>TFW no high-IQ cosmonaut physicist GF
Feels bad man
>TFW no high-IQ cosmonaut physicist GF
Feels bad man
a quintessentially jewish woman
proof women aren't just for your sexual perversions and I believe it was a woman that harnessed fire and created the wheel.
Men and boys were out all day fucking around pretending to be hunting and we working on everything else. We got tired of cold, raw meat and freezing at night and poof fire and tired of carrying huge loads of firewood and water miles and miles and poof, came up with the wheel. And typical of big strong he man they blacked our eye and stole the ideas for themselves.
Clothes, we did it, shoes, us, irrigation, yep, plant and animal domestication, win. All while men were out drinking fermented monkey piss and having a circle jerk.
Can you.. prove any of these statements and claims, my cunt?
cosmonaut is the slavshit term for astronaut, brainlet
she would be a cosmologist/astrophysicist
8/10 (7 + 1 for intellect) would bang tho
you can't disprove them can you boy
>tfw no nose GF who drinks mountain dew all day and it all goes to her tits
fucking rude to photoshop her to make her look like that
if you a claim the burden of proof is on you incel
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". Burden of proof is on you, bimbo whore.
>"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". Burden of proof is on you, bimbo whore.
Prove it.
you actually believe this?
it's 99% likely that men invented all of those things, hell, men even invented menstruation pads and tampons
She literally did at best, AT THE VERY best, 1% of the whole work yet shes being praised by the media like she led the project LOL.
>Andrew Chael wrote 850k out of the 900k lines of code. He was also the leader of the project. Michael D. Johnson wrote 12k lines of code. Chanchikwan wrote 5k lines of code
The woman? Only wrote 2.4k lines of code.
He didn't write shit. Most of his "code" was imported from another project.
She looks Italian to me.
There are images of the full team of like 100 people or so. They're overwhelmingly male, white, East Asian, with a few women and Indians.
Women have actually held their own in astronomy for quite some time compared to other sciences. Quite a few important discoveries and contributions were made by women.
Granted a lot of them were Jewish like the girl in the OP (Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ an entire SD above the mean).
Seething whorebot
The burden of proof lies on the person who makes a claim, it doesn't lie on the person who is arguing against the claim.
imagine shooting your sperm in some genius girl's womb and getting her pregnant
she looks cute to me
Slightly too neotenous for my tastes.
Repetition of the claim is not an argument. Prove it.
Why don't you prove that women supposedly invented the Wheel and learned how to use fire?
look at that schnoze. if she was male, she'd be incel