What's your favorite drug and why is it LSD?
Second time smoking weed, this feels good as fuck, that gif awesome.
I prefer shrooms. LSD last too long imo. If it had the same duration as shrooms it might be the perfect psych
what are shrooms like explain it to me who's only done LSD
For one, LSD visuals feel more rigid than shrooms ime. They are more geometrical I guess but shrooms visuals feel very flowy and natural. Shrooms always felt less like a drug to me than LSD does in that it feels like it's stripping away some sort of illusory veil while LSD feels like it's adding something on top of normal reality. Shrooms also feel a lot more inwardly focused while LSD to me always feels like something that is more oriented toward the senses.
I know this wording is all pretty abstract and subjective but this stuff is kinda hard to accurately describe. Another side note is that shrooms feel very similar to DMT to me minus some differences. Makes sense because they're both tryptamines
very cool explanation, thanks user i can picture it perfectly
Thanks and you're very welcome. Do you have experience with any other hallucinogens? Not just psychedelics
I love LSD, but I think my faves are MXE and ketamine. MXE especially, that shit is awesome. If LSD is the yin, MXE is the yang of psychedelics. Even if it is a dissociative as well.
sadly not, but i read up a lot on them, i want to try datura for the mythical entheogenic deliriant effects but it's so dangerous and can't be dosed safely
You guys are the only friends I have on this website.
>Japanese exchange student keeps responding to my messages
>Usually I get ghosted after 10 messages max
>She wants to smoke weed and get pizza
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck??
i prefer mephedrone or mdma just because its pure happiness
>stimulants: coffee, adderall, coke
Being a lazy fuck, the sudden energy gained is very fun to experience, excited to get stuff done
>sedatives: phenibut, DXM
Make me very chill, focused, creative
Psychedelics: all of them, especially LSD
For therapy.
I don't use drugs as often these days because ethically I just can't hurt my brain like that anymore, so meditation feels much better.
I live in bumfuck nowhere. All I can get is weed and occasionally xanax. How do you fuckers get all these drugs.
the onion fields retard
This website is a dream on lsd
How's your night, fellas?
It's 8 in the morning, I'm wagecucking.
I can't stand Jow Forums on acid, way too depressing.
I know right, Jow Forums on acid is so bizarre and strange, it's really like a dream and you are trying to understand the strange posts which feel interconnected and divine
heroin and i will be doing it tommorow i'll get some 20 bucks of heroin but i'll try to get coke instead so i won't do heroin
Next time you do it go to your local grocery store first and pick up two bottles of robitussin dm gels. down about 28 pills then 1 hour later smoke as much weed as you can go back inside your house lay down on your bed and put on some music. it's fucking great dude very comfy!
Yeah. Honestly I've been staring like a retard at Jow Forums posts for a few hours now, just trying to make sense of all this words and shit fuark
Hit 4th plat (dosage wise) on Dex last night and the world warped around me and I saw a few things but didn't have rly any crazy visuals or experiences
Felt like an alien operating my body through a remote control
Should I let tolerance reset? Feel like it should have been more whacky
Good way to get Ket? US fag
addy gang addy gang addy gang
addy gang addy gang
addy gang1
>phenibut capsules arrive tonight
>have a free day on sunday
What should I expect anons? I'm your average depressed hkv college student who never says more than a few words to anyone, hoping this can give me the confidence I need to meet some new people/do the things I've always been afraid of doing.
Would 900-1200 mg be a good starter dose?
you are already beyond saving
i get really weird and awkward when i get high around strangers yesterday.
>go to this house with my two roommates
>theres a shit ton of guys there
>go in a room they start rolling blunt
>i didnt wanna smoke cause i know i get weird if i get high around strangers
>they call me a pussy etc stop being a bitch
>i decide to not be a bitch and just smoke
>im baked as fuck
>pretty uncomfortable but try to just stare at the screen and avoid eye contact with anyone
>suddenly a guy bursts into the room
>its my worst nightmare: someone i havent seen since high school
>he recognizes me and i recognize him
>i say whats up and try to play it cool without saying too much more
>he seems kinda confused that im so quiet but just ignores it and everything seems alright
>more blunts pass around
>i get even higher
>absolutely paralyzed by anxiety
>cant move at all, i know its weird to just stare at the tv screen when everyone is talking but im way too nervous to look anywhere else
>every time i try to connect with the group its just awkward and uncomfortable for everyone
>sit there for multiple hours basically just not looking at anyone and not saying a single word
finally left but by then i probably pissed everyone in the house off by my avoidant demeanor. I dont know why i like this. how do i fix my broken soul and broken brain ? should i drop acid? im tired of being such an immense faggot
im same situation as you user. phenibut did work pretty nice when i took massive doses and also drank alcohol with it. it made me more talkative in comfortable enviornments, like 1on1 with my roommate, but anywhere else not really. ive tried it a lot in other situations but I was still the same quiet and awkward person, although i felt better mentally due to the drugs.
