What was the worst fucking physical pain you've ever felt in your life?
What was the worst fucking physical pain you've ever felt in your life?
the feeling of nogf
when i hyperextended both knees landing from a 6 foot drop, i landed with my knees locked, they bent the wrong way to absorb the impact.
Tooth pain was the worst so far. I was crying and couldn’t think I was in so much pain. Felt like a throb where someone was smashing in my face with a hammer.
Took a shit once and it was the size of a football
Firecracker explosion 20cm away from right eye. The pain peaked 5 hours from the event. Thx god i head narcotics. But can imagine stronger pain.
Muscle fiber tear in my left leg. Been 5 years and still not 100% recovered.
Why is calf cramp so fucking painful in comparison to how minor and mostly harmless it is?
Tooth ache
Pain so strong that it radiates and your head turns into a sun of pain emiting painrays
I straightened my legs too much during a stiff-legged deadlift. Felt a slight crack in the small of my back and then 10 seconds later I was on the ground unable to even stand. It was minor, but I couldn't really walk or move very well for the next 3 days.
Burning my forearm on an iron for about 5-6 seconds
Story plz
Fell from 8 feet or so and landed on the heels of my feet, broke both feet at once.
This is only the most recent pain I've felt, but one time after a workout I took 50mg of zoloft (prescribed for anxiety) without eating. What followed can only be described as a pain-induced religious experience. My whole abdomen felt like it was on fire for a solid 6 hours. Never eat this shit on an empty stomach.
Devil's itch.
If I could have ripped my own skin off, I would have
Probably healed improperly and calcified hence the pain
t. Physical therapist
One time I get gel paint stripper in my eye. I hate shit going in my eye even eye drops and it felt like they were on fire and burning. Second was probably my broken arm.
Bad road rash
Got surgery couldnt stand up so they put a tube on my pp
it hurt
a lot
Infected wisdom tooth impaction.
ACL tear, or maybe when i tore my asshole open, but that one wore off way faster.
Hghydrogen peroxide on my road rash. I understand how people can pass out from pain now
kek, story?
Rectal fissure. Every poop is a nightmare.
Nerve damage. Collapsed ulnar nerve.
In first few weeks after injury, I honestly thought chopping my arm off was my best bet. After 10+ years, there is just constant pins & needles in arm. So much better now.
>Got all wisdom teeth pulled
>Prescribed some vicodin
>About 3/4 of the way through I noticed I was feeling absolutely fine
>Decided to skip a pill because I was a dumbfuck neurotic teenager who was worried about getting "addicted"
>in no time flat I was doubled over on the floor
>frantically took another pill and had to wait the longest half hour of my life for it to start kicking in
And I still dont take care of my teeth
Had gal stones for a year. Wanking off seemed to be the only thing that would make the pain subside.
Did a dead-lift wrong when I was about 22
Lifted with my lower back not even using my legs for some dumb reason (was 130kg)
Pretty much felt like hell for a week, could barely walk, couldn't even get up and honestly thought I had broke my back.
Was about a year or 2 before my back got to a better state.
Fell off a horse, broke my ankle by hitting the ground and my foot because the horse stepped on it after I fell. 0/10
Quad muscle torn from where it attached to the hip or whatever. No running for 6 or more months. Was a long time ago. Didn't happen in the gym, american football
Got leg kicked 16 times
when you stretch your ankle down just too far and a bit too long and you spend the next 10 minutes starting at the wall with gritted teeth.
The time I cummed and a muscle got hyperextended I think, i couldn't move for 10 minutes without feeling like I had a 1000 needles through all my right leg
>Be 17 yo me
>be microwaving sausage rolls for those fucking macros
>I didn’t know the iron was turned on
Since the kettle, iron and microwave are so close together it’s really awkward to use them all at once, also there’s lots of other heavy things close by like knife racks.
>open microwave
>forearm fucking touches iron
You know how you can cut yourself and not feel much pain until you noticed you cut yourself? That was me for like nearly a second.
>autism out. Try moving my arm but I’m still holding the microwave handle like a retard so I’m still getting fucking burnt.
