Why are women so fucking stupid.
Why are women so fucking stupid
No one knows but their buttholes smell fantastic
no buttholes smell fantastic
You want me to prove you wrong?
Have you ever spread a girls cheeks put your face between and inhaled deeply? One of life’s simple pleasures
It's in their nature. They need the guidance of strong men and this whole "strong independent woman" thing was a failed social experiment put in place by kikes and retarded women. This was the hardest redpill for me to swallow.
>t. virgin
>that face she makes at the end.
Absolutely disgusting.
Enjoy pink eye
believe me i did
I have 3 kids nigger
>it's another people doing viking runs when they can't even do one pull-up even if their life depended on it
I actually ended up getting it really really bad like 5 years ago. Painful to even open my eyes it was so bad. Simple to treat though and I’m still putting my face between cheeks to this day
they're not yours. youve been fucking folds of fat
I wish they weren’t mine
am i missing something? im an incel and i genuinely dont see what they're doing wrong
you've been groomed to accept mediocrity from women.
What a fucking Chad one leg, one arm, he still climbed it no problem.
Damn all girls?
Weighs less, cheating scum
1 arm, half the power to lift himself.
Actually worse than having less mass.