Rings=Otter Mode

Tell me why i'm right.

Attached: Rings.jpg (275x183, 8K)

Is this natty?

You are. Source: trust me I'd know

Attached: 1564395650384.png (638x638, 110K)

calisthenics = ottermode

Only if youre 5'6 and under with stellar genetics

>Is this Olympic athlete natty?
99% chance the answer is no

this is an olympian, so there are a few assumptions we can make.

>peak genetics
>rigorous training regimen
>not natty except for the moment they need to test

i fucking hate fags that say calisthenics > all weight training, then they do like 1/10 of actual athlete workload, look like shit because they dont have required technique background to do advanced movements and never train legs because thats literally disadvantage for them.

i do quite a bit of dips, pullups etc and those are fantastic movements. and the forces and moment arms that are placed upon muscles during gymnastic tricks can be huge due to leverage.
but holy fuck dont be that guy with fedora saying "WELL ACHHTUALLY OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTIG IS MUCH SUPERIOR TO POWERLIFTING" while being tub of lard yourself

not to mention 9/10 of those fuckboys are like 135 five footfuckall height that look like teenagers in clothes when they stand next to non lifting average male that sits on couch all day

too bad Olympians aren't natty