My friend is ugly as fuck (pic rel) and still has a gf. How the fuck did he work it out...

My friend is ugly as fuck (pic rel) and still has a gf. How the fuck did he work it out? He looks like a fucking school shooter ffs.

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Money or aesthetics will always trump luck

Besides being a lanklet he isnt even that ugly tho

he mogs me desu desu

>calls people friends
>exposes them and calls them ugly online

Welcome to normiesciety.

he looks fine and probably has a good personality unlike you

Too make matters worse it must of been a private picture because I can't find any results for it
OP you're more than a double nigger you're a triple nigger if that's genuinely your friend

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Good cheekbone area

Decent eye area

>My friend is ugly as fuck (pic rel) and still has a gf. How the fuck did he work it out? He looks like a fucking school shooter ffs.
It surely can't be his winning personality, you got him beat in that department, right?

his clavicles are so fucking narrow wtf

he's confident bro

Fucking plebs use google rev image.LMAO at your life.


look at
it has nothing to do with looks. youre just a hateful person. youre ugly in the soul.

Dude isn't even that ugly.

Probably better looking than most people on Jow Forums

Wow really nice friend you are. No wonder you don't have a gf.

>ugly as fuck [...] school shooter
yeah man idk

he has a jawline and cheekbones, for him simply getting a haircut + new clothes + hitting the gym = sex god

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>your "friend"

I know it is you OP and you just want some opinions on yourself

Your friend has a personality. You suck.

if that's ugly then it's fucking ogre

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its almost like your understanding of what makes people get into and stay in relationships is being challenged by reality and you should rethink the way you look at them

>He took a shower bro.

He has a normal looking face. You're probably just uglier than he is.

I guess he's just a fun guy who tickled that girl's fancy. Probably sexually aggressive and stuff too.

I see couples like this all the time and it hurts me.

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He's a chad and you're a seething virgin

His job is going to be to massage his girlfriends boyfriends balls while he fucks her

Become the girle

>How the fuck did he work it out?
He's white and whites can't be robots

>that shitskin

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same. fml.

rope or cope, boyos.

What haircut could change?

facedoxing your "friend" like that is such a shit thing to do bro. Envy is not attractive to women.

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Id rather date long neck over here than an asshole like you, op.

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he gives them all firm handshakes
take notes user

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Imagine being white lmao

What the fuck, this can't be real

Delete this

I don't know. I know someone, who's short, and as dark as a nigger despite being brown, and his face is 3/10 at best and he got a cute 6/10 girlfriend
Like what the fuck?? How????

Of course, he's white, you look up the dating statistics. Whites cannot be incels.

How the fuck is that white

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Looks white as the driven snow to me and I live in a 92 percent white community. Looks like a normie fag albeit a tad ugly.

Looks like the actual npc meme but that just shows you that normals can do anything

Pic kinda related if you catch my drift

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in your fucking dreams lol

genetic value is the only value that matters

I would never want to be friends with somebody who accuses people of looking like school shooters. That is the height of normalfaggotry and you are the everything wrong with society.

literally anything that's shorter, something wavy would suit his face

Hmmm its almost like looks arent as important as personality unless you want a legitimate Stacy. You dumb fucks will never learn that 9/10 the problem is you dont know how to talk to normies.

I usually makes jokes about my friends and such but doxxing your friend here is the worst thing you could do. Your just a shit friend user.

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Gay as fuck m9

>My friend
Yeah, ok. Wash your hair sometime, light bulb head.

imagine being an ugly nigger lmfao

Because he didnt expose his homie online calling him ugly

He looks pretty normal you retard