About to drink caustic soda and drafting my suicide note

what should I include in the note

>inb4 don't
I've already prepared the solution I'm just waiting it to cool down

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if you drink caustic soda you won't die, stupid fucker

I'm a little scared desu, also bonus points for music reccommend

not immediately but I can make it concentrated enough to shorten the process

say, " i dont care that i've just traumatized you for life by finding my dead body, life was pretty uncomfy so its worth it roflcopters. oh yeah, how does it smell?"

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Why did you choose drinking caustic soda as your method?

>dem triple dubs
You have to include it now, OP. Respect the Roll.

"pd. tfw no scene gf"

It's cheap and easy to get, also i like the idea of being hollowed out. My country doesnt allow guns, tried cutting but couldn't go deep, also I find it hard to get access to high (enough) buildings and pills, any bridge is too far away, and traffic accident is just messy and catches too much attention. Also no hanging because no place to hang, and I would struggle. It's easier to chug.

:/ rest in peace user. Wish ya well

Wait, no! It's the muriatic acid. I'm 70% sure.

thank you, also it might take a while to work

you got it user

What do you mean you wish him well?

you know, you're just going to violently projectile vomit for a few hours and that's it.

Not trying to psyche you out or anything, but you do know that this is going to hurt? Like, a whole fucking lot? You've picked a really shitty way to die. And let's hope that you do die before you have to shit this stuff out.

I've considered other methods. This is what i got at hand and I guess I am desperate enough. It is gross though. Also the thought of base solution literally eating up my ass is kinda funny

Can you stream?

this isn't gonna "eat you up" unless it's molten and stays boiling hot. Stop believing everything you see on TV

You are gonna need more than just Caustic Soda, you will need Muriatic Acid, and Hydrogen Chloride.

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Idk internet says 500mg/kg body weigh is lethal dose, 0.5mol/l (20g/l) can irritate you skin when touched. I diluted approx 200g in 2l , though it's still mild to touch but I hope I can drink up the whole thing.

i hope you enjoy getting burned from inside out.
why not just choose a normal and effective method?

Dude fuck off with that low test shit.

I have permanent stomach and intestine problems and it makes me rage to think people intentionally fuck their guts like this. Do something cool. Jump off a building. Motorcycle without gear. At least hang yourself to get the satisfaction of some ropework ability.

Just buy a gun or jump off a building you dumbfuck, at least that would give you less of a chance of actually suffering before dying.

post pics or didn"t happen
also if you're looking for a painful (still better than yours though) way to die - just inject a lot of air i/v

t. didnt read his replies about not being able to own a gun

Based Bainposter user

What a based way to kys. You're fucking cool user.

see and nah

the solution, naoh bottle and chopstick used for stirring that has dissolved quite a bit
I haven't drunken anything yet though, it's still boiling hot

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you really need to stream it or something. create a group voice chat
you won't be able to type us goodbye when you gulp it

Subscribe to original PewDiePie.

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>blessed with the miracle of consciousness
>fucks up his life so bad that his only escape is ending it

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Buy a damn gun,
You idiot

>You idiot
t. idiot who didnt read his further replies about not being able to own a gun

kek you're gonna start crying like a bitch from so much pain and beg for help and then regret not just getting a fucking gun and shooting your brains out

I won't die immediately, also i'm not living alone so streaming can be intrusive to other's privacy i think? Eitherway you can choose to not believe it. I'm not 100% sure I could chug up the whole thing either. I'm just here because I'm kinda lonely, and a bit scared. I guess it's reasonable facing with decisions like this :/



who says ghosts can't watch anime

You know what?
I could say don't.

Would you like that? You want somebody to say "DON'T DO IT user SO MANY PEOPLE LOVE AND CHERISH YOU"

Here's the tough truth about people on the internet.

they will say things like:

People are mean, cruel, selfish beings.

You will never be happy.

Nobody will ever love you.

Perhaps they're right.
But more importantly, are you really that pathetic to listen to them?

You're gonna let other people dictate how you live? how to be happy?

Goddamn you're pathetic.

go for a walk, have a wank, take a drag, adopt a dog, talk with your voice instead of your text.

If you can't even do those things then goddamn.

You want to prove us right?
You want to show to the world that you're a pathetic faggot who let the world dictate how he lived? What he liked? How he felt? When his time came?

