Pretending to be NPCs




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You're a few months late to be using this meme for its own thread instead of just a rare reaction image.


you don't even know how the site lingo works, either?

it was somewhat relevant at its peak
now it's just shit

Dont be too harsh atleast he is trying. Maybe its his first time on this Jow Forums

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People don't just randomly hate her lmao
The thing is she never led it, and she never created the algorithm, she led a very small team which was part of a 200 people project.
The Japanese created the algorithm, her responsibility was to incorporate the already existing algorithm into the project.
Yet the amount of fake information being posted about her is staggering.
The major contributors who created the core elements of this project are being completely overshadowed by this one women who contributed a small part of the project. Yet the I don't even know the first name of the guy who has 850000 lines of code.

this is the most newfaggiest shit i've ever seen

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>not recognizing that as algorithm stacking

Lmao its like you dont even code


Do you even code faggot?

>admitting that you're a newfag that doesnt know how memes work

>using yikes but in an ironic fashion and misspelling it
You're not an oldfag, but you're edgy enough to fit in where it counts.


The left really can't meme; This pic isn't even remotely funny, because you're just pushing the same message as the media.

take the L nobo

Attached: honk takes the L.png (2048x2048, 185K)

>ERROR: input not recognized
>run backup module="the left cant meme"

you get asshurt so hard in the other thread you made a new one entirely?

andrew chael originally

lurk more, what a shitshow of a thread


the same thing happened with captain marvel.
people were completely ignoring other female superhero movies that came out which nobody hated.
the only reason Jow Forums had a hard on for her was because she said some stupid shit, if she didn't nobody would hate her.

I know its just a meme, but the coding practices in it make me sick.

What does the zionist neoconservative kike lover (((Trump))) have to do with the woman who supposedly made the black hole photo?

>Yet the I don't even know the first name of the guy who has 850000 lines of code.
Like 500k of those lines were just pre-generated data. Source on her not creating the algo?

>resort_to=oldfag larping
>"l-lurk more"

Oh the irony.

Also, are you one of the s-o-y-bois from the previous thread who got BTFO and ran away?

leftards cant meme, only steal like niggers

What did you expect would come from babies who have to be funded billions of dollars yearly to have their shit agendas pushed worldwide or else they wouldn't exist, but still get BTFO the more they try.

im honestly confused to how you thought quoting worked like that. it seems like the last thing most peopled think of.
on another note, why is the name of the file RUN_FROG?

later, here: , you use it somewhat correctly though the code is still convoluted at best.

you dont deserve those trip dubs. be ashamed.

>everybody I don't agree with is an NPC!
The irony is staggering. This meme died out for a good reason.

>NPC meme in april of 2019
major yikes

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>I'm describing everything you're doing literally! Don't you feel silly now?
This is unironically the weakest form of comeback.

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Why aren't the left able to come up with their own memes?

it is an L but you're also taking one of the biggest Ls by debating someone on Jow Forums

they are it's called communism

Based forgivingposter

don't think of them as new. they a fresh nigga