Trannoid thread got deleted instantly

>trannoid thread got deleted instantly

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It had nothing to do with trannies.

>anime poster
why do you hate on your own kind tranny?

m8 like 1/5 of Jow Forums is trannoid

i wish i had a tranny gf, dont be mean to them

>thread literally made by a widely known avatarfagging trannoid
>anime poster
you do know that the very site you are posting on started as a anime imageboard, do you? newfaggots out
and I wish you didn't have the big gay user but we can't always get what we want

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>>thread literally made by a widely known avatarfagging trannoid
So what? The thread topic had nothing to do with trannies.

>you do know that the very site you are posting on started as a anime imageboard, do you?
yes but 99% of anime posters are trannies

you seem very angry at him. what did he do to you? hes been doing this for 3 months, you think this is the first time this happens pffft

read the rules faggot, especially rule 13, stop defending that repugnant abomination in my thread, the fact that he is a filthy trannoid only made it better
Im the 1%, I just like anime and im not a newfaggot so I don't associate anime with trannies, I associate anime with this website's culture and this is not a tranny website

Im not angry at him in particular, I just know for a fact that he is a mentally ill transsexual(male), im only angry at the trannies that are destroying this board with constant /pinkpill/ threads, discord shillings and preying on the mentally weak, also even if Jow Forums has no general subject /lgbt/ is a board and everything /lgbt/ related belongs there, including transsexuals(male)

I'm not transsexual. I've never mutilated my body or took hormones. And I always discourage others from doing it too.

>im only angry at the trannies that are destroying this board with constant /pinkpill/ threads, discord shillings and preying on the mentally weak
you make an excellent point but that guy isnt a tranny despite what his pics suggest. nor have i ever seem him preying on the mentally weak

>also even if Jow Forums has no general subject /lgbt/ is a board and everything /lgbt/ related belongs there
true, the real cancer is the gay general

Im pretty fucking sure he's a tranny, seen him claim various things like that in multiple threads and also many other things that suggest an extremely sub behaviour, normal in the head guys can be subs but not to that extent, thats literally mental illness we are talking about here and trannies are known to suffer from multiple such illneses, also pretty sure he is also schizophrenic, gender dysphoria is sometimes associated with schizophrenia

>and also many other things that suggest an extremely sub behaviour
Like what?

he literally called himself 'someone's pet project' in a thread, also multiple uses descriptions of himself as a 'pet' or 'not being able to think for myself', shits fucked im telling you

That's because people always try to control my mind and manipulate me. Nothing to do with trannies. I don't understand how you can even make that connection.

hmmm good points. i still feel its mostly exaggerations on his part because if theres something undeniable about him its hes an attention whore.

Yes, I am an attention whore. I won't deny that.

>i still feel its mostly exaggerations on his part
if there is one thing I have learned from imageboards is that most anons actually act on what they are saying, the same could have been said for the new zeeland shooter when he posted on 8gag before actually doing it, its safe to assume they are serious before brushing it off as attentionwhoring, imageboards are a magnet for genuenly mentally deranged people

It's a good day to be alive and not killing yourself
So a good day to not be a transtard

>also pretty sure he is also schizophrenic, gender dysphoria is sometimes associated with schizophrenia
At this point I wonder if there's anything they can't link to schizophrenia. Is being schizophrenic also the reason why I enjoy rum raisin ice cream and feel fine in sub-zero temperatures?

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>At this point I wonder if there's anything they can't link to schizophrenia

i got diagnosed with schizophrenia a while ago and i feel like its only there to find a reason for my behaviour ...

It's just a label. Makes it easier for them to ostracize and control us. Instead of delving into a lengthy analysis of a person's character they can just call you a schizo and be done with it. Oh you do/believe this or that? Well, that's obviously linked to your schizophrenia!

why would anyone waste time and energy to control you? not everyone has a control fetish you know, I think its mostly your mental illness acting up

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People are naturally controlling and manipulative. On a day to day basis it's either to gain something tangible from you (duh!) or simply to feel superior. It's almost a subconscious process. There's also the need to control and monitor non-conformists, those who won't contribute to society. This is the only reason I'm "mentally ill" in the first place.

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>There's also the need to control and monitor non-conformists, those who won't contribute to society.
Ironically you're a tool for that.

What does that even mean? Originally, that is.

Exactly what you read, glowing faggot.

>People are naturally controlling and manipulative
no, only people with a complex do that, I have never felt the need to manipulate a person in my life nor did anyone I know
>On a day to day basis it's either to gain something tangible from you (duh!) or simply to feel superior
read above
>It's almost a subconscious process
false cringe and bluepilled
>There's also the need to control and monitor non-conformists, those who won't contribute to society
its mostly for your own good, also for the safety of others so you dont go killing random people who looked funny at you because you thought they were trying to manipulate you using psi waves or some other schizo bullshit
>This is the only reason I'm "mentally ill" in the first place.
no, you are mentally ill because your brain is fucked and fried, the term mental illness is used to describe your condition since your brain isn't function as it should, the sad part is that its not even your fault and I should feel sorry for you but you are probably trying to make me do that so you can satisfy your attention whoring but im not gonna do that, fuck you

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>This is the only reason I'm "mentally ill" in the first place.
no that'd be your schizophrenia

You should all just take some meds yourselves. See how you like your life ruined. It's like talking to a brick wall. "Happy" people will never understand that their manipulative behavior causes so much harm. How about a bi-weekly injection of neuroleptics? Do I need your consent? Probably not, you're not exactly human anyway. Hahaha.

