Do the Pencil test

>Do the Pencil test
>Boob holds pencil from falling into the floor
any other booblets here? how do you cope with having incel boobs?

Attached: p-7544-breast-sagging.jpg (500x242, 12K)

Is holding the pencil a good or bad thing

my man-boobs are enough to stop the pencils from falling

bad thing, means your boobs are sagging and you need to wear a Bra.

l will fucking impregnate you

Yeah but that is so embarrassing going shopping for a big bra

my tits are tiny triangles that point a little outward
so I pass the test but it's not like there's anything to be proud of

Still better than sagging boobs, my boobs are a pain in the ads to deal with and I can never go without a bra.

if I go anywhere without an actual child size training bra on, I'll scrape someone

I especially want to impregnate you

Lol pencil test.

I just wanna see a SAW movie but people have to do all these bullshit genetically attractive tests. Toilet paper roll would be gorey.

Little perky boobs are the best.

I just want to feel a girl's boobs in a casual nonsexual innocent-ish way while playing vidya with her or something

Better post some pics so us uuuuuuhhh titty experts can help you

My boobs are similar to B in OP's picture.

If let you touch my boobs, they're just boobs afterall.

I'd let you*
Original original original

awh thas nice if you're actually a gorl

hahahah underrated post here

D are straight up disgusting, would prefer flat boobs over that shit.

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I could hold multiple pencils, but hating my body got pretty fucking tiresome. Not everyone will like them but its not the most important thing. Refuse to be ashamed of something i had no say in desu

These posters are not women tbqhwyf

>tfw don't even have to try because you already know it'd fall straight down
it's a bittersweet feel

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Pic related is perfection in every way

Attached: maserati-xxx-1368471749.jpg (545x800, 132K)