>mom hears autistic screeching, probably thinks im being butt raped
>turns off iron from the outlet switch
>I realise what a fucking retard I am
>never went to hospital, still have massive scar
stomach pain, got a stomach virus and had diarrhea for two days straight, i was on a trip so it made things harder, i lost fucking 5 KG that took forever to recover
ya this
i got this thing pretty often (or i used to, got better after getting more magnesium through diet / supplements) and one time it took me 5 minutes for it to stop, felt like dying
I jumped off an olympic diving board with my hands extended to the side, the force of the impact on water broke every finger in my hands except thumbs
Holy fuck
Trapezius tear
When my hip dislocated
how did you masturbate after this? asking for a friend?
bunch up a blanket and hump it on the bed
came here for this. Crushed my brachial plexus. Neverending pain in every position permanently until the nerve died back or whatever (6 weeks or so). 6-8 months of physio to recover any feeling or function afterwards. Back to 100% now, modern medicine and physio gods be thanked
He asked his father to (((help))) him out
Jesus christ, how?
>be me 16yo 6’2 240
>baseball team in play offs to go to state
>4th in the line up bc I hit em over the fence easy
>1st at bat bases loaded
>easy triple deep into left field
>3 guys in front of me score but I’m stuck on 3rd
>tfw no grand slam
>2nd at bat
>rival team sends out a new pitcher that looks 20
>no face guard on my helmet bc not a bitch
>douche pegs me in the face at something like 75mph
>cunt fucking did it on purpose I saw him smirk
>fall to my knees drooling blood
>teeth cut open the inside of my cheek
>stand up spitting more blood and walk towards first but get stopped by coach and ump
>they make me sit out the game
>adrenaline wears off
>we lose
Some kind of pain in my serratus/ribs right where the heart is. It was such a weird pain and combined with the location i thought i was going to die. I guess I was more scared since i thought something was wrong with my heart but it hurt like a bitch regardless.
It's a birth defect, apparently my hip and my back sometimes "come apart". I was stretching my back by holding on to a metal bar, and... Well, they separated.
kidney stone
what does a catheter feel like bros?
You went to Snap City bro
chest pain is never the heart, you feel that in your arm, side, or back
Rotten tooth. Had to have 1 X-Ray and 2 CT Scans. Nothing showed up so in the end the doctor opened up the tooth and it was all rotten inside. Had a root canal done the same day.
I still remember how I wept from the pain, my god. I couldn't fucking sleep.
waking up after >tfw have gf dream is worse
Like getting your dick sucked inside out
Yeah, the doctor told me you don't feel the heart if it's the problem. I didn't know much then, so imagine when the pain doesn't stop while you drag yourself to the hospital, it's awful.
Either calf or ab cramps
Don't remember how bad the last ab cramp I had was, but calf cramps are insane
Getting circumcised, seeing as I am and I haven’t been in any considerable pain in my memory. Not even Jewish, just boomer Nu-Christian parents who didn’t make it to the part of the Bible that literally says getting circumcised is a rejection of Christ.
both were from playing soccer. no idea how it even happened but i just slipped when going in for a tackle and tore my asshole somehow from either the impact or just the stretch.
either way that wasn't the worst part of it, the adrenaline allowed me to keep playing even though it hurt like fuck. but the real pain was trying to push out a humongous protein shit later on. that's the only time i've experienced pain which has you literally screaming and flailing around uncontrollably.
I had a cyst near my asshole that made it impossible to walk, had to get it surgically removed, desu worst part was not being able to lift for a month
>microwaved sausage rolls
You deserved your injury you sick fuck
Fell off a tree hanging onto a rope, got mad rope burns and landed hard on my back
Reading through all your pains this is some faggot shit but it's the worse pain I remember having, happened when I was like 10
I got a piece of metal embedded in my eye. Just a tiny sliver, but there was no relief for about 24 hours. I'd blink and it was unbelievable stinging and aching. Open it up and my eye would sting from drying out while still aching. It was unbearable. Couldn't sleep. They had to cut my eye open a bit to get it out. I wanted to cry and hug the optometrist when it was over.
I feel it fellow cutfag
The jew will pay for his crimes, our retarded goyim parents aren't to blame.
The thing that makes me the most mad is coping cutfags who come up with every excuse under the sun to white knight for Mr Nosenstein because they subconsciously know they were fucked from birth through no fault of their own.
>torn asshole
>playing soccer
>from slipping or stretching
Stop lying dude this board is anonymous, we know you took the whole team up ur ass
Menstrual cramps when I was 13. I've had a variety of injuries, but those were immobilizingly painful
It's even worse when you're married because you feel like you betrayed your wife but you still miss the dream gf
How to prevent this?
wisdom teeth infection for overal max pain concentration
when I get the flu I can tell early on when it's serious because my legs get extremely stiff and it hurts for days and I get completely restless and it's impossible to sleep and it kills me even more.
