Can someone please tell me why this keeps on happening?
Can someone please tell me why this keeps on happening?
One is a Jewish woman the other is a white CIS male
Because women need positive role models and encouragement while men don't get to need anything.
I feel sorry for her desu
She's just a pawn in the culture/gender war, nobody really cares about her research they want a "stronk science girl" to blog about.
Pretty disgusting.
One is a code monkey, the other is an actual scientist watching over the coder
people feel that, because it is generally a given in the society and culture that they're in, that variants of our group have committed atrocities, that our civilization is therefore rendered worthless, almost in its entirety. Except when it apologizes before it even states that it has a right to exist. When you begin to assert yourself you suddenly begin to remember, "Oh, I need to apologize before I do." And that's not just a strange intellectual concept. Millions do that all the time. They say, "I'm not this, but . . .". And if you have a decline and you have a desire to assert yourself to arrest the decline, and you have to apologize to yourself about even having the idea of assertion to arrest decline, you're not going to get anywhere, are you?
>women need positive role models and encouragement
why? literally nobody's disencouraging them so why would they need encouragement?
She developed the algorithm and he used her work to write the code for the program.
even though it seems he did a good portion of the leg work, it was ultimately her work that played the most important role in the program
You're wrong, pasta from another thread
She never led it, and she never created the algorithm, she led a very small team which was part of a 200 people project.
The Japanese created the algorithm, her responsibility was to incorporate the already existing algorithm into the project.
Yet the amount of fake information being posted about her is staggering.
The major contributors who created the core elements of this project are being completely overshadowed by this one women who contributed a small part of the project. Yet the I don't even know the first name of the guy who has 850000 lines of code.
the women empowerment thing is society trying to force a square peg into a round hole.
science is telling us that our current culture and paradigm is bad long term while we simultaneously shovel more coal into the furnace, full steam ahead to no where.
it's just global capitalism trying to accelerate desu. propaganda to get the other half of the population naturally less inclined towards stem to be cattle for tech companies
Reddit's userbase are mostly young men. It's quite obvious that young men are more prone to upboat a picture of some semi-attractive woman than a picture of some dude.
Who cares fags
It's just some lame useless astronomy picture
>muh gender war
The boomer generation is so retarded. Good thing sexism isnt genetic
Code monkey BTFO
Why do you need 850,000 lines???
what i'm wondering is how the fuck was the black hole picture was 900,000 lines of code? i do advanced machine learning image analysis and i have a software analysis suite that's like 2,000 lines at most, not including the very standard math library i use and things that have to do with the GUI
>Socialist retards push the feminist horse shit
>Dude it's capitalism
I hope you drug addicts start to overdose even faster than you already are. The only reason I want all drugs legalized is so socialist liberal arts majors have record deaths.
ok. she most likely is very intelligent, you don't end up in her position just from sucking cocks. can't find anything about her claiming sole responsibility for the project. she's just being used by the media to push the women in stem meme. that's the disgusting part. they're doing it because she's young and cute. there are other women on the team and nothing has been said about them, it's just this girl, want to know why? because the other women aren't as attractive as she is.
>you don't end up in her position just from sucking cocks.
if you only knew...
There is a difference between being a monkey pressing buttons and developing the algorithm.
you mean the algorithm developed by a couple japanese guys lol?
A big part of the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration was using radioastronomy data from a bunch of smaller projects around the globe, using different hardware, producing proprietary data from that hardware.
A big part of the code is about taking all of that different incompatible data and finding ways to incorporate it all into a single comprehensible data set that was compatible with the various computational physics algorithms out there.
Those are the cats Andrew Chael has been herding with his 850k lines of code.
Katie Bouman "led the team" (i.e was first listed author) on the paper describing the CHIRP algorithm, which is the one responsible for the image the press ran with as the "FIRST PICTURE EVAR!!!!"
