Detox or general cold turkey/quitting thread

So basically I'm severally depressed (shocking on this board) and have turned to alcohol. For the past week and a half I've been drunk almost every night. I need to stop and it starts tonight. I'm going to just do it myself without help yet it is suppose to be possibly life threatening. If it gets to that point I will definitely seek help, what has Jow Forums experienced with this? I know a lot of you are just suicidal cunts who can't wait to die or depressed people who genuinely want to get better. Regardless do any of you have experience with alcohol detox? I've looked it up and I believe I know what I'm in for generally but some first person perspective would be helpful and motivating.

Also general get off your substance thread.

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Since your alchohol abuse hasn't been going on for very long quitting cold turkey wont pose the same risks as someone who's been drinking full time for years. I was going through a similar situation but I used weed to get me off of booze but I doubt that will help you so that might not be an option. Do you live with family or a roommate or something?

Don't quit being an alcoholic cold turkey, it could kill you. If you want to quit, ease yourself off it otherwise you could end up having severe withdrawal symptoms. Yes, alcohol is that addictive.

Well that's reassuring to hear. In fact I'm going through the opposite to you. I've been chronically using weed for years, it got to the point where I finally recognized that it was doing my depression and anxiety more harm than help. Yes, I have maybe not a whole group of support but one very important person who is all the support I need. I just dont want to disappoint them, though I have no issue with asking them for help if it progresses to a dangerous stage.

I know its addictive and if I feel genuine severe symptoms I'll immediately get help. But unfortunately if I have to deal with nights of clammy cold sweats and intense anxiety I'd rather do that than have some medical record.

No record is not worth my life. I'm not here to die I promise.

>a week of binging


If you drop it now you probably wont have any bad withdrawal symptoms, at most you might be a bit irritable for a few days. Just talking to supportive people in your life will do you a lot of good rn. Good luck OP, I believe in you.

It's easy to read the horror stories and assume you are already in the worst case scenario. I'm the exact same way

Well hey, if it's too early to worry then I'm more than glad.

Thanks mate. The depression already makes me irritable but I have therapy and a decent support system so I'll do you proud.

yeah im worried about the same stuff but ive been deep in it for a few years now.

and yes my man, you dont need to worry. In fact if you drank for another week you'd still be okay too. But its better to stop now while you can.

Thanks, I know my problem and I know my dependance. I really want to stop it. It's like stopping weed, after you do it feels like something is missing. That and reality sucks in general.

Time for me to stop jerking off for at least a week. I do it like 5-6 time a day

Even though you didnt drink for years like people said, having a 1-2 week binge is quite fucked up for the the body. I needed to taper with some beer because i was shaking like a leaf. Barely any food. Woke up drank till i passed out repeat on 120 proof. Im not used to benders like that but valium and beer for 1-2 days helped a lot. But j

But maximum 3-4 beers.

I'm a day on nofap right now, I want to go for at least two months, just to prove to myself that I have discipline. The urges hit hard on the first day. I would randomly just think about porn and how good it would feel to fall right now. Hell, even just typing about it I get these urges. You just have to ignore them and put it out of your mind. Alcohol, so I hear, is a physical dependency addiction, so it must be much harder, but I assume there are some similarities. Genuinely just try and forget about alcohol.

I mean I didn't drink to excess. I wasn't trying to get absolutely fucked each night, I drank until I felt drunk and stopped. I didn't really drink till I puked, I didn't even feel hung over the next day6.

I get where you're coming from but alcohol dependance and and chronic masturbation dont really effect the body in the same way. No one does from no fap. People die from no drink.

I was going through this too, it was too hard too quit but you will feel better after detoxing from alc is worse than fucking death

while the excess dopamine from porn and shit rots your brain, masturbation is normal. Porn addiction is real and serious though. My psychology professor told me he once had a patience who was at the hospital after a suicide attempt, and he was so addicted to porn, he was secretly watching from his phone in the hospital and he couldnt even masturbate from his injuries, now I dont know if he was bullshitting me or not but that sounds really fucked up.

i quit cigarettes like i hadn't even been smoking them for 10 years, what do you need to know?

protip: use weed for everything; withdrawals, hangover, headache, everything. it's a literal cure-all if you pair your own will power with it.
then you just quit weed too.

how much did packs or smoke cost in your country and how did you quit? Did you at some point said that this was your last pack, or did you quit mid pack?

yes, I do.

I was someone who was a sporadic binge drinker, but during a couple of complete mental collapses, I drank everyday for weeks and weeks on end to cope/self-medicate.

I would say a week and a half shouldn't be too bad re: physical symptoms of detox. It would depend on your age, how much you were putting away each night, general health status.

Alcohol withdrawal CAN indeed be life threatening. Younger people need to be mindful of dysautonomic symptoms that could lead to stroke or the development of a malignant cardiac arrhythmia. Then there's the obvious seizure risk.

I would consider my symptoms to have been mild - night sweats, low-grade fevers, loose bowel movements, stomach cramps etc. Considering the amount I was drinking during these episodes it surprised me. I expected to be sicker.

The mood/ psychological side of stopping is something you should be more aware of OP. Alcohol can be thought of being a member to a pretty exclusive club in the sense that it can cross the blood-brain barrier and act directly on the CNS. It profoundly affects neuro-chemistry and the depressive moods and panic/ anxiety symptoms following a binge can be crippling. This was true in my case.

they were approaching 8$ a pack when i quit, 7$ and change after taxes. that's actually why i quit. i did the math, even if i made a pack stretch a week, it's still over 30$ a month. a pack usually wouldn't last a week though, so you're talking like 40-50$ a month in fucking kill sticks.

the day i quit i literally bought a bag of chips and a pack and it came out to 12$ fucking dollars.
i was like fuck this, finished that pack and that was the last pack i ever smoked.

Oh I agree porn addiction is real but chronic masturbation are porn addiction are two different things.

Welp, that's.... less than reassuring.

you can do it, OP.

I'm 87 days sober now and its more than worth it.

I had to quit everything - weed, booze, painkillers, benzos, disassociates - all at once because I ran out of money

Holy shit how are your balls not flat like a spider's thorax after being curb stomped

>being on all of that simultaneously

half the shit you were taking was nullifying the other half. good thing you quit, it was a giant waste of fucking money.

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I didn't do it all at once boyo, wtf that would've killed me lol

oh word, i was about to say.


its rope or cope, boyos.

how was it "nullifying"? They're all depressants/ hypnotic sedatives...I'd see how they'd be competing or cancelling each other out if it was a mix of depressants and stimulants. These will probably work synergy if anything.

It's an Irish thing, boyo

This is true, I mixed most of them but not all. Painkillers, booze and weed go nicely together, but benzos and disassociates are best enjoyed alone

>benzo and alcohol withdrawal

extremely dangerous territory desu.

Don't I know it, but being broke was the only way I was gonna become sober

Pretty much the same with me, went broke and had to stop.

pain killer nullifies weed and if the benzo has MAOI (inhibitor) then it nullifies alcohol. moot point tho cuz he said he didn't cocktail them, only a retard would anyway.

okay dr. robotnik

gl i won't post anything i'm just testing smth

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kill yourself tripfaggot nigger



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