Girls are out to destroy our only male bonding spaces

Does anyone else feel like the past 16 years women have sought out to invade our only male bonding spaces and corrupt the weak willed?

Think about it.

Old forums would be 100% male posters. Go to any Vbulletin gaming forum and there would be no women. Video games would RARELY have a girl gamer in them. You'd see maybe one once a month tops. Now any and all video games you play are riddled with them. Every single Overwatch match will have 1-2, every single Steam game in the top 50 will have them in your lobbies and matchmaking, and every forum / reddit / Jow Forums thread will have a few.

Even voice chat gaming communities are filled with such cancer. I have yet to find a single Discord gaming group that doesn't have at least ONE girl in it actively whoring it up.

Women ruin guilds, they ruin male communities, and what's worse if they've converted the weak willed to fight for their cause.

I propose we make a group for MEN ONLY where we dedicate ourselves to BTFO'ing all girls and their orbiters we come across in the vidya.

If we don't, this will be our future. Simply beating a girl in a video game in this day and age is a reportable offense and all her orbiters will also mass report you. Video for evidence:

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Other urls found in this thread:

In the old days the male hunting parties were places we could bond, be ourselves, and not have to deal with women's issues.

Video games used to be sacred, now SJW developers are catering all their decisions based on a group that once bullied and made fun of anyone who dared touch a video game.

Yet the majority are too timid to stand up to such cunts.

Who's with me on this?

movements like this already exist, they're called mgtow

Nah, something more redpilled.

But do you know of any mgtow gaming communities? I can check 'em out.

shut up incel, video games are for nerds

Not if you profit off of 'em.

People play vidya because it's fun and they always have been. You've probably played in matches with women more than you have realized because whenever they present themselves as females incels like you start calling them cunts or saying stupid shit as if you are not on your moms basement playing Overwatch, so they prefer not expressing what their gender is.

Maybe if you stopped being retarded and started seeing women as they are (equals) you could stop being an angry virgin.

>inb4 bait

>Maybe if you stopped being retarded and started seeing women as they are (equals) you could stop being an angry virgin.

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You are wrong. I ran a forum in 2004, and there were girls.

>Implying incel.

Fem detected.

Get BTFO'd cunt.

And so it is written.

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Are you implying only women would recognize you're an incel?
>confirmed incel

Your only male bonding space is the internet?

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>See people as equals, idiot!!

Everyone loves posting this but they miss that he didnt object or think this until it was discovered the girl was taken

Job said no getting involved with co-workers (Retail management.) and fired from that for following a shoplifter past the curb. No IRL friends cause all I did was job.

I just want some alpha men to play vidya with and get shit done and wreck some girl gamers. Is that too much to ask?

I'm one of the few here that can cure inceldom in others. All they have to do is reach out and ask.

Nah he's just an all round grump. She was introduced as the Magic dude's gf.

>no IRL friends
yikes. who would want to bond with you, gay boi?

they're so desperate for non-romantic attention that it overshadows everyone else. you feeling like your space is invaded really is just that shadow being cast. you are irrelevant, give girl attention because she's entitled somehow.
they don't give a fuck about anyone or anything but their orbiters.

Plenty of girls, lol. Getting a gf is easy. This thread isn't about that though. I can help you if you'd like though. Reach out by googling my trip and hit me up whenever.

You truly speak beautiful things brother. Fuck them bitches, destroying every fucking group. Whenever there is some kind of community and a fucking gril appears all of the attention will start to gather around her beacuse of the fucking r*dditor tier niceguys who are obsessed with sex and that bussy. Lets say it together fuck mutts fuck kikes fuck niggers fuck jannies fuck zoomers and FUCK GRILS

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>14 subs
Bro I'm not hitting you up for shit. My dog is more interesting. Go outside for once.

Channel starts when WoW Classic hits dawg. There ain't shit to play right now.

>That feel when averaged 1million + views per video on Warcraftmovies.
>300k subs on old channel.

I did it once. Easy to do again.

Never could figure out twitter though.

Honestly even though Im a girl I fucking hate other females. Videogames arent what they use to be. Theyre made like trash to appeal to a small group of fags, they all have shitty gimmicks to them too because I guess their all disabled too.. Ehh .. My whole life I used a voice changer or just never spoke to people on online. Mainly because some guys act fucking retarded and lose their shit one way or another when they hear a girl.

Honestly what needs to be done is that we rid of all these sex worker chicks. Gamer girls are catching on to this shit too. All over Twitter I see some twitch cunt who always have a manyfans link or their nudes pinned. Its fucking nasty. Stop giving bitches your money in hopes she will develop romantic feelings for her because YOU ARE NOTHING TO THESE GIRLS OTHER THAN A WALLET FOR HER AND HER SECERT BOYFRIEND. I hate women Ive never had a true female friend. I always feel so envious over the male bond. But it doesnt matter anyways because Im gonna die soon so I wont be female for long.



