What is your opinion on dropping your weight during deadlifts?
What is your opinion on dropping your weight during deadlifts?
Depends what you’re deadlifting on. My gym has an indoor turf thing so it’s cool.
Things can go downward very quick honk honk
i don't do it 'cause i think it's a gains goblin. i don't mind other people doing it but if you do it every rep you're a fucking disgrace
if you're working out (for reps)
you should do the eccentric
if you're 1 repping which should not be very often do it in a respectable manner.
The gym isn't a library, so some noise is expected, but deliberately, rude.
For oly lifts its fine.
For deadlifts its quitting.
Jow Forums told me it's safer than lowering it
Dumb as fuck regardless of the weight or number of reps
Based clown poster
Not unless it's involuntary, and if it is, you're probably pulling too much
I don't even drop my cleans
are those 40kg plates?
no, its 25 kg plates 20 kg the blus
Why's be barely lifting 5 pl8
golds are 100lbs each i believe
It isn't really any of my business, but I generally think from the top is unnecessary. Some sound is fine from a bit of quicker drops with some control, but a throw from the top? Again, it's whatever.
The only time it was ever stupid was when I worked at a gym and we got a new platform. We had big signs put up, but of course, someone threw a deadlift from the top with metal weights and broke the platform. I guess that was maybe a time when I wished someone didn't drop.
Skipping half the lift
i lift at commercial gym with thic rubber floor and bumper plates
sometimes i happen to drop but usually the heavier ones ill just put down
i also drop from medium height when im finished with my bent over rows
its just risky position to be in
If only people spent half as much time actually deadlifting as they do caring about how other people deadlift.
If you've never let out a lion's roar mid-pull then dropped that shit, you've never pulled a truly impressive deadlift son. I mog kids that care about this shit.
I remember the first time I pulled 2pl8
If it's more than at least 3 pl8, I'm fine with it. If you're lifting bitch weight, it just seems annoying
3pl8 is bitch weight
People who drop the weights are lifting beyond their means and have a small pee pee
>that guy screaming when he pulls 300lbs
Oly lifters drop weights because they will work out several hours a day 6 days a week, and the eccentric part of the lift is useless for their goals. Dropping it also helps prevent doms. However, if you lift at home, and you have a neighbor in the apartment below, dropping weights would be considered a dick move.
little known fact this is also what pendlay rows were invented for, rendering them ineffective for hypertrophy. Yet everyone and their mother does them because they're popular on insta
I weigh 165 and pull 4 pl8 raw. Best believe I don't give a shit about if my grunts disturb some soccer mom doing calf raises on the smith.
I do put the weight down in a semi-controlled fashion though.
>Le internet warrior squealing as he diddies 2.5 pl8
i repped 5plates raw as 185 get good
holy kek Napoleon syndrome is real
Half the Deadlift is letting it down
he said deadlifting not parenting Jow Forumsizens
post lifts
>bragging about a shit deadlift
I pull 6.5pl8 at 230 and I don't do any of that gay shit.
>shit deadlift
keep being mad.
Dropping it is WRONG FORM, you're missing out on part of the lift! Ripetoe himself says this.
why the fuck would you grunt with that pussy weight I weigh 135lb and I can pull that too
I always drop it after 405. Strength coaches I’ve worked with said you’re best off protecting your back and dropping it rather than trying to get more out of the lift by lowering it. Also forces you to recheck and set up your form every rep.
But I also go to a gym with good power lifting platforms and bumper plates so nobody cares.
I have a home gym so I deadlift naked, drop the weights if I'm feeling lazy, and yell all I want.
Only acceptable after 500 pounds. Even then, a little shameful if that’s how you max out lmao like you can’t even put it down lol
Believe me its even gayer if you do it above 500 lbs since you should know better by then. If world record holders can manage it with >700lbs, user's with his gay 5plate wormchad lift can manage to put it down normally
reddit post
Overall, depends on the gym and surroundings.
-If your gym is inner city, remember the other floors of the building: don't get the gym closed due to tenant complaints because you wanted everyone to see your 3pl8.
-CHECK THE FOUNDATION. Shitty floor = cracks after use = foundation cracks = gym closed, friend.
-CHECK EQUIPMENT. Same as above, but for the plates and bars (casall is hot garbage)
>Every rep of every set
>Every rep during your last few sets
Cmon, man...
>Final rep of the day
Well, we're gonna look, so you better show us some effort
>While using straps
So there was this really annoying guy at the gym today that did a bunch of super annoying shit like hog a bench so he could do lat raises and upright rows with the barbell, then he went over to the deadlift platform and did a bunch of clean and jerks and violently slammed the weight down with every rep.
Honestly he was annoying as shit through and through.
Saw a dude scrape the shit out of his shins after dropping a DL. Probably had bad form or something, but it was gnarly. I'll just put it down normally.