GOMAD Blood Results

Just got a blood test results back. Heart scan coming soon.
I'm a guy that has drank a gallon of milk a day for 6 months. Figured some anons would like to guess my blood results.

H: 5'11
W: Was 180, Current 195
Time lifted: 3 years
Physique: Slim, natty, noticeable muscle growth

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Gonna tell us or what?

Don't think I'm gonna make it boys

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Liver is gonna give out

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No huge or anything, but happy with results and okay blood-work.

GOMAD not 100% meme.

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>Gomad for 6 months
>Cholesterol in desirable range
How will vegans ever recover?

Whole milk or semi skimmed?

can i get a sauce?

Enjoy your incestuous cartoons

"Tiny Boobs Giant Tits History"

y-you too

Why didnt you check ur test level ?

This OP please answer

Whole milk lad. We bulk properly.

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Not an option, this was just something available at the fire department.
I'll get test checked some other time.

I'd love to see blood tests from a vegan.
I bet tubby Vegan Gay-ns has a high cholesterol now.

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Drink more water buddeh

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God this makes my dick hard
