Has a girl ever given you head scratches?

has a girl ever given you head scratches?

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That's so cute. You can tell a lot about a girl by how they treat animals.

Black people hair is gross. I would never want to scratch it.

My friend I am NOT allow

Name of the woman in webm?

Race mixing should not be allowed.
My friend's crazy gf did once when we were all drunk together and it was amazing. I already knew I liked it but did not know to what extent. Another time was in the airport after military training, this girl from my unit that I think was into me patted and scratched my head which I thought was fucking weird because we were in public and not really close but I still enjoyed it.

she scratches his head
he eats her ass
win/win rfor him desu

Its in the webm

It should be mandated

No but in high school I had really long hair and whenever I walked by this one girl in the hall she'd run her fingers through my hair

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sauce sauce right now who is this thot where can i find more

raven divine

Ow that hurts, i have easily irritable hair scalp so watching this hurts, but i wouldnt mind head pats

Some girls gave me head massages. I fucking love it but whenever someone massages my head, my face involuntarily does link related youtube.com/watch?v=vvLMyIHJkys

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Why is this sped up like 3x

yeah my gf and i do it to each other once in a while. also used to call being the dog when playing house as a kid so the girls would pet me

t. Wh*te male with yellow fever

That's cute and perverted and cute. When will science find a way to pet someone over tcp/ip

i was very young, maybe 5 or so, so i dont think it was too perverted. i did get kind of pervy a few years later and woud always ull the bikini bottoms of my friends when we went to the pool and our moms called me out

releases dandruff everywhere

What's the fucking point? Back scratches that you can't reach I get, but I have the ability to scratch my own head. We aren't dogs who can't reach the top of their head.

>why are you touching my dick I can do that myself!

I do not like asians. Without all the plastic surgery to make them look more white they are disgusting.

Yeah and i hate it but it wasn't a scratch, more like a motherly caress. Still hated it

That's probably an insecure hapa

Girls love that kinda hair. I have a jewfro and girls always go for it.

boy fuck you

I have both given and received scritches from a female. According to the female I enjoy scritches a lot harder than she does, she described it 'like a bear would'.

I can answer more questions. I was a 25 KHV and somehow got a female companion, so I can give insight.

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>girls love touching my hair

well well well, whitey

Yes, all the time. They're wonderful

>We aren't dogs who can't reach the top of their head.
Bullshit. You're nothing but dogs with fewer legs and more bravado. Deep down, none of you can stand up to a proper head scratch. You blush, you pull away, you act indignant, but even a little insistence sees you bowing your head down, staring at my toes, and accepting your reward.

It's weird, on twitter you always see blacks complaining about getting their hair touched but you never see it in real life, and apparently you secretly enjoy it. Are you all just tsundere?

realtalk, it's actually annoying af, even if girls. No one goes up to you and starts touching your hair, but I'm like a zoo animal on exhibition - a real invasion of personal space. Complain about it and i'm "overreacting". Imagine if you got it all styled up, combed out (afro can loose shape easily if touched) and someone starts sticking their crusty fingers in it. Thankfully people grow up a bit and don't do it randoms when they are adults, that's why you don't see it much. The same way you wouldn't see a stranger on the streets approach someone else and start stroking them...

As if.
I'd like to see you try.

How could she? And see all the dandruff that will fall off? Oh god even if I ever could get a girlfriend she would be disgusted by me, how do I get rid of dandruff

It's happened to me a couple times, especially in elementary school when I had cornrows and an afro sometimes and the nonblack kids were fascinated.
>it's so soft user
>your braids feel like ropes

There's only been one girl whose pussy I've licked and I loved how she played with my hair while I was down there.

>Race mixing should not be allowed.
Do something about it, then.

if femanons ever want their bf to melt, scratch the back of his neck in the crease where his head meets the neck

i used to unintentionally fall asleep on my ex's lap or any part of her body really because of a condition i have. she always scratched or rubbed me when that happened

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he cant hes white

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