
>nicotine gums and patches
>l-carnitine, yohimbine, garcinia cambogia, magnesium, ashwagandha
>40 minutes of solid lifting daily with 10 minutes of fasted HIIT right before I shower in the morning
who's gonna stop me

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Nicotine should be used after your workout.

The gains goblin

>40 minutes

You're gonna look great in 10 years

I'm not gonna gymcel for 90 minutes a day, 40 is enough.


gonna drop 4lbs/week on this shit

whoa, you're going to mentally exhaust yourself
>imagine stressing your brain like this
>what is cortisol

What cortisol? I meditate and take Ashwagandha. This is just for two months, who gives a shit. I need the edge, baby!

I'll do ya one better
>a 19:5 fasting window
>cardarine, yohimbine, dmaa, caffeine, ephedrine, clenbuterol, and nic
Haven't been able to try it with the clen yet because I like not shaking more than I already do

That will kill you, maybe not right away, but it will.

> I meditate

>I need the edge, baby!


Well I need the edge if I am to get thin, I'm not one of those titans who can cut on pure willpower. Food is the only thing that I can't fully cut, I don't even have a problem with porn or women or anything. But food, aah.


fuck I feel AMPED, swigged 200mg caffeine in my first cuppa of the day

Geeze how hongry are you?!
I take coffee and once in a blue moon diet pill (garcinia and green coffee bean)
Food is a mental addiction, hunger is just a physical feeling.

True this, I work out for 30 mins a day and have made solid gains

>Needing drugs to cut
Why even bother getting into fitness? Also a tsp of salt mixed with potassium is a great appetite suppressant

Try kratom if you're looking for social gains, almost feels like cheating sometimes.

Kratom and shrooms saved my life.

Well I feel weak, depleted, not satiated, I eat a lot
I've been actively working on curbing it, getting deficits in but fuck I get so hungry
for instance, it's past midday here and since I woke up I've had two chocolate milkshakes, half a kilo of rice and beans, one 500ml Coke, 200g yogurt with some granola, three toasted cheese sandwiches and I'm still fucking hungry, I could eat a small pizza now and some more milkshakes and then I'd feel full. It's such a curse honestly fuck this, that's why I'm gonna take the cocktail I outlined in the OP
on the plus side, I don't gain weight at all. I eat like this every day, and I don't gain. This must be my maintenance.

Not that I have a problem with being social around people, but do go on. I'm always interested in these things, sometimes I take phenibut and then caffeine if I'm gonna be hanging around a lot of people, cos I would tire a little otherwise and just not care.


Cmon let's talk


t3-t4 may give you a heart palpitation for life like clenbuterol, stay away from it, do fasting/omad with keto, carnivore of low carb instead.

How many exercises do you get done?

Let's see them bodies fellas

good luck coming off nicotine faggot.

>tfw albuterol just to stay alive, let alone lift

Literally lol at this, I don't have an addictive personality. I don't feel like I can't live without it.

Look up extreme hunger or reactive hunger. There are lots of people, maybe even everyone, whose body will react with a feeling of insatiable hunger after a period of restriction. Dude I feel like that all the time man but hunger is just a feeling. I stopped feeling like I was especially cursed with some hunger and everyone else has it easy when I learned about the reactive / extreme hunger thing.

Nigga just fast

No way, OMAD is the most I can do, I can't go without eating.

>>l-carnitine, yohimbine, garcinia cambogia, magnesium, ashwagandha

where's your snuss, phenibut, kratom, fenugreek, SARMs, nootropics, yerba mate, prune juice, colostrum, bear bile, ZMA, animal pak, super male vitality, werthers originals, brain force plus and mutant mass

I don't need any of those. Those won't help me with appetite suppression or fat burning anyway

i hear powdered rhino horn is good for that

Just get yourself some Cardarine instead of those shitty meme supplements that aren't even SARM tier.

I spend 2 h at the gym what does that make me?

A titan among men.

you are addicted to carbs.
you should do keto/carnivore/fasting for a few days/weeks to get rid of it
At least do intermitent fasting as it will curb your appetite a lot.

werther's original
I don't eat sweets but those ones are incredible