try it out but dont expect too much of youll probably be disappointed.
Question for anyone who has tried zolpidem. Did you feel like you could control yourself? I'm going for 15mg and keep imagining that I'll go out naked on the street
I got pretty tipsy on 500mg the first time I tried it
most people never respond that well though just saying
I mix Adderall and phenibut when I have to get social.
I wish phenibut affected me like that
Some people cling to it because it's legal. I take phenibut about once a month yet some people take it daily or 3x a week. All good things come to an end which is why I stocked up on a massive phenibut jar I'll never finish
I don't have advice but I have a similar story.
>it's 4/20, me and a close friend are going to a hangout with 10 other older guys we knew from high school
>said close friend became massive stoner after high school
>I had only smoked a handful of times before
>stoner offers hit from bong outside, I oblige
>get back inside and realize that nobody else wants to smoke
>every past insecurity about nobody in the friend group liking me comes rushing back
>now I'm too high in the middle of a group of people who all hate me
>sit down on couch completely frozen
>attempt to smile and laugh with the others but I am completely in my head
>an hour into this I start vomiting uncontrollably
>there's vomit covering my clothes, the couch I'm sitting on, and the floor
>someone brings me a bowl to vomit into
>two people who lived in the house stay upstairs to help and clean up while everyone else heads downstairs
>continue to dry heave for two hours
>eventually stop and manage to sneak out of the house without anybody seeing me leave
>don't speak to the older guys ever again
Worst night of my life.
1g is a nice dose but be prepared to get really sleepy too
phenibut makes me mildly euphoric, music sounds really nice and it makes socializing a little bit easier. It's not magic though, you won't turn into a super extroverted person over night if you put zero effort into trying to be more social and stepping outside your comfort zones. It just loosens the shackles of anxiety a little bit
not too few folks report no effects at all from it
>>eventually stop and manage to sneak out of the house without anybody seeing me leave
>>don't speak to the older guys ever again
>Worst night of my life.
>>eventually stop and manage to sneak out of the house without anybody seeing me leave
>>don't speak to the older guys ever again
>Worst night of my life.
How much mg did you take? I took 600 last Sunday and I didn't see anything not even closed eyed visuals. I was high as fuck though and everything was kind of a blur I remember looking at my clock a lot about 4 hour's in and minutes legitimately felt like hour's I could barely get out of my bed even if I wanted too and I had to hold onto my bed/dresser to navigate around my room I also felt like I had a bad fever for a few hour's when I was coming down. Anyways yes your supposed to wait atlest a couple weeks before taking higher plat doses again I'm gonna do 420 mg next time but I'll probably wait another 10 day's or so.
I think i'm going to take a little break from psyches
fucking lonely
feel like I may relapse since I've started my methadone taper a few months ago and I'm having strong cravings
nah you're good keep at it
thanks I've been doing good for a year but the desire to use as been overwhelming for the past week non stop
also for some reason my vape has been tasting like shit lately even with a fresh coil
3 robocough bottles, p sure that is 1350.
Last dose I did was 1200 about 3 weeks ago. Guess I am getting too greedy and should wait a while.
Best visuals I ever got honestly was back when I mix3d with DPH like a retard, never wanna do that again tho
it depends on the person so you won't know until you take it how you will react
some ppl act funny on it and some don't
Remember to respect psychedelics or you'll peel back the veil of consciousness and experience existential horror
become a stoner
i already do since i'm in a legal state and have easy access to it, but it's not as enjoyable as it use to be
mostly just eat a shitload of gummy edibles
don't freak out the new ones, moron
>peel back the veil of consciousness and experience existential horror
what if i want this?
what is the drug if i'm autistic and want to be normal?