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>Videogames arent what they use to be
this is what's even funnier about the hijacking. they hijacked some shit that has completely gone to shit now.
they think they got G. Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen off the Vegas strip but they actually got Wendys on the corner of Pike.

i'm just laffing at the delusion of women. you don't even have to say anything, they'll just embarrass themselves, it's inevitable, they have zero viable role models.
the higher up in power and status women don't even fucking play video games and sometimes i wonder if they even view pornography.


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It's because women are truly incapable of bonding ,communicating, and developing a community with other women in the same way that men are. Women are fully aware of this and I have yet to meet a woman who isn't insanely jealous of this fact. Most women are under the belief that they can achieve that level of camaraderie if they simply acquire only male friends because males will inherently treat them with much more deference than they will other males but pretend like they're treating the woman the exact same as "just one of the guys"

Women also crave attention and when in women dominated spaces any attention they get places a target on their back because their "sisters" cannot stand when someone else is in the spot light. Male only spaces guarantee an insane amount of easy to acquire attention and a minimum of 3 beta orbiters.

With these two facts combined together women become attracted to male only spaces like moths to a flame and a fat kid to cupcakes.

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This. Only gay men have pure lives.

i see this at work. the female coworkers will get verbally upset because all the guys will be laughing and carrying on with each other while they stand there silently, even though there are other girls there for them to talk to.

we had a female co worker literally lambast us for not talking to her. it was the most childish shit i had ever seen. we even tried to include her one day because we felt bad.

It's similar to where I work but due to proximity we include the girls but while we'll grab each other, swear at each other, and really go at it we softball the fuck out of the girls and do it in an almost older brother sort of way. That's the most any female can handle is being brother-bullied.

As an example, one of the girls picked up on this and got really pissed about it. She demanded we treat her exactly like one of the guys. So we did. She ended up crying and calling us assholes and we all got in trouble by our manager who said we were all retarded for not simply upping the ante by 10% and pretending like we were going full retard. Same exact shit happened in a Discord I'm in with one of the dude's GF.

we don't get physical that often, but in terms of continual conversation, the girls never try to enter it.
even one of the new guys already entered one of our convos.

women's confidence is a mess.

>the girls never try to enter it
It's the same with us but as I said proximity and politeness lead to us including them.

I think it's the fact that guys of any background or interest have this ability to connect with other guys. On the typical days I work each dude is fairly different.
>Idiot football jock nigger
>Pretty boy half-breed
>Future US Army Soldier
>Silent smiley
>Closet weeb
>Ultra autist
And we all converse like it's nothing. Hell, each of us has a different workout style and we'll talk about fitness. One guy lifts for strength while another lifts for mass. One guy is only into calisthenics. One guy is into power yoga. One guy just runs. Yet we'll have a conversation about it.

Chicks only seem to communicate with other chicks who are completely within their in-group. All the Hispanic girls are friends but not with the two white chicks because they're not Hispanic.

>women's confidence is a mess.
They generally have an external locus of confidence while men derive their confidence from inwards. This is why when a guy is really down for the count mentally and emotionally it takes him a while to get back up but once he's been started on the path it's all automatic from there, while a female can easily 180 by someone doing something as simple as remembering their favorite treat is chocolate milk and you surprise buying it for them when they're all fucked up.

Ive always suspected the sjw shit in videogames is a huge cash grab. Because when you think about it, who priates videogames more often? Men.
So if these companies appeal to women they will make more cash. Mainly because most women have no concept of money and have no idea how to private videogames. Women also dont care if a game is good or bad. They dont know what good game mechanics are, or what makes a good story and so on. So shitting out a game with their fav black character is all they need to do to make sales.

Gays are not pure they are as degenerate or more than women.

Does a "male only bonding space" involve lube or no?

You are right brother, we sould unite and fight those disgusting creatures called women. We NEED to drive away women from Jow Forums, videogames etc... We cant let they destroy everything we like.

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i agree op, i miss playing tf2 and mw2 on pc 10 years ago where no one gave af what you said and it was all just bros chilling. things like my linked tweet were never outrages back in the day. minorites find a way to ruin everything, the internet used to be such a great escapism for white dudes and their niche hobbies, now theres nothing that resembles that.

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so true op so true

buuuuuuuummpp originally ofc

I made a brand new discord group if you frens wanna join
> gg/M6zRjGz

it literally cant be done. as much as I wish it could. hell if i could go to a planet with no females that would be fine to me and yes i am a mgtow. and yes i hate women. and no i am not a incel. women are by nature (evil) shape shifting reptilians they will find a way to invade a male space slowly but surely if you have a single simp beta male who is thirsty will compromise the entire group. that being said. if you are truly dedicated it will be a uphill battle.

Am I the only one who believes its women themselves the ones making threads that make robots feel bad over not having a gf and not actual robots?