alright who here is 35+ and is actually fit, healthy, and full of vitality? i almost never see this IRL.
Alright who here is 35+ and is actually fit, healthy, and full of vitality? i almost never see this IRL
Other urls found in this thread:
If you can keep this thread alive for the next 15 years I'll get back to you on that
40. Most people think I'm in my 20s. It is a rarity but we're out there
41, often they think im 25-30. krav 2x / wk, lift 3-4x / wk. decent diet. lots of sleep. eastern european bitches.
post body
I'm 28 and morbidly obese. Does this count?
too old
40, 6' 3", 190lbs, lifting for 2 years, 16-20%bf cause summer bulk, training for a 10k race for the past 3 weeks, also cycle on the weekends.
Relatives, some men and female friends say look "fit" and "bigger" than before, but i still feel fucking small.
Still depressed after the divorce and can't trust women. Can i hate fuck men without getting gay? Seems more functional and efficient.
Unsolicited advice: TRT
35 year old software engineer boomer here in full on t-rex mode thanks to rippetoe
Post body for science
36 and i touched my first boobie today
>late for work
>just able to catch the elevator in time
>me and a fat girl
>reach her floor
>as shes leaving her tit brushed my arm
did i finally make it?
im 35+ but im not in the greatest shape,
ac jooint is fucked along with the rest of my right shoulder
right knee is starting to scare me
herniated disk in my lower back that sometimes gives me pain and becomes problematic
neck is all messed up and pops 40+ times a day
I still got some ok lifts and if I try I can get my cardio back in order in a few months
but honestly guys, fuck working construction for 20 years... even though I am working towards a desk job its still a few years off and lots of days still suck for me.
>and they all clapped
Igor is well into his 40s and natty has a better body than 90% of Jow Forums. And he doesnt even lift heavy
>i almost never see this IRL
You see it all the time, you just don't realize they're 35+.
shouldnt u have children by now oldfag?
42 years of age. I just got a new gym membership so i'm happy bout that. Most of my workouts have been spent in my compact-ass garage and I take 70 minute walks twice almost everyday but Sunday, one before work and one after work - like around the evening. Very healthy and happy about it. I'm glad I stopped being a miserable fat fuck nearly a decade ago seeing how I was almost pushing 350 pounds eating my life away.
36 lift five times a week, eat well sleep well stay hydrated. Married with two kids. Most people think I'm younger.
30+ is a better bracket honestly. 40+ is too restrictive and 35+ is a weird number.
Yes you are now no longer a virgin walk proudly boomer
34 here. No major problems yet
33 here lift trail run and mountain bike multiple times a week. I’m not jacked or anything but I’m fitter less moody more and more sunny and energetic than anyone I know my age personally. I’m sure there are better men than me however.
True. 30+ threads are always great, because it's a catch all for all the boomers.
At what age do 30+ year old boomers recommend starting TRT? 26 year old checking in.
I'm 41. I'm only fit and healthy because I'm rich and I therefore have time to do a shit ton of sports. Most people my age in my area aren't necessarily out of shape but are by no means fit.
37, 180cm, 95kg
1/2/3/4 for reps
diddly 200x5
squat 145x10 and just hit 120x20 superset
wrestle a few times a week
injuries stack and progress is slower than before but if you take care of yourself and stay active it will keep you looking and feeling healthy. I completely outpace my peers and keep up with wrestlers 15 years younger than me.
also 15 dead hang pullups
Think of the people you see IRL
now think of the kind of people IRL who you would expect to browse Jow Forums
do you really think anyone here is actually "full of vitality"?
Post proof of being rich
Nice try FBI
>do you really think anyone here is actually "full of vitality"?
This level of projection is INTENSE!
not me but my dad is 50 and he's buffer than me and most people think he's younger than 40. I'm taller than him and can't wait until i pass him in strength, and I know he can't wait until that day too. love u dad
Not interested for now, still have time
>t. larper
30 and most people guess around 25. Lift 3 times a week, cardio a lil and work 2 physical jobs.
41. And I'm working on it. Won't post bod until it won't automatically induce vomiting.
Sorry about the divorce user. Hope it taught you about the nature of women. Word of advice, don't take advice from the 17 year old white knights on here.
I'm 30 and my life is over.
