*stays hard in your path*
David Goggins
Other urls found in this thread:
>stays hard in my path
what a fag
>*stays hard in your path*
>walk around him
You're in the club and this guy stays hard around your gf. What do you do?
So is he the new jocko or does he bring anything new to the table besides telling retards to never give up and to wake up early
Do you wake up early every day?
No. It’s literally all the same father simulator shit for redditors raised by single mothers.
Having read both of their books, I found Goggins way more inspiring, and it actually transferred over to taking more action.
Goggins has authenticity. He's genuine and you can hear it in his voice. Jocko is the epitome of cringiness. "Muh men, muh heroes, muh sacrifices, muh enemy in the mountains". Get a grip, faggot. You're a puppet to the government.
This. Jockos hyper masculine enemy is everywhere vibe is just way to fucking cringey. He even sells his own line of supplements now with retarded names.
Both of these guys are morons milking their duty for jew golds. Stay Hard! For what? Stay educated and gym. Why would I want to jog 500 miles in a desert or tie my arms behind my back and jump in cold water? This isnt hard. This is try hard. Dudes a dork and looks like nigward.
> stays hard
Doubt it. His wife left him because he didn't want to fuck often enough. Hormones probably fucked from all the running and shit.
>stay hard? why?
Why not? Same mentality with challenging yourself. Not being content, lazy etc
Just talking down to his accomplishments as being try hard makes you look like a twat.
Even if you can't stand the guy or disagree with his values the least thing you can do is be respectful.
i think its his mental psyche people are interested in
Idk user I like Jockos thoughts on leadership, taking full responsibility and being accountable for your mistakes alongside leading by example. His other stuff and his delivery might be cringy but I like his views on leadership.
He never says that you have to aspire to run ultras that is just what he chooses to do. He basically just tells you to be the best version of yourself and work tirelessly towards that goal. Also I think the message is meant for the average redditor much more than for people who have done competitive sports or have a competitive mindset to begin with. A lot of the stuff he does isnt as hardcore as he makes it sound and pushing yourself so hard you always get injured is also counterproductive. I mean just look at this clip at 5:05 youtu.be
>His wife left him because he didn't want to fuck often enough
citation needed.
he has a wife obviously and you just read something made up on Jow Forums
How is jumping in freezing cold water and running 500 miles beneficial to you in anyway lmao? Hes a try hard hes a dork and hes trying to exploit nonsense by screaming how tough he is. Its literally please gib me attention syndrome.
Stay Hard!
No degree. No work experience. Runs and screams on youtube instead.
Google "David Goggins wife" wow that was hard
Larry wheels would crush this hungry skeleton
Blasting him away with my bjj skills.
most marathon runners are basedboys so it makes sense
Go ahead and act like a fucking faggot then. You don't have to do exactly what this guy does. Being uncomfortable often could get you accustomed to that feeling. It also makes every enjoyable thing in your life that much more enjoyable.
well if he is really pushing himself hard every day the amount of cortisol in his system must be quite high. alongside that if you run distances that long it cant be good for your sex drive. not to speak of his countless injuries and aches and pains and the fact that he has a 2h long stretching routine or some shit every day. No wonder he doesnt have time and energy to fuck his wife if he even can get it up after running 100 miles or some ridiculous distance.
ha fuck it must be true
I would sock him once and his face would cave in. He looks anemic. Youre living in la la land man. You are taking cold showers because a dork on the internet is telling you to. lmao be happy, set goals, achieve them, and enjoy yourself. This guy is running, exploiting service, divorced dicklet, and just out there. If he was really mr. johnny hardass he wouldnt have to advertise it every 5 minutes.
PS: Quit dickriding fags on the internet. Dude couldnt DL 405 btw
You're trying really hard but it's not working buddy
doesn't every marriage lack sex, it can get boring. especially if your wife does your head in
Goggins please go.
your dick riding a dude who would struggle to bench 225 from youtube because you were bullied lol.
Jocko said and Goggins basically confirmed that the SEALs hated him. Guess he would act all intense and shit, then when missions came he would always miss them for some kind of injury.
Honestly, the dude has done some impressive shit but every time I read or see an interview with him, he comes across as a tryhard prick. Masculinity and being a tough guy and all that shit should be effortless. Real hardasses don't have to convince you how hard they are. This guy does it constantly under the guise of "helping people" which is a convenient excuse.
This is just a bad comedy bit at this point. Maybe re-read the shit I wrote and stop implying so much
well on this one I doubt the wife was the crazy one.
This is literally my first post in this thread. You're so butthurt that you insult anyone who dares respond to you.
And of course he would struggle to bench 225 if he doesn't train his bench, wtf are you on about retard
Mean while real american heros and bad asses and generally cool guy who doesnt need to scream how tough he is every 5 minutes.
ITT: Fat losers who live with mommy and have no direction worship a guy who tells them how to live because theyre to incompetent to do it themselves. Fucking dorks.
>autistic anti-goggins post keep coming in but poster count doesn't go up
Someone really got hurt by this thread
read 'skin in the game'
I wish I had enough money to pay people to pretend to like me.
>hey bro your upper chest is weak, gp workout ffs and eat more
>doesnt need to scream how tough he is every 5 minutes
Literally every picture this guy takes is just screaming for attention.
Including the one you just posted.