Is being a tranny a meme?

Trannies always bring up the doctors, how they were diagnosed, all that stuff.
This doesn't make sense to me.
How can you feel like a woman, or a man?
I've never felt like something, I inhabit my testosterone-filled manly body and therefore am a man.

What is all this tranny stuff about?

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gender dysphoria can't be put into words better than that

To enlighten you, fellow poster, being a trannoid is nothing more than acting on your gender dysphoria and degeneracy, by taking hrt, thoughts of having your ass filled with cocks arise due to you never touching a real woman and eventually end up mutilating your body beyond saving due to your sickening perversion, so, in short, yes, being a tranny is a meme

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I think it starts when a yound dude realizes what a shit deal men actually get, and thats why they think they can flee into gender bending. Since its not activly shunned they see it as the best route for lazy days

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It's not such a bad deal man.

How about you stop being a beta, leave your house from time to time and start looking for non-degenerate women?

I guess that's too much work.
How are you gonna shitpost all day and jerk off for several hours then?
I get you bro, you don't even need to say a word.

Do you think it's normal to think "I wish I was a woman", but knowing you're not and feeling at peace being a man?

How can that be normal fellow poster, its either a very degenerate fetish or mental illness, there is no inbetween about thinking you are a gender which you weren't born as

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>How can anyone be schizophrenic
>Everything I see is real!
Perhaps this is because you aren't mentally ill. GD is a mental illness and according to a study or two by some individual, we treat it with transition. Until New studies are made this will continue to be the case.

I've visited /lgbt/ and what can be seen there also happens on other places.
Trannies try to convince everyone that they're trannies as well.
When someone brings up any kind of desire to be a female (even if fetishistic), they tell him to transition before it's too late.

Why do you think trannies behave like this?
What do they get from spreading their way of life?

Its just another form of cope, deep down they are miserable and just want to know that there are other people suffering in the world for them to feel better, that or some hivemind bullshit where they want to see all of the world like them, its fucked up either way

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Or maybe it's for fetishistic reasons.
Are you familiar with AGP (autogynephilia)?

No, but I can imagine having a fetish for making people shit in bags from their stomachs for the rest of their lifes, its sickening

>people shit in bags from their stomachs for the rest of their lifes
What do you mean by this?
I've heard it before, but I have no idea what you're talking about.

The gender reasignment surgery can cause complications to your body including to your excremetory system meaning you will have to shit in a bag for the rest of your life or risk very very bad things, I used to have images on this but I can't find them right now, also there was a guy who had tubes through his whole body so he could pee normaly after the surgery

Sounds more like a freak accident than a common occurrence

A lot of trannies never end up cutting off their cock.
Hell, most don't.
This is not a very good argument against them.

>This is not a very good argument against them.
Have you even read the damn thread? The guy simply asked why trannoids end up shitting in bags

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Why force others to be a guy? Do you like being an authoritarian and tell people how to live?

Just only 10 years ago trannies were seen as perverted cross-dressing weirdos and only recently there has been a big media push to try and normalize it as legitimate behavior. Going so far as to make government legislation to back it up and teach it as a normal thing in PUBLIC schools.

The fact of the matter is verryyyy rarely are trans people ever passable and just end up in the un-canny valley of being some weird science experiment with girl parts stitched on and having to inject hormones into themselves.

You're not a woman, you're just a gay man. Just be a gay man. The problem being that obviously being a pretty girl is a better lot in life than being a gay dude. So some twink thinks to himself, "wait a minute, I'm actually a woman!"

He then gets a bunch of goofy surgery, chops his cock off then realizes 5 years down the line that he is a weird laughing stock now and has done irreversible damage to his body and commits suicide.

Just be a gay guy, nobody cares. Trannies are weird don't listen to the media 90% of the population will be weirded out by you. and probably a large portion will be openly rude to you.

Men don't have a bad deal, it's ugly men

I don't know what to think of trannies, but why would anyone non-retarded be rude to them, or laugh at them?

Again, whatever the case may be, they do suffer, their lives tend to be shit.
What kind of pussy-ass bully would want to abuse people like this?

Its just a form of body dysphoria

and some believe by adopting feminine mannerisms and appearance theyll be in the right body

same principles as people with anorexia, body builders that heavily abuse steroids, and the more crazier furries

There seems to be a tranny ideology that they promote.
If you've ever browsed /lgbt/, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

A lot of trannies seem to come from weeb and video game communities.