>being a breeder
>when climate change will cause catastrophes that will fuck people up
>with the worst generation of women to date
>when having kids is more meaningless than ever
post net worth
and body
>not raising your sons to be conquerers and warlords
absolute beta faggotry
>more meaningless than ever
>says the faggot whose whole lifestyle is based around degeneracy
enjoy your prolapsed anus and STDs
I'm 38 and generally get guessed that I'm 28-32
I wanted abs by this point of the summer but it's a bit slower at this age so I'll have them by Halloween I think.
45 here. pic from Friday.
>fit? healthy?
I feel good. BP good. Cholesterol good. Strength a bit lower than it was 10 years ago, no surprise there, but lean bodymass at its peak. I've just got to dedicate more time on hypertrophy now rather than strength. I keep bumping into injury when I run my strength programs too long.
I guess. Had sex on Sunday and blasted two weighty loads back to back with no refractory period (thanks nofap). Wife was happy. She likes sweaty, messy, sex.
Why are there so many old people on Jow Forums? If I was still here at 30 I'd kill myself. What are you geriatrics who are already 40 doing on this website?
>If I was still here at 30 I'd kill myself.
Might as well do it now then kid. Nothin personnel...
Slav master race?
Jow Forums was created in 2008 so at this point you are either a newfag or a boomer
im stronger faster and more durable than all the grandpas here and fuck their daughters
now. gotta go to sleep
As shitty as it is can you name another anonymous forum with essentially unrestricted free speech?
be my homo
never had a dad, always wanted a fit dad
>Unsolicited advice: TRT
doesnt TRT increase your chances of heart disease drastically?
except that you really do turn a corner in terms of aging past 35. In your early 30's you still look and feel 20's
good job user
>mentally ill degenerate cannot fathom the motivations of normal men
Stop the fucking presses.
My advice is to drop TRT and take rest days. You don't need to be a superman to find love again.
Me at 37... No tobacco ever, Drink 3-5 times a year, 11 years training, and daily marijuana.
32 and started lifting again after a 3 year break. Wish I never stopped but fucked up my knee from bad squat form. Office jobs make you gain fat and fuck with your back.
This. Every other site on the internet you have to wear kiddy gloves or get banned for being "offensive".
I just turned 30 and am working out for the first time in my life consistently and losing weight and eating less crap
Hopefully being really fat for my whole life until now hasn't doomed me making any of this work useless
32 here. Im in the best shape of my life.
Here is my advice for my fellow oldfags:
- Do cardio. It's not about fatloss but about heart and lung health, and mental health as well.
- Ditch heavy squats and deadlifts. And perhaps you should ditch heavy bench press as well. These big lifts are only for professional lifters.
- More frequency and volume instead of heavier weights.
- Drink more water and sleep more.
40yo, drinking and smoking and balding.
I have very fit looking legs from doing squats and middle-distance running, there is very little fat in them. I'm struggling with upper body development and I have some belly flap.
Now going on week three on Armstrong pull-up routine + benching 3 times a week with back-off sets to make huge volume + running 5 times a week.
Occasionally I throw in a some rows and DL but I'm skipping the leg work due to intense running schedule. Starting to see some fat loss and toning
It's a rarity to see fit people past high school where they are forced to do sports in general.
Because the cable bill didn't get paid at the nursing home. If I was here *under* 30 I'd kill myself, you're supposed to be in your prime out slaying while your dick still works, save the mindless shitposting until the fun is over and you're waiting for death.
Good work bros. Keep it up. Fuck the zoomer-talk bullshit. it pains me to see other 30-40 year olds letting their jobs and lives break them down physically and mentally. You're the ones who didn't give in.
I have a brain tumor that's affecting multiple things, including test production.
BP is 115-78, resting pulse 58, total cholesterol is 130, HDL is 55 i'm training 6 days a week typically and follow a Jow Forums diet most of the time.
The only risk the doctor highlighted before starting TRT was a potential infertility risk, maybe the rest were mostly minimized due to my overall condition.
My point was, many of you will have low T without noticing, and you'll feel much better after fixing that.
Thanks. I like ti listen everybody, but remember from where it comes.
I'm having 1 full rest day and 2 more from heavy lifting.
TRT even helped me taking more risks and i'm not doing it to find love, i did it for me. And feels better with time.
I cam for the "anonymous" nature and stayed for the same.
And somehow, apart from trolls, i believe some people are more honest and genuine, here.
I'm 41 and by what you say, I know you are a very weak man.
