>doing phys 3/4/5 times a week for 10 weeks >literally just cardio and bodyweight exercises >final fitness test comes (we did one at start of training too), PACER score increased by just under 1 level, amount of pushups decreased by 1, amount of situps increased by 4.
10 weeks of getting screamed at for a very very minor increase in ability? What gives?
You don't win a war by doing press ups and sit ups. You win wars by being able to get from a to b as quickly as possible
Kayden Adams
No you win wars by out-numbering and out-wealthying another country
Julian Thomas
It’s meant to get the most out of shape civvie into enough shape to haul some cargo or toss their gun to someone who isn’t fucked when they get shot. You aren’t joining a space marine chapter
Josiah Perry
The Brits tried this and failed at least once. You win wars by getting gud bub
Luke Clark
You win wars by having laser guided missiles and remote drones dropping ordinates on targets with the operator a world away.
If you think being a good grunt is the best way to win a war you are so mistaken.
Grayson Morgan
>win wars by getting gud That's why Americans fail at war and have to redifinee the victory conditions.
David Lewis
No war has been won like this
Nathaniel Miller
You just get out of Army BCT? t. 13B
Isaiah Martin
tell me more about your proud lineage frenchie, fly that white flag proudly!
Nolan Hill
The Brits tried it and won 100 times for every one loss during their empire phase. Saying this didn't work once means it will never ever work is stupid.
Thomas Bennett
War is the extension of politics by other means. First question to define victory is "Why are you warring?"
Anthony Rodriguez
Because you aren't in (Ch)Air Force, obvi
Andrew Smith
Americans were awesome at war when they were like this crazy ragtag group militiamen that went to war by mostly using an unpaid volunteer army. In the Spanish-American war they literally had 80% of people that were there just because fuck Spaniards. And their regular army used guerrilla tactics like Washington learned from Indian tribes. WW1 was the debut of the US as a formal standing "world powers" military and they've been kind of shitty since.
Nathaniel Stewart
Ya'll are wrong. Only way to win a war is to march across the land and shoot anything that moves until the entire country is 100% depopulated. That way your retarded descendants don't throw everything you fought for in the name of progress.
Elijah Fisher
Playin too much vidya there billy
Daniel Cruz
t. people who have zero idea about warfare
Colton Ramirez
cardio gains improve your ability to pilot drones.
Tyler Smith
Because with military training the aim isn't to get Jow Forums. The aim is to; >Follow orders with discipline when barked at you >Be able to go on for the longest time without rest >Carry your basic equipment without falling over That's it. All the veteran soldiers I've met had beer bellies and worse.
Adrian Ward
It's way cheaper to train troops with bodyweight and cardio
Hudson Kelly
This thread is obviously not made by an actual member of the military. If you know jack shit about fitness in the military, PRT is not designed for fitness, it’s designed to essentially work as stretches to prevent injuries in the field. There is no mandated fitness in the military, just this weird bare minimal “getting the body used to uncomfortable poses” without breaking your hips. Real military fitness is supported by the gyms onbase. OP, if you really are a soldier, hit the fucking gym before you shitpost about this again.
Andrew Hill
Unironically this. Do you think ayylmaos got to space through the power of diversity and liberalism? You think there's a ton of ayylmao races and ethnicities? Hell no. There's only aryan greys left.
Justin Campbell
Imagine thinking people in the military see combat
Dominic Cook
Joining the military has probably done worse for my fitness than anything else in my life >t. POG
Adam Myers
they push you so you can push yourself being able to push yourself mentally is 100% more useful than a good 1mile time
Brody Barnes
I always thought the military boot camp and PT shit was just as much a mental exercise as a physical exercise.
Xavier Robinson
I'm sure the army would be better off with a population of squatmaxxed and deadliftmaxxed soldiers all with crippling lower back or knee pain
Lincoln Stewart
I would disagree in theory since these problems only arise with poor form, but considering the dropouts, numbskulls and inbreds that end up in our military you’re probably right
Isaac Garcia
OP here, not a soldier (navy) or murican.
Jacob Bell
> as if they don’t get that already from ruck marching
Benjamin Torres
I hate stupid Jow Forums posts. They aren't fren
Justin Collins
It's pretty bad for gains, but it's supposed to be teaching you endurance and stamina. Notice how you do pushups. You don't do them slow and methodically, there's no obsessed over perfect form. It's just rapid fire as many as you can until you're about to pass out. Same with sit ups, but unfortunately military sit ups are actually dangerous to your back. If you can't do sit ups without someone support your feet, you shouldn't be doing them. It damages your back. Military should switch to crunches.
Anthony Bennett
no war in the past has been won like this but now and into the future they will be
Jaxon Lewis
>boot complains bc hes a boot >civilians try to give opinions or war and military strategy
John Gutierrez
Reminder that POGs get better gains than soldiers, because they have time for the gym instead of shitty group PT
Owen King
It is. There is zero physical advantage to deliberately depriving your recruits of sleep, but BMQ gives you 5 hours of sleep, and forces you to stay awake for 30 hours in the field. Mental toughness is just as important as physical fitness in a war scenario.
Evan Peterson
Marines are the worst about this shit. Lack of sleep, heavy rucks, shit nutrition. They just break you and then kick you out for being broken.
Nathan Hernandez
Tyler Clark
>there is no mandated fitness in the military >just yoga
fucking air force I swear
Alexander Peterson
>There is no mandated fitness in the military >What is PT
Nolan Green
actually the "advantage" is that sleep deprivation is a well known, time tested method that cults use to soften up people and make them conformable. it's to basically weaken your mind so that you will obey orders without question,.