Do i have gyno?

started lifting about 6-7 months. i was auschwitzmode (still am) but better than before. However i was always insecure about my chest, always had my chest somewhat pumped(?) from the sides but not in the inner chest region so most tshirts have my nips popping out :-/

plz help

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close up, also recommend exercises to lose belly fat

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you have gyno.

I got mine removed

Tard you can't control where the fat is getting stored or removed. Try exercises with high range of motion

could be your bodily fat disposition putting it all in the chest.
when you were full skinny mode, did you also have it?

fug, how do i fix? my trainer suggests i do inner chest focused exercises and it should fix it? or at least make it better

i want defined abs I'm working on my diet as well i need a good workout regimen

maybe slightly. build ur chest up and it'll hopefully be less noticable

You see a doctor

what are your lifts?
you have like 10-25lbs of body fat still on you you could lose

yes but it was less bc no muscle, but every shirt i wore had my nips pop out since it was the highest point on my body. This picture is before i started lifting

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easiest way to build abs imo is hanging leg lifts
good range of motion and you can make it harder and harder with better form

hopefully, what procedure do the doctors do? according to the stuff I've read online i don't think i fall under the category for gyno unless someone would prove me wrong bc I'm worried

i can bench about 50kg (total weight, rod included)
dont do deadlifts yet
ohp 30kg
squat 80kg

currently i do incline situps, crunches, leg raises but I'll add that also

i wouldnt worry about it being gyno until you put on a lot more muscle mass and get down to like 10-14% bodyfat.
don't let it discourage you. worry about it after you get really fucking big, then if it's still present go with an operation or just live with it.

thanks man, I'm very motivated and i don't skip gym days. My trainer says my chest is coming along good i just need to focus on my inner region and it should look normal

yes, you have it.
but so do like 1 out of every 3 guys, and your case isn't that bad.
Like others have said, get fit now, worry about it later.
Chances are once you have more defined pecs and visible abs, you will care about it way less.
And if it still bothers you, you can get it removed.

more defined pecs is what I'm aiming for, hopefully it will fix my problem. I assumed the only reason i had a chest like that when i was skinny was because i used to masturbate a lot and it sort of defined my outer pec due to jacking off 2-5 times a day

doesnt look like ur nips are pointing out to me

if u have gyno then they'll do a small cut under the nipple, remove the gland (female breast tissue) and possibly do some liposuction to reshape the chest for a more masculine appearance. from what i have seen most is done under local anesthesia.

but you honestly don't look like you have gyno to me (and i have spent more time on gyno forums than i like to admit). also surgery costs like $3k minimum, and you can encounter complications with scar tissue, and you'll be out of the gym like a month i think

by pointing out nips i mean in most tshirts i wear my nipples are visible due to the fact they're the highest point on my chest which makes me uncomfortable. However i think you're right with the no gyno thing and maybe it's just an uneven chest? change my chest day exercises to focus on my weakness

whats your routine OP? it doesn't look like you've been lifting hard for 7 months

Why the fuck do so many people on fit have gyno lmao

just to put it in retrospect when i started off my bench press was 10kg (total weight, including rod). id often reach plateaus where i couldn't lift any additional weights to what i was lifting so it's just been a longer process to correct that

Chemicals in the water.

oh shit, so you were super skelly. well good job man in that case. keep goin and I can't tell if there is Gyno personally. doesn't look odd to me

brah you need to understand that gyno is neither muscle nor fat. it's mammary gland (ie breast tissue) that no exercise or diet can get rid of

seeing how far I've gotten makes me eager for what I'll achieve, i don't think anything can put me off lifting.

i want to make it bros

yes i know but a more defined chest would make it less awkward looking

that is true. try to get more muscle in your chest and get on a good diet. if after a few months you deem it doesn't look better then go to a surgeon. just take note of risks like scar tissue and hyperpigmentation of scar tissue

first and foremost, nice dubs.

moving forward, I don't think I'll go AS far as getting surgery. I'm fairly content at how i look i just get random waves of insecurity

low-T meaning you're more likely to have low energy, be depressed, less confident etc leading to an adolesence spent online (as escapism) which means you're very likely to encounter this place