How do I get a good man-ass?

That it really, apparently my new girl likes man ass a lot. Like she'll talk about the various asses she likes. She's crazy about me but like, now I want a good man ass.

What exercises should I do to target my ass? Running? Squats? Variations of?

Appreciate any Chad-tier advice

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get good and lunge variations. they destroy my ass like no other exercise

hip thrust
and make sure you are making sure to activate your glutes properly on squats/deads

Squats, deadlifts, gllute bridges and you’ll have enough ass to fuck the world

This. A square ass of fucking steel is the ultimate aesthetic.

For a rounder shape do exercises that target the glute med.

Pretty sure hip thrusts have like the highest glute activation
Romanian Deadlifts, Deadlifts, Squats, etc. wouldn't hurt either

Kettlebell Swings since you literally fuck the thing to move it, and barbell hip thrusts

hyperextensions, curl your back if you want to target them more

>make sure you are making sure

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Squat, RDL, lunges, Hungarian split squat

A lot of it is genetics, unfortunately. You can do all the squats you want in the world but you'll just end up with huge quads and not so much ass. Ass is very similar to calves in that you either have great genetics for ass or not.

>Hungarian split squat

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Do lowbar for ass, highbar for quads

Lmao whatever the fuck. Bulgarian? One of those bullshit countries.

Frog pumps

squats, romanian deadlifts, lunges, hip thrusts, bulgarian split squats

Let me destroy your ass baby. I'll work you out real hard

Do hip abduction for a full/round butt.

>Lifting for a grill
never gonna make it. Do it for you brah

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just b urself

The obvious answers are to squat and deadlift, however the true secret to a great ass and legs are to do hillsprints, trail running, and hiking/rucking.

All I do is trail run and bitches love my ass, been groped several times at concerts and festivals.

macedonian split squats

He has a great physique overall but I wonder how he managed to get his ass that big. It’s almost comical and I’m an ass man.

God imagine the taste

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>braptissimus dorsi

I'm not gay but

itt bug chasing faggots

sounds hella genetics here bro

>just run bro!
also post pic so i could what level to reach for women to molest me