Vegan milk

There is absolutely no reason to drink nonvegan milk. Discuss

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Cow milk has growth hormone and animal vitamins

Cow milk will give you bitch tits.

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So will soi but you chug that down all day long

I always love this image because it demonstrates not only vegans' lack of understanding of biology, but their retarded sense of typography

Stop believing these propaganda lies.

Yeah what do vegans understand about diet? They're just the literally healthiest people on the planet.

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>Yeah what do vegans understand about diet? They're just the literally healthiest people on the planet.
Not even remotely true.

Stop lying. Vegans are the strongest, smartest, healthiest people with the longest life spans. End of discussion.

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Post body

The fact that milk is from raped cows actually makes me want to drink it more now, fuck. Omw to the store for another jug now

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I bet you look like a skelly fag with eyes like a fish and shitty skin. I know a couple of vegans. Total human wrecks claiming to be healthy, only trying to convince themselves further in that delusion.

Post body fucking basedboy

You're trying to turn us vegan through fear tactics. Unironically kill yourself you manipulative psychopath. This exactly the kind of person I expect a vegan to be.

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people who drink milk tends to be less annoying than those who drink almond.

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a thread died for this

an animal died for your tendies

This is the same I think everytime I see someone eating meat.

A living creature was tortured and killed because some fat disgusting piece of shit wanted some meat. Absolutely disgusting.

yes there is almond milk tastes like shit compared to whole milk you fucking faggot

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>pus cells
wtf should that be?

>growth hormones
only in america and shitholes

only in america and shitholes

no its pasteurized

yes, it nourishes you

>16g of fat

>acidic protein which leeches calcium from bones

Please tell me again how humans are meant to drink milk.

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>"single thing x is responsible for..."
>list of diseases that are known to be multifactorial
no, just no. thats always a clear sign of someone having no clue about actual science and being emotionally biased as fuck on top of that.

Humans are. Shitskins aren't

drink fairfield milk it's based with protein and they abuse their cows

Racism is not allowed on this board. Fuck off.

What gets lost when you filter oat milk? Is it just the fiber?
Fuck veganism, milk just gives me acne.

Cow milk has 8 times the protein per serving compared to almond milk

>people who use milk as a staple in their diets have become better at digesting it over time

>Spends millions on R&D to turn 50 types of legumes into a fucking sausage that tastes nothing like meat
>Obsessed with making their legumes look like meat
>Obsessed with playing make believe "I can eat "meat" and no moo moos have to be sad, ever again!"

>Abloobloohoo! Animals are being kept in inhumane conditions!
Well, no fucking shit. They aren't fucking humans now, are they?

Just because you CAN survive on 30-50 types of legumes, doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Just shut the fuck up and eat your sprouts. Oh wait, they don't look MEATY enough for you.

Fuck off with this bullshit. Almond farming terribly inefficient, especially since it is largely done in the state of California, and large amounts of ground and surface water have to be re-directed for them. The fungicides and pesticides they have to use to keep the trees from dying are also killing bees.

Just drink cow's milk. It's good for you.

hmm, real humans seems to do okay with milk

Cow milk has waaaay better macros and is healthier

>There is absolutely no reason to drink nonvegan milk
i want gains

>the nigger I become, the more I become allergic to milk

kill yourself, nigger

that map proves that only humans can drink milk
eat shit nigger

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>pus cells
fucking idiots

I am sick and tired of you vegan niggers polluting my board with your anti-milk filth.
The average vegan is healthier than the average omnivore because the average omnivore has just a shit diet overall. The average people eat chicken nuggets, chips, burgers, and soda. Anyone who has a decent deviant niche diet will have better health than with the "average" diet. The meat-only eaters and the vegetarians are BOTH healthier than average people, even though you'd think they are in direct opposition. This is because they are more food-conscious and make restrictive choices. But do you know who is healthiest of them all? People with a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, meats, and other animal and plant products.
>Making a fuss over the deaths of flies and worms
This is how we know vegans are mentally ill and ultra oversocialized.
>Average cow kills a handler- literally (close to) a 1:1 ratio of cows to people murdered by cows?
>Every cow kills 2 other cows?
Reaffirming how oversocialized you are. Do you hate the natural world?
Generally vegans are atheists so it's bizarre to see the "humans were meant for x" argument. Humans weren't "meant" for anything, we evolved to be able to consume different foods at different points in our evolutionary history. Our evolutionary ancestors 200 million years ago did not eat a modern vegan diet. Their diet would be unrecognizable. Fast forward and modern humans can process dairy, grains, and tons of other foods significantly better than even 10,000 years ago, especially in places where those nutrients were readily available to be cultivated.

