>want to try nofap
>just sit around with a boner for over an hour several times a day
Want to try nofap
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A way to test your self control with no actual tangible benefits. No porn is better.
If your ugly it doesn't matter how saintly you live your life. Conversely if you look great you can do drugs and fap to anything and it won't affect your social life.
Have sex.
First cope of the night.
It's true. NoPorn is the only redpill
Whenever I fear relapse I remember the story of Onan who spilled his seed and was slain by God for his sacrilege.
Semen retention is a benefit no? I mean youre keeping all those minerals
I wish I could just sit around with a boner all day, my libidio has turned to shit
You'll get those back after a meal
>be me try no fap
>bored watching tv
>realize if i lay face down on couch my boner fits perfectly inbetween cushions
>feels good
>start fucking my couch on the reg
>never pull out never lube
>talk dirty to my couch
>name couch Mia Couchova
>fart on couch, couch doesnt conplain and still lets me fuck it all day
>dick chafes so bad i had to visit urologist
>gonna be fine, just wrap it up
>start wearing a condom while i fuck the couch
>lube cushion up with olive oil
>depraved 3 hour fuck sessions every day
>pretty good workout honestly
>great sex gains
>be at supermarket last night
>former coworker see me
>she's mirin, says I've gotten in really good shape
>ask her out
>we fuck for 3 hours that night
>she says I'm the best she's ever had
>still havent fapped for almost 2 months
dumb frogposter
proof that we're all going to make it
i read nofap leads to prostate cancer
>stagnant stale sperm not being released
lol t you google
>Marc Garnick, M.D., Editor in Chief of Harvard Medical School’s Annual Report on Prostate Diseases, says:
Two relatively large studies of this question, reported in 2003 and 2004, yielded good news for sexually active men: high ejaculation frequency seemed to protect against prostate cancer.
Why the hell would people separate the two to begin with? Masturbation is older than humanity, even monkeys without opposable thumbs jerk off at the zoo. The problem stems from today's pornography. Who was the delusional addict who thought it was okay to look at internet porn as long as he didn't cum to it?
Why make your system work hard to build what was lost
What is wet dreams for $19
I have tried to nofap for weeks but it never works, I only get at max 3 days before relapsing due to when bored I automatically start up some porn
My longest streak is 7 days, at the 7th day I was at a party, what bothered me was after not watching porn for a week suddenly every hot girl made me horny as fuck
After the party the next day I went started fapping, not to porn, but this hot slim thick chick at the party who was wearing a pretty short skirt I imagined her having no panties and fucking her on the sink in that party by just lifting that skirt, I didn't need porn
So only "benefit" so far of nofap for me has been that I can fap without porn if I NoFap long enough, but it didn't help with confidence, speech or T levels but it made me a bit more disciplined until I relapsed
Isn't that literally what lifting is
don't know for teenagers going through puberty, i thought that was my last wet dream anyway
>I have tried to nofap for weeks but it never works
>My longest streak is 7 days
>because it's older than humanity it means it's okay to jerk off thrice a day to your imagination
>Don't do nofap
>Still don't fap because I'm busy with work, school, my hobbies and fucking my gf
You are a porn addict that can't go more than a week without binging. You need nofap just to break your porn addiction
Some of the shit I've seen posted about nofap is just fucking retarded but having grown up in two radically different eras I must say the widespread access to free high quality pron is causing men to fap waaaaaaaay more than before. In the dial-up days or before internet most men fapped opportunistically rather than so regimented. I don't know what it all means but fapping behavior is very different for the generation growing up today and it's much more frequent than before.
>be me doing nofap August
>made it through first 5 days no problem
>lifting upper body earlier today (homegym master race)
>take videos of myself doing weight pull-ups and dips wearing nothing but the weight belt
>noticing all the striations in my back and triceps from the summer cut
>immediately head upstairs and fap to said videos
>best nut I've had in a long fucking time
>didn't feel drained or tired later on like I normally do when fapping to porn
Have I managed to cheat the system lads? Is fapping to videos of yourself lifting gay? I don't even care about porn anymore I can just get off to myself, who the fuck needs a gf.
Yeah I’m gonna slide this one in my BASED compilation
fucking idiot
Sexual frustration and genuine anger go a very long way for me.
>Why the hell would people separate the two to begin with? Masturbation is older than humanity, even monkeys without opposable thumbs jerk off at the zoo.
In business you would need to adapt, improve, strategies, appearance, confidence, connections, voice and countless other shit to build your company (or product) and make money based on how well you perform.
But instead if you were given the same amount of free money from the government (let's say as much as fairly succesful starter business), it removes the need for all methods and the work needed to obtain same level of wealth. All that "hedonistic" stuff you do in the first option with your wealth would be a reward for your hard work.
Second option would most likely lead you to a hedonistic life where you take that money for granted and makes you less experienced and disciplined than the first option which would make you a better person in general.
That's the difference between noporn and nofap.
NoPorn doesn't give you the delusion and free reward of having a 10/10 bitch suck your dick and fuck you (and countless options perfected for your own preference) at any given time. NoPorn would tire you of your imagination and actually seek to fuck women in your real life. In NoPorn you will prefer real women to your imagination. So you still have the option to be disciplined and focus on your goals and improving on yourself because fapping is overrated and just a relief for the heavy balls you carry or at best a reward for not being a faggot who has to fap instead of actually fucking.
Don't knock it till you try it
Pretty much agreed.
Another way to put it is that the average man is now the creepy porn collector of the past who watched and collected dozens of porno vids. Like, even if you subtract the normies who never download porn, almost every modern guy is some kind of connoisseur when it comes to porn.
if you get an undesired erection you need to walk it out.
How can I no porn when I'm an artist that can draw my own smut.
makes my nuts hurt real bad like a heavy aching anyone have tips? icing doesn't help
kek good job user
>2 months
Post mia
at least you didn't fuck a tranny
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