This is your daily reminder that if you're on Jow Forums there is a 95% chance that you need to do more cardio...
No physique looks good if you're out of breath from some silly shit.
>Going for a strava KOM after work today. Wish me luck brehs
This is your daily reminder that if you're on Jow Forums there is a 95% chance that you need to do more cardio...
No physique looks good if you're out of breath from some silly shit.
>Going for a strava KOM after work today. Wish me luck brehs
Okay basedboy.
Reminder that up to 4000 met minutes of exercise a week gets you very substantial declines in risk of diseases. Beyond that you still see declines, just not as marked.
Lifting (counting rest) is around 5 METs a minute. Walking uphill on a treadmill at modest pace is around 10 METS. Figure out what you need for 4000 METs a week and go from there.
Believe or not I do around 10 hours of cardio a week. Cant add more because of risk of injury and because you won't improve by grinding extra 10 hours.
Breathing heavy after typing that all out fren?
Cardio ranked
>running (autumn or winter)
Cringe tier:
>running (spring or summer)
Anyone here sprints? i slowly worked myself to run up to 25-30 mins last summer but some days i was simply bored out of my mind.can i just ditch running for sprinting ?
avoid too much cycling: research shows if you do more than several hours of it a week, you have increased risk of prostate cancer by a significant margin.
Have to agree with this user's ranking
When you consider the y axis that's quite unimpressive.
Does that much exercise really make that little difference?
This, except all running is cringe tbqhwyf
I need to start doing this.
>being this obsessed with what other men do with their bodies
t. homosex
Started c25k today. Felt pretty good to actually start it, and actually get some running done outside instead of a treadmill. Felt a bit odd getting over my initial autism to run outside, but oh well. I wish I could find a nice track, still feels weird running through a neighborhood, but whatever.
Side note but I've gotten into biking this year, quite enjoying my nishiki sporting goods special. I want to find some good road tires/wheels to put them on, any suggestions? Or maybe suggest a nice mtb to pick up that I can swap wheels/tires on? I do ride the bike on some offroad trails, but mostly paved rides, and I feel like road tires would help greatly.
I sure hope you're riding a lugged steel 90s rigid MTB and not some carbon fredsled
what the fuck is a MET
I just do some work after ergometr/elliptical after every workout and apart from that, I walk to places, which might sound silly and neglible, but it sums up to a not so small distance across the week.
elliptical is above based tier
This summer I've been riding a CAAD12 with a 10 speed Campag groupset I've had for a while. Rebuilt the shifters ('08 Chorus) over the winter and they're clickin' REAL NICE
If you're not exercising 3 times a day you're never going to make it. Anyone who complained about over training has beta genes.
I'm on week 2 of c25k, feels nice having a progression program instead of running aimlessly until I'm tired.
what did they mean by this
elliptical goes below cringe tier wtf you mean?
The elliptical is chick tier and always will be
However - stair master is based af and I'll fight you if you think otherwise
This is my entry level road bike, I love it
Raleigh merit 1
I do 30 min. on the cycling machines after my leg day lifts for dem book gains, currently reading some Martin Luther
>with a cover to hide the title
>I do 30 min. on the cycling machines after my leg day lifts for dem book gains, currently reading some Martin Luther
Follow that up with some Henry Ford
Already on my list, I see you are a man of fine taste.
Running is the only acceptable form of cardio
What about skipping rope with your daughter
>taking pic of bike in the small ring
>stem not flipped and slammed
>has not taken off reflectors
>still has valve caps on
sprinting up hills is god tier user, trust me when I say you have to try it
Once I've moved to an area where biking isn't suicide I think I'll start biking.
I'm muscled (220 lbs with 15% bodyfat) but I'm always lethargic and sleepy, low energy.
Will doing cardio help it? I haven't jogged or done anything intensive for over 7 years
daily reminder to keep your gay childrens toy on the sidewalk or im going to run you over in my truck.
if you are young, then yeah, it is the best. You have the best control of your body which allows you to push yourself the hardest. Only elite swimmers and cyclists may gain that skill.
For obese and old people, I wouldn't recommend it.
>helping your Jow Forumsbros is gay
Research good running forms and save the track for speed workouts. If you can, then avoid it altogether, especially if you are fat.
Cycling is good as long as you don't dress up in full lycra and be a faggot.
>tfw someone stole my bike like 5 years ago
it was a piece of shit but it was mine
kinda miss going for a bike ride
tips on how to steal someones bike?
>Being this self conscious
>Making it
You can only pick one... Meanwhile your girl is mirin' my glutes and impeccable form.
Who needs cardio when bloatmaxxing is life
sprinting is not cardio retard.
I don't understand this opinion
I guess mamil just act like douchebags and give all lycra wearers a bad rep
Based and familypilled
How did you get 220 15%bf? Any tips on lowering bf?
Tfw pre-diabetics dont just do 4000mets of cardio
eat less you absolute brainlet
Retard getting to 220 lbs at 15% body fat is impressive. You actually have to eat more to maintain the 220lbs but also maintain 15%. Calling me a retard wtf do you listen to yourself
Eat less to weigh 220
What's wrong with running in spring and summer?
You dont know his height. For example with my height at 15% BF i could be as high as 280ish
>bike 10 miles per day for commute for a few years now
>135 lbs
Legs 3x a week
Cycling sprint intervals 2x a week
Quite a few snapped chains, rings and cranks on the way to 2000w
*powerwalks away*
nothing personnel kid
metabolic equivalent. it's like multiples of resting metabolic rate. The greater your max mets aka power output, the better the population health outcomes
>Be running every other day for endurance, 30 mins and going longer
>Do it for 2 months now
>Feeling pretty chuffed
>Friend has an Apple watch, decide to borrow it for a second to check my heart rate
>never dipped below 80
>Fucking pissed
Are heart rate gains possible?
You forgot to call out his dork disc haha
Be nice guys, at least he's not (((running)))
What is stair master?
what is this vile antisemitism??
Fucking cunts. Nothing worse than cyclists on the roads. Even motorcycles are better.
You don´t even see any more of the country than in your car, just go for a run and check out all of the nooks and crannies near you that you´ve never seen before.
in your circles its probably known as buttblaster
A seething cager made this post
did you forget you’re allowed to have fun?
what is some cardio I can do without leaving the house?
Nice bro keep it up!
>25% risk reduction
not much at all
So how does cardio exercise works? Do you go by time or do I just do the exercise until I faint
It's actually really easy to get good at cardio as well, run 5k a day 2 out of 3 days and you'll be in better shape before you know it.
What about taking a walk
>Not including the Versaclimber
Never gonna make it
find someone fitter than you and hold the wheel cunt
I love cross country mtb and DH, and my bro is at a competitive road cycling level but I'm gonna have to disavow the cycling meme, it's shit for bone density, especially road cycling, your bone density even decreases in some cases.
no one asked about the specifics of your groupset
>never below 80
Confirmed for not running
>running is the only acceptable form of cardio
Cringe and bluepilled
What about rope jumping?
I barely do cardio (don’t waste your time replying, I know I should) and can get my heart rate in the low 70s. It was probably your breathing desu
the best since you don't have to go anywhere to do it and it still accomplishes what cardio is all about
>tfw you have an irrational hatred of tight fitting cycling clothes
If you wear lycra in public, fuck you
peak gay
That's better than just about any drug we have.
Combined with diet it's like an 80-90% risk reduction for heart disease.