Basically I'm alpha and do what I want with my life. I dropped out of college and moved out of my parents basement to take hrt and transition eventually. Almost 9 years later and here I am.

If you want to look like a woman, act like a woman and be perceived by others as a woman, you can do all of those things if you're not a pussy and your genes are good enough.

Haters can drink my fuckin nut and continue letting other people tell them how to live.

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Do you at least admit that trannyism is a meme and that you just did what you wanted?
I mean, shit, people on /lgbt/ tell ME that I'm a tranny too.
If I'm a tranny, then this shit is a meme.

too bad that no matter how much you look like a woman, act like a woman and are percieved by others as a woman you will never actually be a real woman, your penis/hole where your penis was is proof of that

I don't give a shit, blow me nigger.
I mean, what's your definition of a meme? I understand how intangible it is to "feel" like another gender. I'm not a doctor or something, but I know how I feel and without a doubt I am trans (whatever that means). I did do what I wanted, but only a tranny would do what I've done so.. it kinda goes hand in hand y'know.

You should look up David Reimer. Basically this sick fucker forced a child to be trans as an experiment. In the end it proved that we are not born as blank slates and that our sense of gender is in our brains from birth and is influenced by culture (i.e. girls wear dresses etc). One could infer that you can be born with mismatched gender identity in the brain, after all 1 in 1000 infants are born with a sexually ambiguous set of genitalia that is corrected at birth. It would be reasonable to assume mother nature could screw up in other ways and make you ambiguous in different ways..

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>I don't give a shit, blow me nigger.
>unironically using the word blow when you are are gonna blow your own brains in about 10 years from now

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I'm already almost 30 so I guess you could say my life expectancy is very good for a tranny.

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jesus fuck you must look creepy af, caitlyn jenner tier except way more ugly or something

I guess that makes sense.

Still, if 1 in 1000 men were trannies, that would be a different story.
Nowadays (in liberal countries) there seem to be way too many trannies, for what it is.

Let's not forget how there are a fuckton of trannies in Thailand, purely because of their culture.
Can you imagine that?
Random somewhat feminine dudes transition, because "why the fuck not?".

>Still, if 1 in 1000 men were trannies, that would be a different story.
>Nowadays (in liberal countries) there seem to be way too many trannies, for what it is.
I'm pretty sure you being online all day has ruined your perspective. Go outside, I live in a liberal city in blue state New Jersey and have seen 1 tranny ever out of tens of thousands of people.

Fair enough. Makes sense.

Then why are there so many trannies on Jow Forums?

On /lgbt/ they tried to convince me I'm a tranny because I have some AGP tendencies.
(Un)surprisingly, one of my good friends also has the same tendencies.

Then who's a real tranny?
Is there a tranny AGP fetishist cult on this website?

>have seen 1 tranny ever out of tens of thousands of people
Maybe they just pass well, unlike you.

Jow Forums attracts weirdos
Trannies are weirdos
Jow Forums attracts trannies

Now I wanna adopt a kid and raise him as a tranny for an experiment.

I wouldn't do anything illegal.
I would simply buy him girl clothes, girl toys, call him "she", act like he's a normal girl, etc.
If he refuses something or reclaims his male identity, that's fine, it's all part of the experiment.

What do you guys think?

Yeah even if everything I said was true, there's always this gray area where things happen that can't be explained. We live in a world where legitimate trannies and gay thai boys share the same label. There will always be outliers.

Reminds me of the story I read on 420chan back in the day. Basically the tl;dr is this neckbeard degenerate porn addict was bored with life and about to an hero, but he thought before he dies he would try hrt to satisfy his futanari fetish. Flash forward a year or two. He's completely changed. Being a skinny beta the hrt filled him out and was actually able to pass (and he liked it). He also stopped looking at porn and his fetishes went away. He started dating a guy and fell in love when he never had any prior attraction to men.

Is this person trans? Are they as trans as someone with gender dysphoria? How were they able to fill the role like this? Of course they could've been lying, but the way they wrote the story it seemed real.. dunno, life is pretty crazy.

Uh they already did this and it failed horribly and he killed himself, see this post.

Maybe they didn't do it right.
Besides, one experiment isn't enough to prove something.

