What do you live for?

i personally live for protecting the things i love and for creating and researching. i know this is a tough question but do your best.

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I live for hope, OP.

For the memes. Better than being ded

I live in cocoon, soon I shall hatch and all will be will

I figure that I have the rest of all existence to be dead, so I might as well experience this one little sliver of being alive and see if it's worth it, but I do take solace in the fact if it ever gets hard I can just end it early. I'm afraid my mom's side of the family will be sad though. My dad's side are assholes

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I live because i can.

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I used to live to fuck in the ass the part of society that almost made me a monster but that was long ago, I've come to terms with it and Im currently working at improving myself and be more calm and acceptful of the world, currently I live for nothing but soon that will change, im thinking about leaving my safe space(been a hiki for a while now) and go become a backpacker or a hitchhiker or whatever, I want to see all of my country, every single tiny village hidden in the mountains, after that Im going to move to greener pastures and see as much of the world as I can before I die

What field of research do you work in? I'm currently working on my education and I'm considering tying it into my career if I can help it.

I live because i like eating and masturbating and consuming media

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I live for my waifu. I know how stupid it may sound but I want to become the one who loves her the most and I want to prove that by dedicating my life to her.
And I still have hope that maybe someone or something who rules over this universe will send her to me if I will improve myself enough. Or that one day I will be able to transfer my consciousness into some simulation where I could live a happy life with her.

For me, it is to simply exist as a human. When I am existing, I try to co-operate with other humans, not to hurt living beings, not to cause evil.

I live to listen to music
there are a lot of bands I would still like to see live
it's something I guess

sounds pretty comfy. i hope your cocoon feels safe.
i see.. i dont understand family ties or connection too well. i wonder what thats like often.
you can do many things, i believe in you lain
my dream is to live in a cozy, cold cottage with my cats and my research im currently researching many dream theories and our existence as a whole

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its not stupid. nothing is stupid really, or maybe its all stupid at the same time. everything is existing all at once. always

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Wait, are you actually doing dream research at a university?

I would live in a cozy cold cottage to but being a hikikomori has traumatized me to the point where I was clawing at my door but wouldn't even dare to touch the knob, after I leave I don't think I will be able to stay in once place for more than a few days, also I have a cat too and its gonna be the part I will miss the most about my old life, I wish I could take her with me

no im currently a NEET maybe one day if i ever get out of this. i dont think i particularly want to get out of this though
i know the feels, my cats are truly my only salvation. they are innocent and so caring and soft

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I live for my friends and family. But desu I'm losing more every day and I'm not sure it can keep me going in the long run.
You love because you can?
Why not die because you can?
Doesn't the other side sound so much more interesting?

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Funny enough i'm also interested in dreams and was looking to delve into that field. Fascinating area that always excites me.

>You love because you can?
I don't love.
>Why not die because you can?
It's pointless.
>Doesn't the other side sound so much more interesting?
No, it doesn't. If there is a side that is.

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Living just for the sake of it seems kinda pointless.

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That would be your opinion.

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to see what happens, and to experience feeling safe one day
i might dedicate my life to something in the future, but reasoning around the question "why does it even matter?" is really hard

safety.. plays a very big role. nowhere feels safe, nobody does either. i wish i could live somewhere safe. my cats keep me safe.

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fembot smiles

What would make you feel safe?

Curiosity if the only concept that keeps me alive when I think about it.
There's too much to know, and there's no possibility of knowing everything, so I take joy from the endless knowledge around me that I get to explore.

But to keep going for the sake of nothing is what machines do.
I think you are more than a machine. You must have a purpose or a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

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I really wish I knew ah..

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Currently I live just because there's someone who loves me and even though I don't really love them back, I still care for them a little and I don't want to make them sad.
And there's still hope in me I guess. Maybe if I can be loved by someone means that there really is something in me that's worth living, after all? I just haven't found that thing yet. I don't love myself but I have hope for doing so in the future. I don't want to die yet. I will try to find something good in me. But everyday I struggle with obsessive thoughts of killing myself or killing that person that cares for me. I try to keep myself busy with pretending I have hobbies and things I like doing. Just not to think too much.

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I live to improve, create and win.
I want to archive perfection or at least great skill in ALL fields. Sadly my time on earth is too short for that, so I will have to specialise.
I want to peek beyond the veil and create something of true beauty, something that will endure time.
I believe that at the end of everything we will create AI and it will summon the maker and the world will become Valhalla.
So I am conflicted. On one hand, I want to master myself of the sake of itself. But I know that I wont last. And so I want to create something that will last. But actually the really important thing - duty, if you will. Is to create AI and create Paradise.
So I am somehow trying to do all 3 of those things at the same time, as they are helping each other out pretty neatly actually.

For my imaginary friends and I, more or less... we are here forever, GOTO 01

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That image is so many rabbit holes I wanna go down

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>surrounded by so many blankets, I'm sure it's surmounting to something
life is to be comfey. One day we will just evolved in little fuzzballs that shift in and out of existence and that will be peak comfy

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sisn't meant to reply to*. very sleepy

>life is to be comfey. One day we will just evolved in little fuzzballs that shift in and out of existence and that will be peak comfy
Heh. That sounds nice. To forget every stress and just become a creature of pure emotional comfort seeking. You are alright for a frogposter.

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trying to escape this decrepit household and family that treats me like utter shit. as soon as I make enough to live on my own they're getting fucking ghosted and disowned forever. it's so fucking hard to keep going sometimes but I keep trying because if I give up and just lie down and rot, then they win. also holding out hope I might get a gf or at least a small circle of friends someday

nothing really. the only reason why i haven't killed myself yet is because of family, even though i hate them. i have a very vivid imagination, i can pretty much imagine a scenario like it were a movie.

so i imagine my self hanging off the support beam of my garage by extension cord, dead, and i can see myself in like third person. seeing myself just hanging there, lifeless, kind of fucked me up. basically i witnessed my own imagined suicide.

now i realize suicide is pointless since im going to die anyway in 30-40 years but im really fucking tired of my current life and i just want it to end. i guess i only think of killing myself because its the only easy way out, everything else takes effort and im just so fucking tired all the time. i feel like a failure.

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In all likelihood that is 1 of evolution's throwbacks ( they do not typically live long desu...)

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For cute Asian GF

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I am alive because I have not died (yet.)
I do not live for anything.

you're too predictable user



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