Wake up at 5:00.
Wake up at 5:00
Other urls found in this thread:
>5 am
YOU want to know MY routine?
EVERY morning I wake up at 1:30am, LAUNCHING myself out of bed, pausing only to NAILGUN my SCROTUM if my body has the TEMERITY to grant me an ERECTION, because SEX is FUN and FUN is BAD!
Then I make myself a pot of COFFEE, and POUR IT STRAIGHT INTO MY EYES, because CAFFEINE is LITERAL CANCER if you drink it and PAIN is GOOD. At this point I might have to NAILGUN my SCROTUM again in case the PAIN makes me hard.
Then I HITCH myself to my SELF DRIVING CAR, eschewing the comfort of the seats so that I can be DRAGGED across the ROAD because LUXURY is for FAGGOTS and PAIN GOOD.
I arrive at WORK where my BOSS Jocko greets me with a PAIL of LIQUID NITROGEN as PUNISHMENT for arriving .01 attoseconds late (I was supposed to be there 2am SHARP) and I THANK HIM because COLD SHOWERS are ALPHA and the drop in temperature calms my PAIN FUELED ERECTION before I need to ask for the NAILGUN.
I sit down next to my CO WORKER Varg as he performs PENIS INSPECTION DAY to make sure that I upheld my promise to STOP WATCHING PORN. Satisfied with the result, he sends me over to my other CO-WORKER Cole who grants me my DAILY ALLOTMENT of his URINE directly into my MOUTH as permitted by the SNAKE DIET. I thank him and get to WORK screaming at "PEOPLE" on the internet to STOP ENJOYING LIFE, reminding everyone who DISAGREES with me that they LACK DISCIPLINE and are TOO WEAK to live the RIGHT WAY.
So you work as weaboo scrotum polisher from 03-08 and then go to Mickey Dee's and eat for four hours?
God youre a faggot. First faggins now posting Dr. walnut head.
kill yourself loser
i wake up at 4 am, what's the big deal about it?
i wake up at 4 pm every day because i work nights
the jocko pill is too hard for me
Stop using Jocko to shitpost
He's said multiple times that he only wakes up at 4:30AM because it's a habit that he picked up during his military service.
He says on his podcast that he doesn't suggest anybody to wake up at 4:30AM, but instead suggests that you get a healthy amount of sleep, and make sure that whatever needs to get done, gets done.
He only wakes up early as a habit, and mostly as a marketing tactic.
As long as you get after it, and get it done, it doesn't fucking matter when you wake up.
Stop shitposting.
I wish I could wake up at 5am
What if I woke up at 8am but still stayed awake for a normal amount of time and got stuff done. Hmmmm
>Wake up to alarm at 5:45am
>Lay and bed and turn of grindr
>stroke while I browse for osmeone near by who wants a blowjob and can host
>Never find anyone
>If I do I chicken out and block them
>finally get out and take a shower which consist of my jerking of, then shampooing hair and cleaning only my cock and balls and ass.
>Put on the same comic book t-shirt I had on 2 days ago (to throw them off) and the same jeans I have one everyday
>Drive to work
>Go home
>Battle with my laziness to go to my apartments gym
>Sometimes I go sometimes I don't
>Still a fat fuck
I already do you mutt.
I wake up at 8:30am for work tb h
Based get-after-it poster
Stop sleeping
Sad blogpost, homobro. I hope you get what you want out of this life.
t. Tyrone
>set alarm for 4:30 am so i can be like jocko willink
>go to sleep at 10:30 pm
>alarm rings
>fuck this
>go back to sleep
>don't wake up for 14 hours
>still tired
how do i fix this?
Stay hard!
>wake up at 0200
>browse Jow Forums/yt for an hour
>breakfast at 0300
>browse yt/Jow Forums or nap until 0600
>pedal to work, going HAM
>get off work at 1900
>RELAXED ride home
>get shitfaced and pass out by 2100
>be tired by 8pm like a retard
so tired of all the "I WOKE UP AT 4:30 AM LIKE A NAVY SEAL" clickbait as if its some amazing fucking achievement.
I'm a morning person tho so what do I know ig.
This is normal though...
No way fag
become the man you'd fuck, homoanon
Roll out of bed and go ride a bike for like half an hour to get yourself awake.
What does he mean by this post? Please elaborate.
na i work until midnight, im not a retard. and im not a comfy bed baby like jocko who can afford to sleep at 7pm like a fucking senior citizen then brag to everyone about how much pointless shit hes accomplishing
>im not a retard
>im not ... can afford to sleep at 7pm
This. Also, he recognizes he needs to sleep less than normal (weird mutation that some people have) to function correctly. Most humans can't work on 5-6 hours of sleep.
Based Walker, sleep ranger
It's 4:30 you fucking brainlet. you had one job...
my gym opens at 5, thank god, i'm on the treadmill now.
It's 5:00 and yet again I haven't actually been to bed yet. Just fell asleep on the couch again with asmr playing which I could hear in my fitful dreams about my crush.