Grow some balls and tough through it.

Don't be a pussy.

If you do kill yourself however, be a fucking man and make it so no-one has to clean up after your pathetic body.

Make the last thing you do to make sure you don't inconvenience another person with your bullshit.

But remember this.

Pain is temporary, and it always ends better than it began.

But only if you work for it.

Stop being a faggot and get your own life in order instead of relying on other people to do it for you, you fat fuck.

This is going to hurt comparably to immolation, you're fucking retarded op, just jump down a bridge head first or get an exit bag.

just looking at your post makes me feel tired

Then take a nap.

> i'm not living alone
nigger don't do it. they are going to hear you screeching in agony, call the ambulance, and you'll end up RESCUED with destroyed organs, probably tube-fed and maybe even with a colostoma

I guess I am pathetic and I'm not looking for consolidation nor agreement. You're a fucking retard if you think every suicide post have to do with these.

I guess I am desperate enough also read the former posts idiots

>Maybe I can have AIDS cummies from my perfect daddy bf in the afterlife, where we will all farm corn.

Have you not given up?
At least be a real man and jump off a building you faggot.

suicide wont change anything faggot
Read Nietzsche

Building my nigga, or bridge, much easier.

Don't drink it
Take it up your asshole as a suppository.

2bh should just try alcohol poisoning, absolutely have to add sledping pills, tranqs or some strong heart medicine

Where can you buy sledping pills?

Make sure your people don't hear you in agony after you chug that shit, do it in the woods

Dont do it ffs. Now that you have hit your bottom you can try starting anew someplace else because you have already chose to abandon your current life. Dont do it to people around you user. It can get better

>>inb4 don't
Nobody cares about your life

i used to work with caustic.
your better off jumping off a building

You're not going to die idiot. You'll probably disintegrate your oesophagus and you'll be in absolute agony until you're okay again. But you'll be eating through a tube for the rest of your life. So either do it a bit smarter or don't do it. Because your plan is absolutely fucking retarded

>not beeing able to buy a gun

You are a fucking retard. Just get a hunters license, join police or military, go to a shooting range, travel to the us,...

There are a thousend ways to get a gun, you just don't have one because you are a lazy crybaby. At least put some effort in your suicide, it is the last thing you will do on this earth. Also, your life could become better on the way (finding a new hobby/profession/having a nice holiday trip)

>no place to hang
Do you not have a fucking door knob? You know you dont have to hang from rafters right? What am I saying of course you dont you are so ducking regarded you chose to kill yourself the shittiest way possible.

That is a terrible, terrible idea.

oh my fucking god i just dipped the tip of my finger in the solution and lick it it does burn like hell also terrible taste. I know this is gonna be hard but didn't expect it to be this hard.

you fucking idiot
how many people told you it was a bad idea?
How many?
Too many.

Go cry in your corner now and think about what you've done you degenerate.

In what fucking third world country do you live in where you cant take a taxi to a building. Go to a roof. And kys. Also, user, THE FUCKING ACID WILL MAKE YOU CRY AND SCREECH IN AGONY. Too bad I wint be able to hear it.

>life sucks i want to kill myself ;-;
>oh wow killing myself is hard ;-;
from the photo it looks like you're vietnamese or something. if you are some kind of asian then i don't really care what you do.

you are a dumb child nigger
How old are you? 14?

user, do you realize the acid will burn you alive? You're a fucking retard. You're also a pussy for not toughing it out. Many people have worse lives yet they tough it out. You're taking suicide, USING CAUSTIC ACID WHICH BURNS YOUR INSIDES IN AGONY. You're a retard. Atleast wait for like 3 months and if things dont get better then do it. Not like a retarded faggot.

oregano content needed for post

Sodium hydroxide is literally the opposite of an acid

Also op this is possibly the dumbest way to kill yourself. Tightly fasten a role to one side of a door and toss it over the top. Tie a noose and very tightly secure it to your neck and make yourself go limp. You will pass out in about a minute with .05% of the pain of poisoning yourself with NaOH

>is depressed and attention whore
>writes suicide blog on Jow Forums
>everybody calls you retarded
>standby your word
>everybody calls you retarded faggot
>ghost and dont post anymore
>make people think you killed yourself
>tfw they're not fooled
>attention whoring failed.jpg

at phoneposter's pharmacy
degenerate. did you think it's going to be like drinking tea that's too hot? straight lemon juice maybe? diarrhea mojito maybe?

