Is this achievable natty?
Is this achievable natty?
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Yes but only if you drink cum for the bioavailable protein.
Dyel fag body? Hell yeah
Next time try going to an actual gym with at least 5 regulars who roid
post body if you think you're bigger than ricardo
Come on guys I need real answers stop memeing.
ricardomode is my goal.
Based Gay poster
Ricardo ain't gay he got a kid.
>Is this achievable natty?
>Come on guys I need real answers stop memeing.
>ricardomode is my goal.
Here is for you user, no home of course
Sure buddy but you have to be a least a little homo to strip in front of multiple men without fearing for your anal sphincter...
>Ricardo ain't gay he got a kid.
He is not gay, YOU ARE !
Dude I'm just mirin' his physique how is that gay?
>how is that gay?
Admiration is the first step on ending up sucking dick for money in dark alleys my friend
Sounds like you wanna suck dick my dude...asl?
Projecting much?
>Sounds like you wanna suck dick my dude...
Sure buddy, you'll suck mine first...
>Projecting much?
I wonder if there is a pattern here or if I'm projecting, let's see:
Jow Forums thread notoriously known: Mire threads
Jow Forums motto: Traps are not gay (maybe because a lot of too-smart-for-their-own-good Jow Forums posters can't get a 3D gf...)
Fuck I never thought about being gay but hell this place is kind of welcoming for those people
Thx Jow Forums
1. what's the song
2. what's that gay ass game trailer some of them were reacting to
Well, you can try to do his dance for cardio.
How tall is he?
He's a manlet king at 5'8,just like me.
Oh man, I thought he was like 6 foot.
Yet still alpha. Just how does he do it?