As I perceive it, it's a mixture of:
- Feeling of rejection towards your secondary sex characteristics.
- Alienation of your sex organs (feeling that your genitals or breasts as foreign)
- Behavioural learning having a tendency towards female behaviour. As you learn as a kid, you imitate the people surrounding you. As a trans girl I used to pick up behaviours from female influences as opposed to male ones.
However, false perceptions and even misdiagnosis are a clear possibility and that's why I don't support transition for children.

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I think I would be fine with being anything that my body is, how it feels like on a physical, hormonal, biological level.

Having a testosterone-filled masculine body makes me feel like a man.
Having a female body would make me feel like a woman.
Having a good tranny body would also make me feel like a woman.

I think I would be able to fill any role, but maybe I'm wrong.

Alright I'll bite the bait and argue with a psycho. That kid committed suicide because you're not supposed to fuck with someone's gender. Y'all are psychos and you're doing everyone a favor by eliminating yourself from the gene pool.

50% suicide rate wow!

Yes I agree with you about the kid, but it's not trannies fault this happened. The kike doctor botched a circumcision and decided to turn him into a tranny as an experiment. It was disgusting and immoral but it did prove you are born trans (by using deductive reasoning)

Listen here, nigger. I wish I was a gay man because I hate women but I don't force myself to fuck men because I'm not a faggot.

I don't know man, sometimes I feel like some non-human thing that isn't bipedal and just wants to curl up in a dark corner and just lurk there all day only occasionally coming out to eat food other people worked to acquire.
But it's too far from normal so I don't have hordes of sjws trying to support my NEET bug lifestyle.

hopefully when society collapses we can murder every single one of them.

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No it didn't prove that anyone was born trans. No one can be born trans. It just proved that gender isn't fluid like you psychos keep on yelping and that you're all destined to kill yourselves.

But he doesn't compare his ''shit deal'' to the average womans life. He compares it to anime girls, pornstars and 10/10 models lives. They are so deluded they think they'll get that lifestyle, that somehow they will be better than a normal woman.

>making tea out of our used tampons

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>What do they get from spreading their way of life?


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>A lot of trannies seem to come from weeb and video game communities.

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I really don't understand why people hate trannies. I understand that they think they look like freaks, have personality issues and a ton of other issues, but so do a ton of other people but we just mostly avoid talking with them. I mean, people generally don't like the kind of people who do hard drugs and go to rave parties but they don't get nearly as much hate as trannies do.

They are such a minor minority that you can live your whole life without having to deal with one IRL. I can see from a politics perspective but not from a "I WANT TO KILL ALL TRANNIES AHAHAHA SUCH A HIGH SUICIDE RATE" point of view.

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My understanding is that it's basically being inherently disgusted with yourself and only imagining yourself feeling comfortable if you were in the body of a woman. Kinda like a fatty being disgusted with his gut and only feeling comfortable if he gets a greek god body. Except you can't run and lift your way to being a woman.

Those words are spoken by sad incels, my friend.

They feel degenerate and broken themselves, so they look outside, they look for those they can label as more broken than themselves.
They unleash their rage and frustration at these people, the emotions they truly feel towards themselves.

It's a cope.

Trannies are fine.
I feel bad for all of the suffering they usually go through.
I would stand up for a tranny, if I saw them being mistreated by someone.

The last 3 paragraphs are shopped. The text of the last 3 paragraphs is a slightly different color and less blurry. Up the contrast and it becomes very obvious.

holyshit everything makes sense now it's a literal fucking germ that spreads itself as a disease

Use your brain. If we aren't born as blank slates then we are born with inherent gender. Gender isn't fluid. If it was fluid (a choice) then being socialized as female would've worked for David, but it was rejected. He literally had reverse gender dysphoria. Regardless if you hate trannies you must see the logic in what I'm saying.

And think about how pozzing each other up on purpose is such a big thing in the gay community. They literally get horny from making each other sicker and sicker. Heavy drugs, orgies, spreading aids, destroying each others assholes, chopping off dicks to play pretend women, grooming little boys into becoming a new generation of faggots. That is how fags reproduce. It is pure hell. The gay community is what hell looks like, where everything is turned upside down and pushing limits so far they are literally playing with death because it makes their pee pee feel good

no you're full of shit, it's real, here's the original post, someone had to archive it because the original comment got deleted and the author deleted her account.

Kill yourself trap

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