Some robot on here spammed the board with kratom threads, I gave in, and bought some because its easy to get.
Got 40g in total, 20g red vein, 10g green, and 10g white. Which ones should I save up for last till I build a high enough tolerance to take good amounts?
then take a shitload of acid and buckle up buckaroo
You don't want to build tolerance. Your 3g could feel the same as another guy's 6g. Take the minimum dose you need to feel good and avoid increasing it. Take my advice, I've been using this stuff daily for the past 2 years
Phenibut is a godsend but you're likely to become dependent on it if you really need it and the withdrawals are hellish.
>help me get addicted to kratom
why are there so many posts like this
it's like kratom is some lovecraftian horror with no physical form but with a will that's manipulating retards
i love /dis/ as well
i had about 20 mg of Mxe week ago. Yesterday i vomited, there was some blood in it, and whole night my stomach felt like in torture. I hope its just virus, not because all drugs i took. I feel fine today tho
How much do you take, and how would you describe the high? Also what strain?
I am not planning on getting any more of it, I just wanted to try it out.
Where did you get MXE?
The dose that makes me feel best even after all this time is about 3g-4g per dose. I take two days off every week and rarely increase dose. I'm long past the honeymoon phase with kratom so I don't necessarily get "high" from it like I used to, but instead I get relaxed and a mood-lift that makes me chatty.
When it comes to strain and color... It's pretty arbitrary. One vendor's red bali is another vendor's white maeng da. It's all just bullshit marketing 99% of the time. The only way to know what you like is by trying different strains and colors from different vendors and batches and finding out what you personally like. Kratom is a plant which means that it has a very broad alkaloid spectrum so the experience varies person-to-person. The alkaloid content of the leaf differs based on numerous variables such as the location the leaf was cultivated, the size of the leaves, the maturity of the plant, the drying process, how much water the plants got, what type of soil they were grown in, what time of year it is, etc.
Hopefully this didn't seem too drawn out. I'm on adderall at the moment so my thoughts are racing.
you best smash and post the story faggot
Thanks user, it didn't seem drawn out, it was good. Have you ever done any high doses of Kratom like 10g+?
onion, i am not in us tho
i act like a weirdo in these situations and hope everything goes alright. I think you should smoke alone.
Highest I've gone is like 8g. I just ended up getting nauseous and tired. I also ended up getting LESS good feelings than on 3.5g. Kratom's alkaloid profile also contains small percentages of opioid receptor antagonists so at higher kratom doses your opioid receptors actually get blocked and you don't feel as good.
If you can sift through the annoying stuff and shunning of recreational use, r/kratom is a good subreddit for learning about kratom in general. I've been lurking reddit for years without ever making an account. It's a decent resource
Not him but i do some pretty high doses of kratom. I have been doing it for awhile and still get pretty high off it but not completely fucked unless i am really lucky
The first time i did I took red Bali. I was so depressed and stressed out i couldnt sleep for months straight. I took 3 capsules and just laid there really relaxed and passed out for the first time in forever and it felt really
I would say like 3-8 caps for a good time. I do feel a difference between. I mostly get red and it is usually sedating. I tried a white with my friend and it made us really talkative like more than usual but it also made me really fucking hungry so i dont know how sedative it is
I remember when i first started it made me happy as fuck just to text people online i wish it still did that
Weed does that for some people. It makes it kind of a shitty drug.
I'm this poster^^^ Gonna namefag because I'm gonna be here for a while
Another thing about kratom is don't chase any dragons. That is to say, if you felt really good once, and you don't get that feeling again, DON'T CHASE IT. That's how people get massive tolerance. Upping the dose will only make the plant work less and less over time. Take what it gives you and be grateful (I know this sounds cheesy af but just trust me). Kratom isn't very recreational compared to real drugs so manage your expectations. That's the reason I like it though... It's something that I can take in tea form and it starts my day on a positive note.
