wrong


Tank tops and string tops are ALWAYS cringe as fuck, it's always some roiding faggot wearing them. You wear them and you instantly become a whore, you act like a woman, are you a woman huh fag?

Did you get offended babyface faggot?

Fucking fag keep hitting the gym you will never become a man, just a kid with a big body.

That's the mentality most faggors that get beaten up have, keep it up buddy.
>No one will mess with me because I look good
Until you mess with the wrong psycho

you dont understand anything about steroids.

How is he so unaware lmaoooo

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Extremely cringe and fuckin gay. Only ever seen fags and dyels wear those.

Just wear anything you want. Nobody really cares.

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>thinking people lift on Jow Forums

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That's why I said I'll give him 1 warning mate before going whole hog on that bespectacled clown

Dresslet cope

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