Did you guys just stay consistent with your training and nutrition for all those years? Is that the key?
Yes. Stop thinking of a diet in terms of 'ways to temporarily change eating habits to lose weight' and think of it as 'what I consume every day to sustain and nourish myself'
Lads I am 30 years old and there is this cutie 20 year old girl who literally fucking worships me. She thinks I'm the coolest and smartest motherfucker in the world, fucking lmao. I keep letting her go, so to speak, and she comes back all the time. I am considering going all Geralt/Ciri on her but isn't that turbobeta? In the end she will find some loser who will wreck her and I'll probably post about it on a chinese ding dong forum. Should I just smash her and tell her to fuck off? I'm horrible with girls and I don't know why she is so ridiculously into me. It's like when I answer her text message after two days she is in fucking heaven.
Why couldn't I get 20yo pussy as a 20yo but as a 30yo boomer I've literally and inexplicably wet several pussies by merely existing?
Why not fuck her, marry her and make her carry your seed so you can have a long fulfilling life with her? Quit being degenerate.
>wasting your youth on 4channel
>what I consume every day to sustain and nourish myself
I hate saying I'm on a "diet"; it's not a diet, it's how we should eat.
>going to Jow Forums after 20
36 here and still lanklet with approx 15% bodyfat
I've wanted to get in shape for 20 years and despite dozens of attempts, never lasted more than a couple of months before giving up. I'm at the point now where the desire to get in shape has all but completely left me yet at the same time, I know I should do it for health reasons if not to get ripped. My back has been fucked for years and now my knees are starting to hurt. Whatever meagre test levels I once had are now well past their prime. I kid myself I will hit the gym again soon and finally make it. But whats the fucking point when you are pushing 40?
I have wasted my entire youth. And I still blame my awful genetics.
Great job guys
You do realize you are here forever, right? You can never leave.
>thinks he's better than me for wasting his youth on this cancerous board, when I'm just momentarily wasting time at work shitposting and have an actual family life
Yeah, OK, cool beans buddy.
Gives me hope
You don't leave
>choosing to be dyel
For what purpose
37 yo boomer here, seriously considering TRT at some point.
36 here.
Escaped skinnyfat mode, now just skinny.
Finally got enough energy that I quit my office job and got a physical labor job where I move metric tons of stuff by hand every day.
Also sleep is fixed, no more depression or low energy, no more getting sick.
Next step is to start lifting, which is why I lurk here to see what's what.
I lift because I know that my body will slowly begin to break down and I want to preserve my good health for as long as possible. Didn't make it to the 1000 lb club until 35 years old
I was afraid of needles all my life and never had an intramuscular injection before. Now i'm doing it by myself. Skip pills and gels. With the right dosage, it's worth it.
Because you're hitting your sexual market value peak you brainlet. She is hitting her peak. She's only interested in the fact you would be the best provider at this stage while still being at a young age. 30s is this time for men. Any younger, usually men are still broke. Older, too unattractive. She doesn't give a fuck about you. It's her hypergamy at work. You need to read some red pill shit.
Enjoy a cane in your 50s.
why would you want to leave a place where you can safely vent and laugh at the same time? Writing out your feelings is incredibly therapeutic
35, almost 36, 100+ pounds overweight, and just today decided to turn my life around. Focusing first on diet, then on excercise.
Jow Forums please leave, don't you have a bunch of defenseless mexicans to murder?
you won't be going anywhere
>My point was, many of you will have low T without noticing, and you'll feel much better after fixing that.
This is my concern. I'm 42 and was never that high test of a guy. Fucked off my best years being a lazy skinny-fatass but have gotten my act together and have been getting fit. I love using my body, but I've started to notice some changes in the last couple years. Overall I'm still quite youthful and healthy, I look and feel young in many respects. But I am noticing a longer recovery time and days of feeling a little more tired and weak
same here. I'm 32 and thought my isolation and lifestyle dragged me down. I have severely low test though and feel like in my early 20s since I'm on TRT.
44. I'm fine but can feel the 50's coming fast.
You are not the brightest light are you? This job of yours will prevent any gains in the future.
end your life
Hate those weaklings hopping on TRT. Searching for a excuse to roid. Hope you all get bitch tits and cancer in the liver. Fuck you.
>injuries stack
fucking this
>I completely outpace my peers
and this
> t. 39y old