Even if you put in the hard work the stress the determination the time everything you got some stupid face cunt whore is going to steal your work and take all the credit for it
Why even bother ?
Even if you put in the hard work the stress the determination the time everything you got some stupid face cunt whore...
calm down, always happened throughout history, even among men
>actually read up on this
>immediately find out that 500k of the 'lines of code' he 'wrote' were computer generated data models he imported to the project
Another triggered robot grasping at straws, gg no re.
>inb4 someone says the reddit post that I found that said that was bullshit (which was the second top post in that thread right after someone calling out the fact that github records a bunch of random bullshit as a line of code), but the reddit OP about him writing all the code is still the gospel truth
idk why you guys are so butthurt about it, they worked as a team and both got credit, blame reddit incels for praising her so much
he still got like 14k karma, it's like me and some old classmate win in lottery and the old classmate gets 50 million while i get like 5 million dollars.
of course i'm going to be somewhat jealous about the 50 million but whatever, i can live very long very comfortably with my 5 million bucks.
>mfw when robots fake a story about some dude doing all the work when a girl leads an interesting project
you guy really are as gay as possible
>praising women
Get you buzzwords right doofus
So you're saying, after this adjustment, he really only wrote 350k lines of the 400k lines of code?
>find out that 500k of the 'lines of code' he 'wrote' were computer generated data
oh so he only wrote 350,000. that's nothing he should even be mentioned
imo, none of it should be mentioned.
we won't even be alive by the time mankind has the tech to even sniff blackholes.
clap clap clap i guess.
incel - involuntary celibate
most reddit male feminists or whatever you may call them are manlet mouthbreathers hoping that their virtue signaling will make women like them
Assuming all the lines of code left are actually handwritten like we're embarking on a fucking appollo mission, sure.
If you read my inb4 post, or the actual reddit post that OP screencapped, you'd also see that github tracks lines of code weird and a bunch of other stuff that clearly exposes the title as gender based clickbait shit for people to argue about, but arguing about shit with 0 impact on your actual life is probably the only reason you wake up anymore I guess so why would you do that.
Assuming the other 350 isn't more models he uploaded that I didn't see as I was skimming through the thread, sure, lets act like when someone can have 500k lines of code that are anything but, that all the other numbers are 100% spot on and he totally coded all that stuff like github says.
Fuck dude, y'all are so desperate to defend your man like hes gonna get snubbed out of history like tesla, pretty sure all the people involved in this are gonna become footnotes when the next guy takes a picture of a black hole where we can actually see anything
yes, but the woman is getting way more just for... well, being a woman
get off my board whiteknight beta
you mean like anyone who uses the incel buzzword? because plebbitfags do that, too, excessively.
well obviously, she's a woman and its unusual for a woman to be good at computer stuff so she's getting lots of attention
>similar face to him and overall look
>dumb as fucking rocks
This is clearly just another white supremacist stunt.
Yes. Handwritten. And he knit the ropecore memory himself.
>github tracks lines of code weird
Which would presumably apply to all the contributors, so while the exact number may be imprecise, the relative scale is still representative.
go read some of those katie bouman threads, a bunch of the top upvoted comments are people pointing out how she isn't the only person responsible for this and her contributions are overblown. it's kind of amazing to see, seems like a lot of people are sick of this media manipulation too.
>woman does something cool
>plebbit latches onto the nearest nerdy young white male and makes it all about them
Typical. I always forget that plebbit is still just a bunch of weird white teenagers.
>people think this shit matters
Its just a fucking picture. These people could be working in factories farms or hospitals actually doing stuff but nooooo le epic picture of black hole is so important.
is this really what we've been reduced to, folks?
The board is mostly full of people who want to bully loser incel losers now. Also normies larping.
Most incels are literal nazis. Most liberal men are basedboi beta cucks, but they're at least non virgins
The insufferable liberal cuck is probably happy about it, a woman being elevated to a position of prominence.
mostly talking about how this is just becoming a "reactions of shit we read on reddit" site
lel no, this is like when leftist athiests started wearing fedoras, got laughed at, so they tried making out like it was a right-wing thing. Nazis openly state their hatred for incels and other betas.
So it's Hidden Figures all over again?
World leading engineers, scientists and milltary minds all work together to put man on the moon, a couple of female diversity hires get the credit despite one of them working in fucking HR.
>but they're at least non virgins
I like how we base people lives on whether if you have your dick in a warm wet hole. It's literally nothing special and if anything, it's a natural addiction. I hate going to work and people are like
>geez, I haven't got any pussy in a while
why does it matter? Having sex won't make you less lonelier, if anything it would make it worse. In today's society, sex is meaningless and easy to come by. 60 years ago, it was cherished, waited for and not tossed around. It's better to be a virgin in this virginless society.
I bet you did that on purpose, but actually I can sniff black holes right now
Nu-atheism is right wing as fuck.
>Nu-atheism is right wing as fuck.
Can you rationalise this opinion?
I was thinking like Bill Gates. He stole most of Windows 95 back in the day and pawned it off as his own work.
But fast forward 30 years.
He still gets paid for his work on Windows 95, but hasn't touched or programmed anything in 30 years. Windows 10 comes out and he gets the credit. Even though he wasn't in the project or written a single line for it. Is this fair?
It's almost as if 850,000 lines of actual programming code is 10 times more than a professional programmer will write in his entire lifetime.
It started swinging far right during the Obama years. Dawkins started to embrace the Jordan Peterson position on the need for "cultural Christianity" and the "clash of civilizations" narrative on with respect to Islam. It should also be noted that a lot of right wing ecelebs got their start as internet skeptics before realizing that gamergate drama got more views.
>These people could be working in factories farms or hospitals actually doing stuff but nooooo le epic picture of black hole is so important.
Yeah but that work isn't unique which is why nobody gives a shit about it.
This is like those mongs who complain that footballers get paid more than soldiers. Not realising people get paid based on the uniqueness of their skill not how vital their work is.