Why do lifters age so well?

Why do lifters age so well?
pic is 46

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nah dude there's no way she's 46, she can get it any day no homo

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Arvebrink is 28 years old

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Keys to aging well are no smoking, no drinking/drugs, low bodyfat, staying active, stay out of sun. I would say in that order too.

Agree with all except staying out of the sun
Started sunbathing a month ago and my sperm went from a sickly yellow to a bright white
Getting sun has to be good for you

god damn it why did the get that stupid fucking capeshit haircut

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Eat healthy

>Y do things that are good for the body show long term positive effects on the body
>Y do people who put extra work on appearance look better
Literally both of the above user.

why do women bother to lift ?

she son the juice and can barely deadlift 160 kg, cringe

also the posts /fit girls upload looks like they are hidding lots of insecurities

Healthy People stay healthy.

Why does anyone who is not a genetic specimen exercise?

Stop worrying about other people when lifting, and stop projecting your feelings onto others when you see them.
You imagine people are hiding insecurities despite having no reason to do so - that is textbook projection

literally everyone not brain damaged by insecurity and imageboards will think 160 kg is sufficiently impressive for a womanlet

it's not like anyone is doing anything except more deadlifts with their 240 kg deadlifts anyway

>lifters age so well
nah, stefi is starting to look like blaha in a wig.

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>Why do lifters age so well?
LMAO they don't. I've never seen any ego lifter who didn't have some kind of back or shoulder injury after 40.

Enjoy vitamin D deficiency.

Well she got the stereotypical big (((nose)))
Literally would look a lot better with just a small nose

She has a shit huge dinosaur nose and is on 3grams of test per week

To be fair, she was never pretty to begin with. Her looks are definitely something that wouldn't age well or survive into the realm of body building.

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lifters age well
varbies age even worse than normal women

She was cute in megs video 30 months ago. Its a shame, having big lifts for a few years isn't worth permanent grotesque disfigurement.

i rarely step outside my house but my sperm is normal.
are you sure you don't have a condition?

The sun is fine just dont get several hours of sun every day. I know so many women that could have been milfs but they completely dried out and hardened their skin by sunbathing every single day.

In Jow Forums, you're a weakling for lifting XXX kg, but in real life 90% of people in your gym will be deadlifting 50-60 kg at most.

>she son the juice and can barely deadlift 160 kg,

Better than most men in my gym.

>she son the juice and can barely deadlift 160 kg, cringe
Because normal girls can barely deadlift half that.

My aunt's husbands mother looks like a cross between a leather couch and a half-full waterbed. Not that really old women look any good anyway, but it looks like a downright deformation

lifting to failure releases hgh proportional to the muscle mass used in the lift

more like Varvebrink

pic is Rich Piana at 47

>90% of people in your gym will be deadlifting 50-60 kg at most
if you go to planet fitness maybe, even the kids deadlift more than 60kg in my gym

You forgo- Oh...

If you're a man and you can't DL 100kg the first time you're in the gym there's something wrong with you.

this is both very clever and disgusting


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I love this look, especially in older female bodybuilders. The tanned skin, big nose, and borderline bimbo lips.

She probably smells like strawberry body wash and roid sweat and has a deep, husky voice.

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>that nose
Yeah, that's just the reptilian genes kicking in. It has nothing to do with lifting.

Getting helps your body take in vitamin D yellow sperm is a sign of a vit D deficiency

Because its CUTE

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XD where can i upvote?

honestly tomboyish haircuts are quite cute.

who dis dude?

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Based and redpilled

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