My bad. People called it caustic acid so my retarded ass followed suit.

I'm mustering up the courage but they're not wrong calling me a pussy

My retarded ass mixed it up. Its caustic soda. Ffs

Don't mention r9k user, we dont need all that media shit.

> mustering up the courage
imagine drinking boiling water with shards of glass and razor blades, that's what it's going to feel like, but worse:3

blame female hypergamy and demand that the state has to provide every household with a breeding cage for women

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Only absolute retards ingest things to "kill themselves." Find a better way, like driving to your nearest city, finding a nice tall building, and diving head first off it. Or buy a shotgun or high caliber handgun and go that route.
If you ingest shit it will most likely fuck you up after you survive and you could even end up a veggie after mommy decides she can't live with pulling the plug on her precious baby boy.

You're a sad being. You cant even wait for 2 fucking months. 8.5 fucking weeks. At least talk to your kinfolk. Actually do something. Dont be weak. If you're that much of a pussy then at least dont die on a bad note. Do something good and then kill yourself painless. Take a rope. Tie it to a doorknob. Throw the other end over the door. Tie a noose with that end. Put it around your neck and go limp. Save yourself the pain.

Hey! That's plagiarism. Give me credit in your citations next time or I'm reporting you to the Dean.

Why are you even going to ingest this shit? What reason do you have to end your life? In agony for that matter.

Shit I've been found out. Alright, the suicide method I gave you OP was from this post.

he lost a game of fortnite. because of the rage his parents punished him by took points from GBP-account

okay anons i got my belt hung around my neck and tied to the door nob, still considering drinking because it would increase the chance of dying just for safety measures

dont fucking drink it , it will just hurt a shit ton and thats it, it wont kill you

>want tendies
>mommy says no
>play fortnite to calm my fat 500 lbs ass
>sweat like a hairy ass of an ape just by doing nothing
>plan suicide
>use the dumbest way to kill myself
>post on Jow Forums cuz attention
>no one cares

>the partial suspension meme
>the belt meme
I've seen this too many times on /suicide/, you're gonna fail and pointlessly suffer.

lol what an awful way to attempt suicide, the best part is you'll totally survive but be totally fucked.

but it will make me lust for death even more

you'll start shaking in agony the moment this liquid touches your mouth, you'll scream and alert the neighbours - mission failed. so you're better off simply necking yourself

btw advice: masturbate and lean on the belt when cumming
autoerotic asphyxion death is based

It works and beats sodium hydroxide poisoning. In the absence of a gun, I can't think of an easier way to do it

damn i mean i can see why its popular as a last minute diy. Also i'm not going to die immediately or even soon i'm just lazy with replying

Educate me please

what the fuck is even going on in your life for you to want make your self even more suicidal by drinking FUCKING CAUSTIC SODA

drowning yourself?
ingest a lot of sleeping pills (considering you're in Vietnam, there's sone strong medication sold freely) and lay in a bath when you feel it kicking in.

i am going with the belt how long is it going to work and how hard must i make it so i cant breath

This sentence is golden

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Drowning is a hell of a lot more miserable than the noose and door method. Barbiturates would probably be way better, but where the hell are you going to get them from? They were phased out in favour of benzos so people would kill themselves with them.

Initial symptoms of caustic ingestion include drooling and dysphagia. In severe cases, pain, vomiting, and sometimes bleeding develop immediately in the mouth, throat, chest, or abdomen. Airway burns may cause coughing, tachypnea, or stridor.

Wouldn't* typo. My bad.

Why are you deciding to kill yourself OP? Don't just say depression, say why you think you became depressed enough to kill yourself or whatever.
Do you have any diagnosed psychiatric disorders?
What is your favourite thing to do with your free time?

That's a fucking stupid and painful way to maybe die, but if not just permanently fuck yourself. Find some hemlock or amanita mushrooms or something. Hemlock is almost certain death and not incredibly painful like burning the fuck out of your insides

It's going to be extremely painful. You might not even die and if you do it's gonna be a good hours writhing in pain while your innards dissolve.

he wants to drink the caustic soda to make himself want to die even more.
fuck you, find any other way to type that without sounding retarded