Lost 55 lbs from CICO and exercise since Christmas. The problem is that it has stopped working the last two months.
Literally tracking everything, weighting everything, don't cook food with oils. Eat 1,400 calories a day. 5'8 and 195 lbs, male.
For the past two months even with an hour of exercise every other day I have not lost any weight.
I couldn't understand what going on, but then I read this ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4989512/ Literally CICO damages your metabolism so it means after a while it impossible to lose weight. For ten months I've been literally destroying my metabolism now it doesn't work correctly.
I literally cannot lose weight because my metabolism is damaged.
Thanks Jow Forums, also thanks /fat/. At least I'm just overweight now instead of obese. I'm not sure what to do now.
The guys saying CICO are fatties or people who were never fat and parrot shit they hear.
Caleb Rodriguez
Your body adjusts to conditions over time wether it be feast or famine, some foods are better or worse than others, and the real kicker every body is different. You’ll get a lot of idiots with the “blah blah thermodynamics” shtick but the truth is it’s far from being solved down to a science. Those fuck up scientists change their minds multiple times a year about what is or isn’t good for you.
Jonathan Powell
Eat 3000 calories, then the next day eat nothing.
Eventually your metabolism will return to normal.
Christian Hill
OP gets paid to post this shit by the way.
Jaxon Cox
time to fast and run a half marathon user
Jeremiah Jenkins
Gotta put your body into shock really shake things up. Switch to an all semen diet
Caleb Thompson
>I literally cannot lose weight because my metabolism is damaged. The problem isn't CICO, it's that you've been cutting for 7 months. You might need to maintain for a while, at least 1 month, and see how much you can increase your calories without gaining weight, then start cutting again
Matthew Cruz
Dude stop giving people advice when you have no experience with it. Bulking/cutting cycle broscience shit doesn't work for obese people, it works for skellies
William Smith
thanks user, can i take yours?
Mason Young
Alright, I'll bite. How do you feel, fatty? Is your hair falling out, os your skin dry and cracking, are you light headed and having difficulty moving? are your nails dry, fragile, and growing slowly? are you getting sick more often? Do you constabtly feel tired no matter how much sleep you get? Is your exercise performance declining? are you cold or sensitive to cold temparatures? Are you having brain fog or trouble focusing? Are you unable to get erections? Are you measuring your food intake, not guessing, estimating, or calculating, but actually, scale and cup measuring?
Dominic Walker
Only if you’re a girl
Ryan Hernandez
don't believe you. post journal and body
Colton Lee
look, at this point it's better to experiment with your body a little to see how it reacts than to give up.
remember that no matter how long you stall, it's not worth it to give up on losing the weight you've already lost and the weight you will lose in the future.
Landon Jones
Okay now that that's out of he way: Major congrats on losing 55lbs! Especially by cico and diet, most people cant do this because it isnt 'instant' enough for them. Look man ive been there before too. Im 5'9" and weighed 250lbs at my heaviest. I walked the scale down to 185 before i stopped losing weight. You know what I did? I went on Jow Forums and made a thread crying about it. NOT.
Do yourself a favor and do what I did. Slowly increase calories for like 3 months or so. Youll gain some weight back but if you increase calories slow as fuck and focus on lifting weights youll start adding muscle and your body will start to adapt to more calories. Slowly increase calories by like 200 a week until you get to like 2k a day and then eat that for a month while lifting. Youre body will be at 2k for maintenance and then you can slowly subtract some calories to lose weight. Dont freak out if you gain like 5lbs the first week. Its a marathon not a sprint, user. Dont fuck yourself up just because the progress stopped. Im not posting pics but just believe me when I say that youll feel great once you start packing on muscle.
Dont worry bro we're all gonna make it.
David Barnes
>>long term weight loss requires vigilant combat against persistent metabolic adaptation that acts to proportionally counter ongoing efforts to reduce body weight >>Metabolic adaptation at the end of the weight loss competition was not significantly correlated with weight regain. To an extent it stands to reason how being a fatass for years may permanently affect your metabolism and thus affect how metabolism may be used to lose or gain weight. But this is the situation you're in and you must keep trying. Also do you have much loose skin? that can weigh a lot and takes much longer to resolve, if it will ever
William Long
Why do people iust come on to this website and lie?
Carson Price
Also I say 2k as a general number. My maintenance was me eating around 2400-2600 calories a day for a while before walking the scale back down. Just do things slowly and dont rush the process. Listen to your body and see how it adapts. Some people have it easier than others but that doesnt mean we give up. Fuck being obese for life man.
Julian Thomas
carnivore OMAD is your salvation
also make sure you're doing actual resistance training and not just "exercising" on the elliptical. you need to build up your muscle to increase your metabolism.
Ryan Cook
Weeks 1-4: 25% deficit Week 5: (new) maintenance Weeks 6-7: 200kcal surplus over new maintenance Repeat until desired weight
Nicholas Nelson
>There are > in this world that don't believe CICO works.