What type of girls like "cute" guys?

I decided to get rid of my beard today and I don't know if it was just the lighting or the fact that my skin seems to have cleared up a lot, but I realized that I might arguably look kinda cute. A couple girls online have called me cute and stuff, but I didn't really believe them until now.
So assuming there are actually girls who genuinely like cute guys, and I know that cute can mean a lot of different things, what are they like?

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Silly question , can legit be any girl user.. anything from shy autistic girl to femdom

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>what are they like?
the sort of girls who don't like their guys to be 'too' manly. so young, possibly nerdy girls as well.

this. speaking from experience

>the sort of girls who don't like their guys to be 'too' manly.
Is that a real thing, or is it more like that whole "beta bux chad fux" meme and they're just denying/confused about what they want?

nah, they exist, my gf is one of them though she's pretty young (17)

You've got me concerned user. How old are you?

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it's real.
my evidence: me

20, legal here though, we're in the uk

Many girls don't want a caricature chad. He's more of a gay fantasy really.

>my only hope is to creep on girls my little sister's age
I knew something was up. Oh well.

Yeah but it's starting to sound like they're just young so the fact that you're older is enough to make up for being "cute".

not the guy you're replying to, but user. most normie girls have a pleb-tier taste in men, don't let it cloud your judgement or make you insecure.

nah dude, my gf doesn't really think about the fact i'm older than her, though she does almost fucking constantly call me adorable, she's was a shut in and is the steryotype actual nerdy girl

That's all well and good, but appealing to an exclusive group doesn't exactly sound like a great way to not wind up alone.

>not wind up alone
Welcome to >>, how may I be of service, newcomer?

Yeah I know, I just don't see what the point of saying "Don't worry user, only a tiny minority of girls like you. Don't let it get to you."

>most normie women
of course everyone would like to be appealing to the largest group possible, but at the same time you'd lose your individuality.

Try cosplaying bishounen men at anine cons and flirt with younger weeb girls.

It's my idea, still need to test it out.

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Unfortunately I don't watch anime.

Your domain does, start.

Girls don't like cute guys. They delude themselves into they do, but eventually they'll realize they're not attracted to you.

girls who look like pic related

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