So basically, eggs are the optimal food.
So basically, eggs are the optimal food
eggs are chicken periods
is there anything more beta than eating periods of birds?
especially if you eat five dozens a day
Imagine being this dumb
Optimal is pushing it but nutrition to calories to cost they’re pretty fucking high up there.
They're pretty great, but I wish the yolks had less fat to fit my macros better
>being afraid of a little fat
being black
plants are grown from animal shit
is there anything more beta than being as retarded as this guy?
>So basically, eggs are the optimal food.
How do you cook your eggs, Jow Forums?
Fried with a little butter. Let the bottom side firm up, wait until just before I flip them to break the yolk, and immediately remove them from heat after I flip them. Only let them stay in the pan for about 20 seconds after flipped, then fold them over and put them on toast.
Leave, fatfuck
I don’t even have a response for this level of cringe.
Literally less than 450 calories you stupid nigger
Don’t (You) me again, tubby
>eating bread
>being afraid of bread
eat 4-6 a day and for now I'm not dead
Shut up fatass
hard boil a dozen at a time in my rice cooker
Too bad they have such a bad taste, smell, and texture.
Imagine being this pussy
No protein in them. Just eat meat faggot
I still eat eggs a lot, you're a brainlet if you think they have a good texture, taste, or smell.
Raw over white rice, with some seared beef strips.
They do, which is why I eat them.
just swallow them raw it actually is a lot better
>you're a brainlet if you aren't retarded
I'm confused
food is great
>hurrr let me slurp up this chicken monthly vaginal reskinning goop
I refuse
I don't understand how your image is supposed to make the wojak look dumber
pic related makes sense
Over easy with runny yolks. Fantastic with rice, sausage, and a little bit of tobasco.
If you gents haven't taken the egg pill yet, do it and never go back.
I toss out the toast and put them on an Eggo waffle.
You sound like a skeleton, a faggot, and a coward.
Yes. They have everything in them that's required to let a life grow.
Absolute brainlet. Remove yourself from the gene pool.
yup, just make sure they are free range
>my cholesterol is 4.9
thanks egg shills
nothing wrong with that friendo
yea I know a slice of bread is only like 70 calories but bro its carbs bro it will make you obese doctor berg told me so
Whats a good snack to eat if i want to lose weigth, i have been eating some nuts recently but i think peanuts are kind of unhealthy ...
Im just a dumb slut who likes to snack allot (so the food doesnt have to be caloric heavy)
stop snacking you braindead whore
no, never
fuck you, i love bread
Dried beef.
Develop some self-control, you fat fuck.
im only a bit overweight dude ...
im eating very little already , i just want some snack to nibble on while i watch youtube and study
Snacking is killing your gains. Sure you’re not hungry because your blood sugars are up, but that also means you’ll develop insulin resistance. Be hungry once in a while.
The human period is one cell. What the fuck are eggs.
eat egg whited then mong cell. it's just a big cell
It's easier if you want to lose weight to just stop snacking. You've developed a habit that going to YouTube and playing a video = snack time, so you have to break that habit if you want to stop snacking. It'll be hard, but try it for a few days.
If you want to snack for the rest of your life... try vegetables. Baby carrots + hummus is pretty low calorie. Or just eat spinach. Or pop your own popcorn and eat that. Nuts are quite high in calories.
Im just gonna snack on mixed nuts
This is why you never skip brain day guys
whats a good type of hummus ? does it matter or are they all the same ?
Nuts have a ridiculous amount of calories. Just about anything would be better.
Everyone keeps telling me that the amount of eggs I eat fucks with my cholesterol. Is this actually true?
Dark Chocolate in small quantity is ok
Wrong, chickens are dinosaurs closest living relatives, eat the period of a prehistoric apex predator is based and red pilled
Fried in leftover sugar-free sausage fat and maybe a little ghee if the sausage doesn't give off enough. Seasoned with a little ghost pepper salt, fresh black pepper, and a pinch of garlic powder. I aim for over medium.
tfw allergic to eggs now all of a sudden AAAAAHHHHHH used to be one of my favourites... never gonna make it brehs, cant even drink my protein shake without rolling in pain
Soft boiled at the end of boiling chicken and pork. I strain out the solids and boil rice in the broth. Every gain is saved and well mixed with the available nutrients.