I, personally, drink whole milk as a staple. I've posted about this before, but when bulking I drink between 1.75-2 gallons of whole milk, netting me a good overall macronutrient and micronutrient profile, to which I only need supplement multivitamins, fish oil, 1/2

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as a human i only feel joy if someone else suffers.
if you want to be an ascetic cunt go cut your dick off and live in a cave somewhere

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2/2 creatine, and choline. Now, it would be somewhat better for me to have lower sugar (in milk in the form of lactose) as well as actual vegetables and fruits in my diet rather than just the micronutrients from milk and supplements, but overall this is a significantly better diet than even probably the average vegan (provided you're white and not a lactose intolerant shitskin). I've had no gastrointestinal issues like some may claim. 10/10 would recommend the ALL-MILK diet.

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Vegans are healthier than normal people, ok but did you consider that normal people are unfit fatasses who dont give a shit about what they put in themselves?

A person who tries to eat a well balanced diet is 100% healtier than a vegan.

Oh never mind i guess i'm not the first to point that out

Agreed. Pretty much all cow milk is high in sugar. Even worse is the low fat shit. Disgusting. Cheese and heavy cream is fine because no carbs, but if you're drinking milk for fitness you might as well just throw it out and drink a coke instead.

Unsweetened almond milk has no sugar and a bit of fat which is great.

But the big dairy industry tells me drinking milk is healthy, and the Internet says that not consuming what big business tells me to consume is falling to the globalist jews!

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I don't care about the ethics, I just like almond milk because it tastes like the little carton milkshakes we had in school.

Source required.

Ding, Ding! You're retarded! Have fun wasting over £/$100 cause you can't handle eating dead things that were once living (which the plants you're shoving down your onions hole technically are)

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And yet everything you say is that is bad about almond milk is exponentially worse with cattle farming. Almond milk isn't the only option either.

i'm not a vegan because i want to have some semblance of strength, endurance, and muscle mass. also i'm not a libshit faggot.

also, i can drink milk which means i'm white which means i'm human.

Everything in that image seems cobbled together and doesn't really fit any stereotype you'd see around here. A bloatmaxxing powerlifter would probably be more likely to do nofap, juice, and eat lots of carbs than an average poster. I think this image is just a synthesis of everything that's against your particular set of beliefs?

i'm not a vegan because i want to have some semblance of strength, endurance, and muscle mass. also i'm not a libshit faggot.

also, i can drink milk which means i'm white which means i'm human.

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You anons think vegans are gay yet will eat pic related no questions.

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Post body

after i post mine with timestamp will you post yours? do we have a gentleman's agreement? :^)

Milk comes from tits, not trees.

This is why I never trust vegans anymore
They will tell you literally anything if they think it might get you to join.

Purely CHADecdotal my nigger friend

cows like to get milked you retard

You have a 1 in 6,000,000 (oy vey) chance of getting sick from raw milk you double nigger

When they make soi milk with 34 grams of protein per liter then I'll drink it. Until then I'm gonna have to go with the flow and torture some cows by proxy. I'm a bodybuilder. I have no choice.
I still eat my tofu to get phytoestrogens to counteract all the mammalian estrogen, so don't worry. And I know I'm going to Hell. Sorry, man.

> drink almond milk
> lose gains

> drink cow milk
> make gains

thats grazing land u fucking retard, we dont plant anything on that land and the cow poop actually helps the land get better over time, fucking inforgraphic faggot

> be vegan
> get depression
> off yourself at 35
> be meat-eater
> live to 80
> die in your sleep from heart failure
muh statistics

>all cows are put to graze
No cows industrially farmed are raised on grass. Grass fed is a marketing term and you're a retard for falling for it.