If you want to get a true opioid high, then get real opioids. If you haven't done real opioids before, then I would highly advise against ever trying them. They feel so nice and the lack of comedown makes it seem like they're harmless. The addiction creeps up on you without you realizing it
Not LSD, but LSD is definitely #2
DMT holds the throne with an iron grip, nothing can ever get near dimitri
I tried a perc 30 and got close to no effects just mild tiredness face itch and a small amount of euphoria and took a walk and felt happy as fuck
I took kratom the day after and got more of a buzz off the kratom. I think its because with kratom i could keep going and going and taking more and with the other opiates i can only pop one pill or half a pill and just sit there and wait and no way to kick it in further
As I mentioned in a previous post, kratom diverse alkaloid profile gives it a very unique flavor relative to other opioid receptor agonists. If I could get more euphoria from kratom it would be my favorite recreational drug to even top oxycodone.
I dont know if its just my vendor or what but i seem to have crazier experiences with kratom then other people
Its basically the only vendor i tried. I did get 500 grams off another vendor tho of the same strain and it did seem to work pretty good but mostly been using this vendor
I remember one time i had to be sober and all my friends were drinking and shit and i was like fuck all i got is this kratom shit probably not going to do anything. I instantly got a wave of euphoria and felt really high and i like had to sit down my body was so heavy feeling
On the drive home i was just like nodding off kinda in the seat really tired couldnt even keep my eyes open until i got a bite to eat
I was on like 200 to 300 ug this weekend on sunday and I smoked a lot of weed. At first I felt it but then the weed effect stopped. Has this happened to anyone else? I thought weed would send me far away but it didnt
Anyone want to talk about deliriant experiences? I don't fuck with it anymore but back in my experimental days I was messing with high doses of DPH. One time I combined 600mg DPH with 300mg DXM (I'm light weight so that DXM dose is second plat for me). It was initially supposed to be a 300mg/300mg combo but 2 hours in my partially-delirious brain thought it would be a good idea to dose another 300mg DPH. I only have snippets of memories from that night. If anyone is interested in details I'd be glad to type it out.
I also have fuck loads of experience with LSD, shrooms, and DMT if you'd rather discuss psychedelics. I'd say I'm decently educated when it comes to psychotropic substances so ask away.
The one time I took zolpidem it gradually increased from slight dizziness with subtle visuals to horrible bodyload with motion blur cranked up to extreme, once it came to that I remember nothing, just coming to my senses while puking my guts out and the effects immediately regressing after that
I never did the DXM DPH combo but I have another question, did you ever get to the point where DXM lost its magic? When I do it its not so effective on making me see CEVs anymore and my walk isnt so robotic. People other places online say it loses effect after like 50 trips which is where im at. Would u be able to corroborate that claim?
Was it one of your first times doing kratom? The first time I took kratom it was super euphoric and every time after that hasn't been the same. After almost 2 years of regular use I have never gotten anywhere close to that amount of euphoria again
holy shit are you me?
in a very orig way of course
No it wasnt it was after a couple batches. Even now i take kratom and have daily for almost a year and i still get some strong effects. I think my vendor is just really good thats why i have been sticking to it. I get really strong effects off every batch and i just got some new red Bali shit from and it has been crazy it actually looks kinda red its a really dark green with a red hue to it
Everytime I come down from a wild trip I ask myself why I would take so many psyches
then I remember I'm a loser with no friends
I'd say I've used DXM somewhere around 15 or so times and most of them were second plat trips (I did third plat once but it was too much nausea for me to want to do again). I've heard of that perma-tolerance thing that you're talking about but I've never experienced it. The most frequently that I've ever dosed DXM was two weeks apart. When I decided to not do DXM anymore a couple months ago it wasn't because it lost its magic but it was because I had a 50/50 shot of the trip either being fun or just plunging me into a pit of existential anxiety. I'm not able to sleep on DXM either and I'd dose at night so I hated not being able to sleep until like 6am.
What was your longest break from DXM recently? I'd take a few weeks or even months off and see if it feels nice again.
Got some Ketamine, what am I in for?
Maybe I just need to switch my vendor. I've been using the same one for like a year now. Would you mind sharing the name of your vendor with me?
Interesting you say you couldnt sleep until the morning. I couldn't fall asleep either but my friend would fall asleep fast after the dose. I have a feeling he was trying to avoid the trip tho sometimes.
My longest break is right now and I havent done it in like 1 or 1.5 years. It was terrible and not worth gulping down the terrible fluid so I forgot about it.
