how fucked am i?

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youre fucked but you knew that before you made the thread. get on hairloss drugs or shave your head

I'd kill myself to be quite honest with you fám


doesn't look that bad yet. go bald if it gets any worse though or you can't reverse the damage.

looks like you might look good bald but it's hard to tell so idk

Medical term "early male patterned baldness"
My personal experience with seeing people same age (or younger at 18) with that hairline will have the same hairline until their early 30's then it starts to receed more. To be honest we prescribe shit(active ingredients) equal to rogain.

it's alredy over

its over

Thread theme music


Tbh it's not that bad OP. But don't cling to it and try to grow it long.. I say buzz it and grow a beard and you'll be good bro..

Here we go again. The daily 300 replies balding in my 20's thread.

Hop on finastride and minoxidil immediately. I’ve been on both for about two years. Balding spot has completely recovered and my hairline halted in its tracks. Only something like 5% of men have negative side effects and you can always just quit taking it if that’s you. God bless, user.

Im trying out dermarolling and peppermint oil. If it wont regrow i at least hope it slows it down
Show some sympathy man

I was the same bro. Shave it off and get hueg.

Dont know if i want to shave it just yet, as im only 20.
Thanks friend. I will stay natty for now, but if it gets worse fast, i might visit my doctor

You could buzzcut it for now and embrace the look. I only started shaving it off with a razor a couple years ago (28 now, balding since 22). Used to buzz it shorter and shorter until I started just shaving it all off everytime I shave my face.


Might just be the hairline receding. Grow it out and get to a good stylist and you will be fine.

What you need to be concerned with is bald spots and hair thinning. Receding hairline is inevitable.

It’s over.


Just /10

Thing is, i dont have any bald spots, other than my temples... And my hairdresser always compliment me on my thickness and asks if i want to thin it. But i swear, every time i run my fingers through, i get like 5-6 hairs in my fingers

>my hairdresser always compliment me on my thickness and asks if i want to thin it
epic troll

what do guys if i shave my head ill look like a skinhead

Attached: 20190806_180514.jpg (1944x2592, 1.77M)

Bro.. You should have shaved it like 2 years ago you make George Costanza look like Rick Owens wtf is wrong with you

Not joking though


Go 1-2cm hair length and it won’t even look that bad. The only type of balding you should be worried about is at the top of your head and random patches of hair.

How the fuck did you let it get this bad?

I started balding at 20 and got on fin right away. Now I'm 28 and fine.

Wow, i'm 26 soon and looks like i'm not that far gone after all. Thanks man, i needed the morale boost.

Shave the top of your hair off and dress in brown and long monk robes. You'll be right.

Hairloss is caused by a chronically elevated prostaglandin D2 level


What causes this and how do I lower it?

>What causes this
>how do I lower it?
get better genetics

kek everytime i see this meme

Does hanging you head off the edge of a bed to increase bloodflow to the scalp as well as scalp massages work? Asking for a friend.