On expedition into remote jungle

>on expedition into remote jungle
>discover uncontacted futa tribe
What do, anons?

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Walk in. Either they keep me as a sex slave or they kill me. Win-win.

>wanting to be a futa sex slave

If there are any female members of the expiration, rip their clothes and throw them out into a clearing and watch what happens.

Get in this thread, futa anons. I know you're out there.

Start a new life

Right here

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Would you adopt their ways or introduce them to technology?

sauce ples. origo

>introduce them to technology?
Fuck no. I'd live a comfy natural life and suck dicks everyday.

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probably get speared to death. The one uncontacted tribe we know about on the planet throws spears at helicopters.

Oh, you'd get speared alright...

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If I suck their dicks I might give them some disease enhanced by decades of vaccines unintentionally, if I don't suck their dicks I will have lifelong regret, wat do?

Let them all use your mouth as an onahole and give you a belly full of cum. Diseases are temporary, regret is forever.

I would become an anthropologist and attempt to live among them, and record all of my invetiably lewd dealings with them in great detail

Would you combine your memoirs into a book?

Of course, what good would it be to record anything if that wasn't the intention?

Why would a primitive tribe have circumcised dicks?

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You could also record video. I'm sure you could find a reliable camera with a solar powered battery. That would be the most fappable documentary ever.

Ask the jews

You do realize actual tribal folk do not look cute and sexy, right? They're filthy, unkempt, unbathed, and their genetics are inbred as shit.

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Maybe they use circumcision as a form of punishment for severe crimes.

Why wouldn't they just castrate them, like actual tribal people do as punishment for crimes?

A lot of tribes have men go through some kind of ordeal to be considered a man.
>The rite of passage from boyhood to manhood of the Australian Mardudjara Aborigines consists of two parts: circumcision and sub-incision.

>a punishment

at least cutlets finally acknowledge that chopping a chunk of your dick off is a bad thing

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How do you do, fellow futafag?

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Tired. Can't wait to get off of work, fap, then take a nap. Who are your favorite artists? I like pic related a lot, also Ryo Agawa, Urbanix, and Mofuringu.

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Most of us acknowledge that it's a bad thing.

Take superior weaponry and exstinct them. No such being should exist in the world.

A brainlet through and through.

Attempt to acquire semen samples for study

Leave and come back with a rifle, subhuman blights on this planet should always be exterminated.

Purge these abominations

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