im 20 i know only to brush my teeth thats it when i go online to read about haircare skincare theres so many words there big texts i instantly become suicidal . mother and aunt always bought me useless shit for birthdays deodorant,aftershave , stuff like that that i have no idea how to apply properly,im so fuckin pissed i never use this shit. now my mother bought me picrelated and its only presence in my room is depressing me as hell lol. im legit getting stressed by this piece of shit perfume. i dont know how to apply it, thats one. secondly, i have no reason to use it i never go out besides my factory work which doesnt have any good looking girls, so. idk i literally smoked whole pack of cigs at night over this matter. its giving me so much stress. im gonna throw it away. now i googled it it costs like 30$ and im guessing thats cheap as fuck product considering everyone brag about their 200$ perfumes and shit and how they smell nice. dude theres literally this faggot at work who told women he uses 200$ perfume he likes to smell nice his wife likes it too and im thinking wtf Why the hell do these ppl exist. this is so difficult. i wanna kill everyone involved producing and using these products. my uncle pays has a shoplifter contact who gets u 200$ perfumes for like 5 bux
My parents never taught me how to use "hygiene" products
so what do u wanna know exactly
also what mental illness do u have
nthing at this point its too late + too difficult
Aftershave Antiperspirant Cologne Perfume Deodorant they are literally all in bottled sprays what the fuck is the diferencebetween all this shit
Ever heard of google, retard? God fucking damn, being suicidal over knowledge that's a few seconds of typing away. Your problem isn't that your parents didn't walk you through every step of everything, it's that you took absolutely zero initiative to do anything about it on your own. You had *years* to use the internet, which you vegetate on for 95% of your day, to find out anything. And you didn't. If you find the motivation, you should definitely kill yourself.
useless info that shouldnt be taught by urself + over 14 yrs old its already too late for this
and googling only gives differen tpages ppl asking questions so when u click here and there u get way different answers and its gonna make u only more confused
Your whole forced self victimizing and mind blowing levels of self pity are making me want to spit on you.
Here you go you dumb fucking animal. Must have been very fucking hard to dare to type a few words into youtube with all your unwarranted bitching about how there's an age cutoff for learning simple shit. Here's another one I hope you get to use soon.
Aftershave Antiperspirant Cologne Perfume Deodoran and now u add FRAGRANCE to the list, good job u piece of shit
With that whiny attitude it's no wonder your parents never taught you anything past how to use the toilet instead of the floor. If you can't watch a fucking youtube tutorial then you are as worthless as you think. Go fuck yourself you useless fucking failure.
lol nice joke faggot