Who should I follow on Instagram that is Jow Forums approved?
Who should I follow on Instagram that is Jow Forums approved?
nobody. they're all cunts
what the fuck
>orbiting holes on instashit
Yep, he’s dyel
The bugez.
the internet was a mistake
source on that woman user?
You should follow the settings all the way to delete my account
??? is that staged?
i refuse to believe that's legit
Just imagine banging this girl in your shitty apartment then driving both of you in your two year old Toyota to in and out. The entire time she thinks you are the fucking best ever who has everything figured out. Maybe drop her back off at the local community college after eating lunch.
jesus christ, wtf?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAA fucking cringe
How does a two year old Toyota fit this story? Man, my car is 11 years old.
name the thot, i am have become in love with her
this. he was so close but that was a monumental mistake
ana de armas, vjuice, vjuice's sister @themadgrace, mirando cosgrove, etc.
How does one get a working qt like this?
make over 100k a year
have an aesthetic face
work out 7 days a week
live in LA or NYC
be jewish
have connections
Is this one of the mass shooters from this weekend? Looks like one of them. Did Jow Forums go too far, or not far enough?
Nicola cavanis
can someone please fill me in i dont understand the meme