How do i fix acne? I'll have one side of my face be almost cured and then a few weeks later it's all back again. Halp
>look like pic related
How do i fix acne? I'll have one side of my face be almost cured and then a few weeks later it's all back again. Halp
>look like pic related
What are you doing currently?
Uhhh, sitting down at my computer, fren
For your acne you subhuman ape
how the fuck was I supoosed to know you meant that? Add 3 more words next time, moron.
Anyways I use pic related most mornings but forget to wash it off at night sometimes, is that the issue?
theres a million things you can do, broseph
Lots of people with acne have lactose sensitivities theyre not aware of so removing excess sugar and all dairy from your diet is where id start. oils and lotions on your face after showers, and before bed can also help tremendously. You may be hyper sensitive to dirt and debris. Go ask your local thot at the makeup store, or shop around amazon.
Yes thats a fucking issue. Wash face every morning. Open pores with very warm water (not hot) and exfoliate it with a scrub. Then close pores with cold water, and then apply moisturizer/sunscreen. Never touch your face. Before sleeping, wash moisturizer off and apply cold water to close pores. Change your fucking pillow sheets too, because your skin oils and grease gets sucked into the pillowsheet. Also avoid dairy. Worst case, go for accutane.
There is little correlation between diet and acne
Jesus Christ dude, do you really think I hopped into your thread about your acne problem to just ask whats up? Use your fucking brain you troglodyte.
Morning: wash your face in the shower or sink thoroughly. Water is enough. Use Dickinson's witch hazel afterwards. Apply a non comedegenic facial moisturizer with at at least spf 15.
Witch hazel again, followed by 5 percent benzoyl peroxide cream, then any facial moisturizer with hyaluronic acid. This takes time, stick with it for at least 6 months, but this will clear your acne. I can't help you with the mental retardation though
I change my pillow sheet like once a month, how often should I do it? The face wash routine I will try but do I really need to cut dairy? I eat cereal almost every day.
fuck you man, just type 3 more words next time you lazy asshole
What a fantastic exchange
Accutane or bust
Oh you should use a fresh pillow case nightly. If you’re very lazy once a week but nightly is best
if you have hormonal acne like I do, then literally nothing you read on here will help. go see a dermatologist and hop on accutane.
Depends. I know people hate the nofap shit but I break out like crazy if I fap more than once in a while.
Also, OP, go outside. In the sun. Get your chest and back tanned.
hahahaha if there was ever any doubt that this board was full of autists...
Was in the same boat. You cannot control your hormones but you can change your diet.
Eat whole foods.
Eat more alkaline rich foods like leafy greens, watery fruits. Avoid oily and hard foods like nuts.
Wash your face every morning and before bed.
Every couple hours a day use a tissue to absorb oil and sweat from your face. Dont rub it. Just pat.
Change your pillow case every 2 days. Think about it. Your face is planted for around 8hrs or more on the same pillow with the same gunk and dirt that was on there the night before. If u dont have extra pillow cases use a clean shirt. This alone helped mine a lot.
and lastly do yourself a favor and treat your face to a snail slime facemask. Its refreshing.
Was like that too, been on accutane for 4 months
t. Someone who's been taking Accutane for like 10 months already
what are some accutane Side Effects
stop eating fried food
also, use sulfur soap, while don't exposing urself on the sun at 12:00 PM. and avoid Accutane, it may works, but its side effects are dangerous
Are you supposed to eat the snails after the facemask or are they not part of your nutrition regime?
everyones different dude.. however i suffered with minor acne but it felt like i was the hunchback of notre dame. Use a few drops of tea tree oil on a hot clothe and wash your face with said clothe.
Diet could play a roll so try to eat clean food, stay away from dairy, processed foods, fried foods.
Stop touching your face. This was tough for me for some reason. I actually found if i stopped shaving and grew a beard it helped (didnt shave for a year when i did, my face was cleared up alot)
Lastly change/wash your bed sheets and pillow case as much as possible. Im talking once every other day for pillow case and maybe once a week for all. If you can do it every day go for it.
Acne hurt my confidence and gave me extreme anxiety. Lifting and martial arts is the only thing that made me comfortable looking like a monster. Acne will stress you out, and stress will make acne worse! So just accept it, you look like a monster, so become a monster even more. EMBRACE it and use it as fuel.
Good luck brother, i know your struggle
Just a month ago I had terrible acne like your pic related, and I had tried everything, cold showers, hot showers, moisturizer, 2 showers a day, changing sheets and pillow cases frequently, nofap, mulitple cleansers, scrubs, etc. Nothing worked, and it doesn't help that I'm 18 Y/O either. I haven't been to a doctor in over a decade, but I did want to try some sort of medication, so I tried Acnetame off of amazon, and it's working surprisingly well. My acne is only about 1/2 as bad as it was before, after only a couple of weeks.
It's got a whole panflet with side effects but I'mma tell you the ones that affected me the most.
Your mucous membrane tends to get dry faster, which results in your lips getting all cracky and really dry. Try to get your lips wet the most you can, and also use some kind of balsam or lip care product.
Also. You mucous in the inside of your nose may get dry as well which will make you sneeze more, get really solid and dry boogers, and sometimes make your nose bleed.
I've been told it could affect your eyes as well but I didn't had any problem with mines.