I only defend adult circumcision, when its for a legit medical reason
E. G. I was circumcised at 18 because of severe phimosis; was cause by scar tissue deep down the foreskin. Literally wouldn't retract at all. My foreskin had started to tear whenever i got a boner, so was super painful. They gave me steroid cream to rub in and try to stretch it out but after several months there was no improvement so i went for a circumcision. They did a great job, and when you have a fully sized, functional adult penis the operation much easier for them and much less risky to you. They left as much sensitive skin as they could below the scar tissue line, still have all my frenulum etc.
I mean yeah i'd rather have my foreskin and be fucking normal but i'm glad my dick skin doesn't tear itself apart every time I get an erection now.
Good one, there’s nobody on this board that’s a biological female
Had similar expierience with zinc on empty stomach.
There are always severe exceptions like your case, but the reason circumcision triggers me as a cutgoy so much is because of how overstated the severity of most cases or phimosis are by either uneducated or crypto-jew doctors. In a just world, the doctor would only recommend the procedure when it's the absolute last option available, but in reality doctors are sickeningly eager to immediately get you set up for the procedure as soon as you complain about tightness down there. I asked my dad why he had me and my brother circumcised and he said it's because "that's what the doctor recommended" and he "knew two uncircumcised guys who got infections". Having picture perfect stupid gullible goyim for parents is so frustrating I almost want to cry.
This. Waking up after a nightmare is relieving since you can tell yourself it wasn't real. Waking up after a dream where you're happy is soul-crushing.
Yeah i've heard people say that, i guess its also because i'm in the UK and circumcision here isn't that common - it certainly isn't routinely done at birth. Just checked and its only 8.5% of UK men who are circumcised.
Also because I was an adult I was able to voice my concerns and told them i'd rather not get circumcised if I could help it. Allowing parents to give children what amounts to damaging cosmetic surgery without their consent is disgusting. And like you said most phimosis cases can be cured by topical creams/ointments and stretching the skin.
Food poisoning. Wisdom teeth, car accident damaging spine, physical blows was not nearly as bad in terms of raw feel bad.
Got in a motorcycle crash goin 60mph the next day i was in so much pain i was getting nauseous and felt like i was going to pass out from pain just trying to walk across my room to get my meds. It was like every nerve in my body was firing off pain signals at the same time the feeling of pain was so overwhelming i could barely stay standing. Only time I've ever felt that sensation and I've been in many fights and played rugby for 4 year.
i hate being (((american))) so much eurobro
I was playing runescape and I got a headache that was so bad I actively beat my head against the floor to get it to stop, besides that maybe pouring rubbing alcohol in my eye by mistake.
Pulled my calf while sleeping.
just because i play soccer doesn't mean i'm gay
i am gay, but it's not because i play soccer. also i'm a top
cluster headaches that happen daily at this point
it feels like a red hot ice-pick being shoved into my eye and pushed deep inside my head and swirled around, and they only last about 30-45 minutes so pain meds dont help, by the time i take them and they start working its gone. I've thought about ending it because I know theres always one waiting for me, but what kind of pussy kills them self over some headache lol
By who? I once did this to someone.
This, massive cramp like my calf is trying to enter my asshole.
grand mal seizure
also this
Picking up a flaming log.
anyone else enjoy cramps?
Getting a heating pad on my skin when my body temperature was reported at ~32 degrees Celsius. Stobid nurses
What made you do that? Story?
A couple kids used to troll me in primary school (11 years old) because I was big and would chase them. Caught one and repeatedly kicked his legs.
alcohol withdrawals
Blood pressure 170/105, exhausted, sweating profusely, massive anxiety followed by a seizure 36 hours in where I bit my tongue super fucking bad and needed stitches and couldn't eat solid food for two weeks
Started drinking again a month later, 6 months sober now
Proud of you mate, know that can be tough. Keep at it and hope you have a wonderful life =)
Got really bad food poisoning in high school. Felt like I was shitting molten gravel and it went on from like around dinner time till midnight.
Was performing my daily bjj fight againt a havier dude. By trying to free myself from his grab he fell on me causing a rib bruise on my left side. Couldn't move nor sleep properly for 4 weeks. Had to take pain killers just for a three hour sleep. Hiccough was my enemy.