Fuck it all

I cannot take this anymore, fellow robots. Please understand, I am not trans. And I will never be trans, as I am not some disgusting freak who thinks he can change his biological sex.

But damn, I wish I could. I want to be a woman so badly it hurts. Likec deep, deep down to the very core of my being.

I know I cannot be the only one. And it pains me more whenever I go outside and see ugly women than have squandered their bodies, turning into a mush of fat, meat and bones. Women could all look like pic related if they gave even 10% effort and actually cared.

Fuck it all.

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>implying it isnt harder for women to lose weight or get fit
Dont get me wrong, women have it way fucking easier than men, but the ones that are in shape have earned it.

>could all look like pic related if they gave even 10% effort and actually cared.

Step 1. Put down the fork
Step 2. 30 minutes of exercise a few times a week
Step 3. Dont wear makeup
Step 4. Plastic surgery if flat

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Remember user don't let anyone brainwash you into chopping your dick off so you can become their mutilated sex toy discarded once they've got what they want

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I just said I was not trans. I am not a freak. I want to be a woman. Not trans.

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Why do you want an easier life or for people to automatically respond positively to you because of your hole?

I do not want that. I just want to be a girl because they are better.

Bullshit lol women are biologically designed to be fatter than man. For some its a lot of work to lose weight and keep it off.

It is only hard work for the lazy ones.

All women are the same biologically. So any deviations from the norm (pic related) are aberrant.

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I know that feeling, man. I can't even cd or anything since I'm tall as fuck and have a huge frame. Not to mention the fucking body hair.

Guys like amazons.

And you can always get laser hair removal.

Self-mutilation won't make you happy. In fact, having a wound highly prone to infection and that needs constant fucking painful dilatation to not heal over time will actively make your life more miserable.
Transexualism is a mental illness and it can be cured by
>stop watching porn (erotomania is NOT healthy)
>having a testosterone check done and start injecting it if it's below healthy levels
>stop deluding yourself that being a girl will take the pain away, there's a reason why trannies kill themselves so much
I sincerely hope you try and follow these steps.
As another user put it, we bully you faggots because we care more about you than the jewish doctor that charges you ten thousand dollars to chop off your dick and call you a pretty lady.

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>he actively wants to become dumber and only valuable as a warm hole
You people get the rope first

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Would be nice if someday you could change your body as if it was just another clothing article. I don't even want to be a woman specifically, I just hate being stuck with a specific style.

Lol, good job, my dear faggot.

On how many boards will you post this?

>I want to be a woman so badly it hurts.
To you, what does it mean to be a woman?

>Implying this isn't a relatively common desire
Being a woman is just easier. I don't know why you wouldn't want to be one.

I can relate 100%
Trannies are disgusting but damn i wish i was female

If women are so dumb, then why do they only want Chad's superior genes and they never let a beta like you get near them?

And you could never do anything about it, because Chad will defend his breeders.

So basically, you are a cuck.
But that's fine because you're s-smart, right?

better at what exactly? being useless and cute lmao

I do want to be a woman.
That doesn't change the fact that you posted both of those threads.
Let's be real here.

I'm not the OP, but there is literally nothing wrong with posting two similar threads on different boards. As long as it doesn't get to nigger on parole user levels, or abandon fembot, I couldn't care less about two threads in this situation.

I'm just bringing it up.
Yes, there is nothing wrong with it.

>if women are so dumb why are they following basic anthropological laws that even animals obey
>implying this is a conscious choice
>implying this is about me
>implying your ad hominems are useful in any way to refute the central point
>implying implications
Yeah mental illness checks out, enjoy crippling erotomania and exorbitant suicide rates

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Dude, you're an incel.
Nothing you say matters or ever will.

>posts thread describing his mental illness
>expects people to go on and tell him he's totally fine and he should proceed to self-mutilate himself
>calls people names when they suggest that maybe perhaps mental illness is not a good thing instead of virtue-signalling like the nice folks on r/transgender
Thanks for being my laughing stock for tonight.
red dit shit desu ne

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I didn't even read what you posted, because incel posts are so low-value.

Since the pic related is a tranny, I'll have you know I'm not a tranny myself, if that's what you're aiming at.

>I want to be a woman so badly it hurts.
>I'll have you know I'm not a tranny myself

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>d-didn't even read
>I replied in 3 minutes though
>totally don't care dude lmao

I'm not op.

I'm trying to entertain myself on Jow Forums, so I refreash threads often.

why do these kinds of people care so much about looks? Don't get me wrong. I want to have a nice body too but it's not my entire fucking life.
why do trannys have such a vapid and superficial goal as their main goal? What makes you think that you would be happy then? What makes you think that your life would be so different from where it is now?

i think at some point in the trannys miserable childhood they got the idea that looks are everything so ingrained into their mind that they think it's all that matters. Or perhaps it's just a decoy goal to hide an even more tragic internal problem. And since it's practically unattainable. This cope grief will never dissapear and reveal the real grief.

>Or perhaps it's just a decoy goal to hide an even more tragic internal problem.
Its pretty much that, they have zero personality to speak of other than their giant literally life consuming fetish.

How do I cope, fellow autogynephiles?

Are you a virgin originally pepperoni?

>will never be trans
Well at least you won't be a walking suicide waiting to happen
Just cross dress on a night out faggot