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Yes yes keep glowing I'm going blind

it's all so obvious from my point of view how deep your mental illness goes, you distrust everyone and everything yet you can't see that there's something wrong with your brain

All people have different characteristics. Why am I the one who's a problem? And if I truly mistrusted everyone and everything, I wouldn't be attention-whoring here so much.

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>happy people
>implying im anywhere near happy
you have to realise that your mental illness is not anyones fault, not even yours, however the fact that we treat you like shit is 100% your fault because you act on your illness
>inb4 my illness makes me act on it
no you fucking faggot, if your mental illness actually makes you act on it then pull out your internet fiber from the ground and cut it in the middle, break your fingers, throw your pc and phone away, destroy the power breaker, you can do so many simple things to prevent your mental polution being spewed on us yet you just wallow in your missery and enjoy every single second of anons wasting their time insulting you, I bet you even jack off when reading insulting posts, honestly, you just disgust me, this is why every mentally ill person should just be put in a force jacket in a empty white room with a matress on the ground and feed 3 times a day and nothing more, your actions are the very definition of mental contamination

I don't enjoy the mean replies, but 100 mean posts is worth just for 1 nice one. I don't really care anymore. I've already lost everything else in my life. I'll probably drown in some ditch before 25. I'm allowed to be here so I am. I always ghost anyone trying to help me anyway. Who cares. After this thread is inevitably reported and deleted, I'll make another one myself. And another one. Each one more and more delusional as they'd put it.

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will you at least show me your boipussy before you ghost me?

>this is why every mentally ill person
im a pedophile which currently defines me as mentally ill
but just because of that I don't act on it
The mayority of mentally ill ppl don't act on their problems

>'ll probably drown in some ditch before 25
why not do it sooner
>After this thread is inevitably reported and deleted, I'll make another one myself. And another one. Each one more and more delusional as they'd put it.
this is my fucking thread you dumb faggot, why would I report my own thread instead of your posts, also how the fuck aren't you banned for breaking rule 13 yet, you say you can't do much on your own yet you seem pretty apt at ban evasion and ip changing

I don't so anything either. If we spoke in public, you wouldn't say I'm a schizo or anything like that.
Sometimes other people's threads get deleted if I post in them a lot.

>you say you can't do much on your own yet you seem pretty apt at ban evasion and ip changing
It only happens because they want me to suffer by always keeping a window open for return. I'm pretty tech illiterate. I don't know how I keep returning.

>it only happens because they want me to suffer by always keeping a window open for return. I'm pretty tech illiterate. I don't know how I keep returning.
I actually laughed irl at that, there is no window to be left open, its you being pretty good at it and being aware of what you are doing, but one day they will find a way to make sure you never post here again

you feel safe here as you know a lot of other people here have mental illnesses
thinking planes are trackers is an example of your problem
thinking doctors and your father are out to get you is an example of your problem
attention whoring here as escapism is an example of your problem

I am aware of how I do it. What I mean is that it just happens to work each time, when it shouldn't. They allow it on purpose.

>thinking planes are trackers is an example of your problem
>thinking doctors and your father are out to get you is an example of your problem
Thinking isn't the problem here. Those things are.

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you're only proving my point by replying like that
either way i wish you well, it's not your fault your brain has a few screws loose after all



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Good luck to you too and don't end up like me.

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Banned once again. This time it took just 6 minutes. I'll never learn.

What are you even doing? What does this thread have to do with anything?

newfag took the bait

You did this to me yourselves. Silent manipulators. I know you're here.

You're all mentally ill. Take your meds, subhumans.

But if they get better, the how will we manipulate them?

Well that's the trick! The meds don't actually make them better, but they will be sedated! What more do we really need?

You're absolutely right. How didn't I think of it before? It should be ingrained into my psyche anyway. I feel like such a failure. But I'm still pretty happy Hahahahaha.

To be blunt, you just have to accept that you are a paranoid schizophrenic. There's no other way to look at it. We insist.

But doctor, I don't feel depressed at all, why must you insist that I am?

This whole convo is just a cry for attention, isn't it? Well of course. HAve you watched a movie? IS that how schizos behave? You're not fooling anyone. It's an an insult to actual schizophrenics.

Do you have a database of all my avatars or something ahahahaha?

Nothing will ever go your way. You've wasted your whole life before it even began. Thank your mother for that.

How come there are more people than when we began? Aren't you all me?

Why are you even doing this? No one's buying it. Pathetic. Go see a therapist.

But there's a chance I'll get a (you) from someone that's not me! Maybe they'll even be nice!

Now how would you know it was instantly?

can u upload all of those characters somewhere?

Damn you're seething. Report yourself before someone sees your embarrassment.

Because I was there too. All of use were.

what is this convo even about?

I'm not sure? I think we're just trying to gain attention. Looks like a success to me.

Good on you for being so honest. Now leave, dumb tranny.

no one is forcing you into this thread

But they are. They always leave a window open for me. I hate it so much. Tell me, would you be friends with a schizo?



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I am a schizo.
I am also the pedophile from earlier...

Good. Now take your meds and go away. I don't need competition.

competition for what?
Im just casually commenting on what i'm reading.
And i dont take any meds

Whatever. I just reported myself.

uuh... okay?

I'm not like this all the time. I don't take my meds either, but I'm fairly normal.

I hope you don't end up like me.

well... All I want is not end up like Terry A. Davis...

At lest he did something in his life to become known. He wasn't a complete failure. Though John Nash is perhaps the ideal schizo.