Not him but I have onions milk in my fridge that has 39g/L. Less bioavailable than milk protein, granted, but a lot nevertheless. Are you sure you know your shopping well enough?

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I don't know shit about my shopping. I live in a foreign to me country. I'll look at the soimilk here to see if this is the case, but uh.. I'm told by netflix documentaries that titty milk has cow growthe hormones that vegans don't want because they can't handle them or some shit. Any truth to that?

>The average vegan is healthier than the average omnivore because the average omnivore has just a shit diet overall. The average people eat chicken nuggets, chips, burgers, and soda. Anyone who has a decent deviant niche diet will have better health than with the "average" diet. The meat-only eaters and the vegetarians are BOTH healthier than average people, even though you'd think they are in direct opposition. This is because they are more food-conscious and make restrictive choices. But do you know who is healthiest of them all? People with a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, meats, and other animal and plant products.
it's like
>Atheists are more intelligent than Christians on average!
because there are more Christians and most people are retarded(wh*teoids) so of course intelligence will be lower

I live in an Europoor country where there's stricter requirements for our food

Most cattle in Canada are left to graze on grass or hay, including during the winter and only get finished with corn in the last month or so to marble the meat.

>Live in north of Mexico
>Brother keeps saying that we should stop drinking milk because "muh intolerance"

It's cool to be vegan and it's cool to be atheist. But don't be a vegan atheist because then you're just following trends. Like omnivore Christians.

>accidentally eats 10^89 insects
If only you had an idea how impossibly huge that number is. That's actually more than there are grains of sand on this earth

>They're just the literally healthiest people on the planet.
Too bad that actual science says otherwise.

>only in a shithole and shitholes

this fuck wh*teoids and also niggers!

>The milk industry is driven by money!
Oh no!

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>>Every cow kills 2 other cows?
shouldn't this result in an logarithmic decrease of cows to the point where there's almost no cows left?

[spoiler]the majority of flat earth infographics are more intelligently composed than that one[/spoiler]

nigga the amount of stars in the universe is around 10^21
That image literally states a a single cow kills 10^68 times more insects than there are stars


Source required

It's wouldn't be logarithmic it would be exponential, literally the complete opposite you fucking retard.

Heat whole milk to boil. Move off stove. Stick in the oven over night at 50 degrees. Collect clotted cream in the morning. Get skimmed milk as a leftover. Heat the remaining milk (low fat), add anything containing citric acid, so lemon, vineger, any citrus, at 80 degrees it separates into protein rich fresh cheese which is relatively low fat and whey which is super rich in nutrients. So, with whole milk you get three premium products: clotted cream, 60% milk fat. Great source of fats for a healthy peron and delicious with both savory and sweet stuff. Cheese is low in fat and high in protein. Whey is probiotic, has a shitload of micronutrients in it. Take one super food. Separate into 3 amazing foods. Fuck you vegans. You are dumb. You are literally bragging about being stupid. That is the whole vegan agenda. People talking about how insanely stupid they are. Not even being ashamed of being stupid. That is why most people are confused by vegans.

I was thinking that the lower the population of cows there are, the killings slow down. There are still 2 deaths per cow but the amount of cows right now are so few that it takes a while before they kill some other

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oh fuck you're actually right. I did actually write exponential decrease at first but thought it sounded wrong

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I’ve drank vegan milk for about 6 years now
I know have osteoarthritis
Stop with this fuckery

OP is right - when you consider the morals behind animal products, there really is no reasonable argument in favour of eating them

There is absolutely no reason to drink """milk"""

The only thing i drink is WATER, as god intended

How much of a dumb fucking vegan faggot must you be to use two bullet points for the same sentence?

>rape cow
>kill calf
I have to do what now?

Except not giving a fuck.

Not giving a fuck is not a moral argument.

Morality is not an argument at all because morals are subjective and heavily influenced by culture brainlet.

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>There is absolutely no reason to drink vegan milk. Discuss

ftfy, gai boi

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