Alright Jow Forums. I need your help. My shoulder is fucked. My rotator cuff and supraspinatus muscle really fucking hurt if I start trying to get fit. Everytime I try to start getting fit I will get a inflammation and can't lift my arm for like 2 weeks. My doc told me that me shoulder has some sort of light calcification so I have to do that physiotherapy by myself and I have to hope that it will be enough. I just started to do some exercises with my trainings ribbon but I have noe clue if that is enough. Besides that I really would like to build up some muscles. Right now I'm on 5'11 and 198lbs with 24% bodyfat. I know I can get buffed really quick but I just have to start but I don't because I'm a pussy and fear that I will get a inflammation again. What can I do? Which exercises should I do? How can I get ripped with shit like that?
Alright Jow Forums. I need your help. My shoulder is fucked...
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My advice is to stop sieg heiling like your pic
I'm having the same issue and I wanted to know more and it figuring out what causes the injury
are you able to do face pulls?
Take a week or two completely off, but keep moving your arm so you don't lose mobility
Then go to gym and start doing shoulder movements slowly and with very low weights
Arnold presses are good, lat raises of different angles, rotator cuff exercises, face pulls and rows
If you feel any pain stop and switch the exercises
No bench!
Why are you trying to get medical advice on /fit. Listen to your doctor idiot
Some didn't do the non-negotiables
You should have listened
Shut up, Jeff
I never help people out on Jow Forums because who cares, but literally had the same issue and want to pay it forward
There's really nothing you can do for bursitis and rotator cuff damage. Just no your limits, ice it after a routine, and heat packs every other day. My roommate had bursitis and he just makes sure not to overtrain, but he's still making progress. Good form can go a long way.
Me too brehs.
I'm going to physiotherapy and they recommended elastic band exercises for rehab, been off the weights for 2 months already.
Anyone having shoulder/neck pain approximately at pic related.
Everytime I'm stressed it just flareup and kill my rotator cuff in the process. Always on my right side.
It seems to be linked to my breathing too. When it start and I notice it and go into manual breathing mode (deeper breath) it seems to ease it a bit.
Anyone have a clue what it could be?
That shit as plagued me for years now.
this shit ruined my life, literally
was getting mad gains when I was 16, got really hot looking then BAM BAM both shoulders fucked up
it took me 13 years until I finally figured a way to work around them but still I can't lift to my max, and any exercise above the shoulder level is garanteed to injure me.. this shit is just a curse man, without this fucking shit I would be fit as fuck and would have enjoy my 20s
That's one of the most common trigger points, it's just built up tension in the muscles from stress. You should go see a physiotherapist to loosen it up, fix the issues causing you stress and watch your posture.
Is it normal I feel it pulling on my rotator cuff too?
Yes, I'm no doctor but it's all interconnected and very very common when you sufer from stress over long periods of times, becuase it affects the posture and tension in your muscles. Probably you have developed tendinitis as well. I've been dealing with this myself for months, developed multiple tendinitis and bursitis in my rotator cuff, as well as many tight spots in my neck and upper back.
You should see a physiotherapist if the pain is mild to moderate. If it's really intense you should just go to a doctor because these things can develop into other problems which may require surgery on the long term if left unchecked. It will also inhabilitate you to lift weights, you should actually take a break right now to let it heal, you can use small weights and make sure you work on mobility and stretches.
I also can't stress this enough, but ironically, remove stress from your life, it's one of the epidemics of the modern world and it causes so many problems. If you can't because it's part of your job or something, acquire the skills necessary to reduce its impact on your life. Take up some meditation, yoga or relaxation of some sort. Be mindful about your posture, and correct it when you notice you're tightening up. The fact that it gets better when you stop and take big deep breaths is probably related to how the body responds to those deep breaths by getting more relaxed and easing up the tension, which one of the keys of meditation.
Ended up writing a walltext, shit. This is all from months of experience from myself and people close to me suffering from these problems, so I know how bad it gets, hopefully it won't be that bad for you, user.
Shoulda listened to Jeff
OP here. I will try to better myself. Is there some hope that I can use my shoulder at 100% ever again?
thank you user I will try this asap
Yeah man, I had the same problem a year ago. I couldn’t lift anything above parallel to my shoulder, went away completely after 3-4 weeks. It was totally fine to lift anything below the shoulder, so I kept doing chest and legs during that time.
To help recover, ice and heat packs. Throw on some random bursitis shoulder exercises at home, and slowly ease back into lifting when you feel fine.