Just to make sure everything is okay, I get my blood and my urine (kidneys) tested every 5/6 months to make sure the kidneys are not having too much stress or something, which of course never happened, or at least with my dosis if one pill per day.
It took like 3 months to notice the changes (my back was really bad) and I can assume after 6/7 months it looks like I've never had acne.
My brother took it for 2 years since his case was far worse than mine, and know he very rarely get a pimple. He's still a teenager.
If you happen to be a woman, the doctors usually ask you to be on the pill because if you happen to get pregnant while taking Accutane you'll give birth to an absolute monster.
Also. I know it says that it may induce depression and may want to kill yourself but sadly that wasn't the case. I'm still kicking...
nofap and cold showers will fix it.
For example this is me.
The one on the left is mid December. I was 96kg and had acne in my back.
The one on the right is was 81kg and had less acne (still was fighting with lower back acne)
It was mid March (always used to take pictures in the 17th to be exact).
PROBABLY changing my eating habits gave the accutane a helping hand but I'm not completely sure about that.
Hope this helps user. Acne sucks. The main downside was that 28caps of accutane costed around 1/6 of my whole salary. Maybe you can get it cheaper there
this is normie acne
I don't have acne, my complexion is pretty damn perfect
Except after I shave
Does anyone here have the remedy for bitch skin? I have extremely thick hair, to the point that it can put nooks in razor blades if I'm not careful, and skin more sensitive than 10 year old girls.
Without fail, the day after having a clean shave I will have a shaving rash for at least 2 days.
Don't waste years like I did and mess around with dietary changes, creams and lotions etc - it works when you have very mild pimples.
If acne is serious like in the picture it is highly improbable that diet or lack of sun light is the cause. Its a hormonal discharge that needs to be reduced - which accutane is designed for.
If it is as bad as pic related just go to a dermatologist, man.
Also stop using Neutrogena, it's trash.
I had bad acne in high school. Tried numerous things and only had one thing that worked. You have to change your lifestyle and experiment with what your triggers are
For my this solved my acne problems:
1) get tea tree oil, and water it down relative to how oily your skin is. Leave it on over night and wash it off in the morning
2) keep track of your diet. Cut out all dairy, peanuts, why protein, and junk food
3) keep your pillow case and bedding clean. Change ur pillow case every night
4) drink lots of water, no sugary drinks or alcohol
5) don’t smoke
6) don’t fap
Ideally you should limit your taps to once every week and a half. All of these are crucial. If I fuck up any of these I get huge cysts. But now my skin is all clear
Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries. About a cup and a half, two cup worth throughout the day.
Cut down on dairy especially straight up milk. Moderate isnt bad.
Get as good a sleep schedule as you can.
Dont stress yourself (as in your body and cortisol not the way girls say it) out (ex. Too much weed, too much coffee)
GLYCEMIC INDEX. Too much simple carb is like flooring your fucking car for 30 seconds then smashing the brake. It fucks you up. Try to have a good mix of fats, mid carbs, and simple for enduring level of energy.
Buy Chainlink.
see a dermatologist
I'm on it, has some side effects but well worth.
2 things in my life fixed acne.
I tried all the products. all bullshit. sometimes a product would catch a down cycle and my skin would be better so id think it was the product. but then acne would resurface again. so i know 100% its not about the product. Although there are some products that help with suppleness and softness but with acne, meh.
Ill keep it short.
1. Eat a full breakfast in the morning as soon as you wake up. I found that going to school or work on an empty stomach caused breakouts do to slight stress on an empty stomach. If you stress just a little on an empty stomach the result was always be acne on the face. thats what it was for me anyways
2. change the water you drink.
I learned that my skin cleared up completely when i would go travel to places. It wasn't always relax in the sun kind of travel too. it was work related so I know my stress levels were still high. but i analyzed my eating and drinking on those trips and the onlything that was different was the water. Most places outside America drink some sort of distilled or purified water.
I switched water when I came back to the states and my skin has been clear ever since. I wish I knew this back when I was younger. My skin would be flawless.
For extreme cases if i were you id buy distilled water right away and go on a 6 month distilled water usage. no spring water. no tap water. non of that. if your thirsty have that distilled water ready. TRUST ME when i tell you the effects will be unbelieavable. it will take about a 2 weeks to see a difference. maybe earlier.
good luck user.
id like to add, once i made sure my stomach was full during stressfull hours of the day and i switched to distilled water all the things I thought made me break out didn't make me break out.
I can roll my face in the dirt 20 times a day, not wash my face and still not break out. same pillow case for over a week with pomade in my hair getting all over and still no breakout. I even go to sleep without washing my face and still no breakout.
Nothing made me breakout once I made these changes.
I know everyone said it already but ACCUTANE
you’re probably bitching about how you’re gonna have to spend money because it’s not cheap but acne seriously ruins your life, to the point where I didn’t want to go to school or socialize and hated myself
feeling confident about myself after getting on accutane for 5 months made it more than worth it, and I’m still not done with it.
I did accutane for 6 months and nothing changed
Either you got fake accutane online
The dose is too low
Or you’re part of 0.001% of people who’s skin doesn’t react to accutane
You’re lying
Some of these is more likely than the other
My doctor told me to take 1 pill a day and I did that
Somebody screencap
Accutane gave me brain zaps insomnia and reacted to my antidepressants. I’m going to try witch hazel and tea tree oil (not OP)