CHIRP appears to be a reinvention of the Context Aware Fill image manipulation plug-in, but maybe it has something fancier going on to give it some scientific validity rather than just producing prettier pictures than other algorithms.
No one cares code monkey. Get a real job.
I did similar work as a comphys undergraduate in my spare time because the astronomy department was migrating supercomputers and needed all their code tweaked for the new hardware.
It's necessary work that enables other people to do more interesting things, but when someone strikes gold you don't hear about the person who made the shovel that was used.
>literally nobody's disencouraging
you've been on this website long enough to know this isn't true
>producing proprietary data
absolutely disgusting
Obviously none of you have ever written a program if you think someone wrote 850000 lines of code. That's fucking ridiculous.
Most people peddling identity politics like this are teens who have never had jobs, let alone worked in software development. Same goes for the people acting like the bitch made the entire thing herself.
Oh feminists and SJWs only exist because of an anime website, how silly of us, you girls are totally getting held back.
>Yet the I dont even know the first name
I dont need to know his name until he goes on a shooting spree lol like hes for sure an incel not even doubting it
Nothing says identitiy politics like giving credit to the men and multiple teams of people across the world instead of claiming one woman did all the work, those fucking nazis
t. Idpoler who didn't read the whole post
Yeah I read the whole post, which is how I knew you were making a false equivalency you idiot
The equivalency is not false though. You are just backtracking at this point.
>"Women are taking credit for something that a single young "white" (just like me lol) did "
>Is alerted to the fact that the guy was just a code monkey
>"Uh actually what's bad is that she is being given credit for what the entire team did"
Whether the entire team is majority male or majority code monkey does not make the point a false equivalency, youre just bad at English
If a team of construction workers builds a house, do you give credit to them or to the female realtor that does the last leg of the project?
Because Women are smarter than men(on average) and surpass men in academics.
>that feel when you want a smart head strong girl but who isn't a some feminist female empowerment or no fun allowed busy body
then why is like 85% of the team behind this project males?
why do you need code to take a pic? lmao just point the camera at the sky and zoom in rly far
Brainlet here. Why did they need code to take a picture of a space anus?
It's fucking fake. They did some simulation bullshit or whatever. Fucken gay
The pic was just one part, there's loads of other data they've been taking on top of that.
Cause women don't need to prove their worth to be valued and be happy. Those dumb nerds spend their life pursuing science stuff and maybe society values them half of how much they value an attractive woman.
Maybe if they make themselves more interesting a woman will talk to them and let them do the only thing they truly want
>She may have written the instruction manual, but he put together the IKEA chair
Give me a fucking break.
So, to take a decent photo of something far away, you need a really big angular resolution. Whether that's the center of our galaxy or the landmarks behind the horizon to prove that the earth is flat.
To accomplish a high angular resolution, what you usually do is make your objective bigger.
But for things as far away as a black hole what is needed is an objective bigger than what you can physically build, so you need to develop a way to overcome this.
The solution is to consolidate the signals picked up by multiple telescopes using mathematics. This is "inferometry", you use the properties of light to your advantage to mathematically create a telescope with optics as big as the distance between the individual telescopes. This effectively means that to take the photo they (mathematically) used a telescope disc the size of the entire earth.
It's not simulation, Inferometry is widely used in astronomy, because it gives you far better resolutions than traditional methods.
The unique thing about this particular case was the sheer scale on which it was used and it proves that you can go even bigger with your inferometers.
One borderline scifi proposal was having telescopes orbit the sun, to create a dish even bigger than the sun.
And of course none of the things actually look like in the photo, because the electromagnetic radiation is heavily red shifted and the telescopes are detecting things in the radio frequency range. But due to how black body radiation functions it is still reasonable to assume that the ring is red to yellow.
she led the team that worked on the algorithm. she didn't do it herself, jesus christ you people are fucking retarded. she's basically just the public face for this thing and you're taking all the work other people did and placing it all on her just because you have seen her in the media. you're an idiot