DXM was my thing when I used to do it. I would do it like at least once a week and it would always be like 2nd or 3rd plat trips with one trip being really into 4th plat zone where I saw an alien. After about a year of heavy use I stopped and in the months after I felt like i was forgetting words and that scared me. Did you ever forget words on a DXM trip or after? I felt retarded for a few months too.
How is dph plus dxm? I've thought of trying that before but I'm kinda scared too.
Strong euphoria, and you'll probably act like a retard for a little bit, unless you're experienced with dissociatives.
Cali botanicals
What are you doing this fine evening?
Chronic, heavy DXM use can lead to memory issues. I've never experienced this because I was aware of the long-term side effects of going overboard so I was responsible with it. It really is best to not do DXM more than like once a month from what I understand. If you took a year off of DXM and it still doesn't feel fun then it's likely that you've just gotta stick to other drugs
What'll happen if I take dxm two days in a row? I took a lot of psychs earlier this week as well. This stuff all plays off serotonin receptors right? Am I risking brain damage?
Im this guyId suggest against that. Some people say they get permanent depression from too much DXM use.
Do DMT/Shrooms/LSD tolerance add up?
I mean I know it's not healthy for mental health, but theoretically, if tripped on acid one day, would shrooms be weaker next day?
Or DMT, a day after acid
Yeah youre right. I'm done with it really and its just not as good as other psychedelics. I really love lsd and its good bc i never take it more than once a month. How high of a dose have u gone with lsd? Ive gone like just 1000 ug but i know some people who have done those 80 hit vials. I just could never afford that
It seems to vary for people and DPH def isn't for most but the medium dph / dxm doses were fun, like living in a dream with lots of hallucinations.
Best trip I had (in terms of fucky shit) was like 450mg dxm with 500mg dph. I was p relaxed and euphoric just watching crazy shit happen around me. Worst part of the trip was I convinced myself my dogs were dead and kept hugging them.
Lower doses of dph with higher doses of dxm can be relaxing and better overall (less disso feel at times however), no nausea either.
Just DON'T dose it often at all as DPH is pretty fucking unhealthy.
Shrooms, acid and friends that fuck with serotonin have a cross tolerance
I don't think DMT has a cross tolerance with those though
yessyesss xx
How did 1mg acid trip feel like? Could you walk? Was it good? Did you see in front of your eyes, or most of it was visuals? Did you have your eyes open a lot, or rather closed?
LSD is god tier, haven't had the time/place to trip in nearly two months though, but I might hopefully be able to trip again in a week or two
I also really wanna do ketamine again but it's so damn expensive and short lasting
If you take DXM two days in a row once you're unlikely to experience long-term damage. Most long-term damage with recreational drugs is done with long-term usage patterns. However, even with this in mind, I would recommend mustering up the willpower to not do DXM more than once ever couple weeks. It's a slippery slope to go from having self-discipline to being able to justify your use with "this is the last time I do this for a while". I've been there and it's hard to get out. Kratom has been a godsend for me
how many tabs do you usually take?
So the guy said it was 150 ug tabs and I took 9 of them. The come up was super harsh and I felt like my heart was fibrillating but I knew it was just me. I lived in pittsburgh at the time so the whole day I was walking in this forested park area.
Walking was very easy and fluid like it normally is on acid for me. As far as good or not, I did think a ton about what I was doing and why I was doing it and i felt some guilt because I wasn't doing work when i felt i should have been doing it. I did get ego death but I had experienced that before, even on DXM, so it wasn't a big deal. The amount of pleasure coming through my body was immense. It was like i was constantly orgasming. I had my eyes open throughout the trip because I dont get good CEVs on acid. I clearly saw what was in front of me but the blossoming that happens from acid of everything around me was intense.
The one wierd thing that happened was that there was a peak point where a tree had blossomed to such a point in front of me in such an lsd kind of way that I thought I was witnessing the spirit of the tree looking at me. It sounds super lame and gay but it looked like it had a face and was peering into my soul. Another thing was that I realized intuitively how your visual perception is just an image that is placed on your optical nerve. That was just my autism tho.
Last note, I didnt sleep that night and it took like 24 hours to actually come down. The next few days i was tired as shit. Thanks for reading desu
How often do you take kratom and how much? I want to use it for chronic pain but I dont want to gain a tolerance bc i cant afford that shit
Holy fuck I had similar things on 150ugs, I don't know how I'd survive 1000ugs