is weed bad for getting fit?
Is weed bad for getting fit?
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does it hurt your lifts? then yes.
does it make you better at lifting? then no.
is there no effect either way? then no.
depends on the person. if it fucks up your sleep, then likely a hard no. if you sleep very well either way then likely fine.
For 90% of people, yeah. Very few individuals can smoke daily and maintain productive successful lives. There’s all kinds of copes pot heads use to justify how they need to smoke every day, but in the end it’s just coping at its finest. This thread is actually along those lines, you are looking for at least one user to post up something so you can justify your use. If you’ve taken care of all obligations, have no major outstanding debts, a solid job/career, and are actually in good physical health then go ahead and smoke up on the weekend. If every weekend starts to affect you in any way, either smoke less or go for every other weekend or even once a month. The fact is most people cannot smoke everyday or often at all without falling victim to laziness as well as the other seemingly minor negatives it brings. It’s not some bad drug, but it needs to be respected and used correctly (not abused like it is by most people). But when you need weed just to feel normal, to sleep, or to do ANYTHING at all you’re on the same level as a washed up bum sucking dicks for crack.
Be careful user, weed might be the most insidious drug. There's no such thing as a free lunch, biologically.
weed is garbage for your mind and body
for Getting fit? not in the slightest , post workout joint double dips the dopamine ;)
But it closes the door for alot of jobs in your future that piss tests you, so it really depends.
>is weed bad for getting fit?
nope. Don't trust me though, listen to a 6-time mr.Olympia winner
stoners are so fucking retarded and annoying I grew out of weed before I even tried.
fucking retarded drug.
Better than alcohol but its still not great for you
>a plant is a drug
next you'll tell me tomatoes are a drug kek
how do i quit smoking weed?
dont bother.
>bro it's natural lmao
>bro its retarded and annoying lmao
>it's just a plant maaaaaan
Fucking druggies, you're all walking cliches.
100% this. I wish I realized this when I was younger.
couple times i smoked before working out and ive never been able to lift so much, that pain and mental barrier that stops you from going further just doesn't exist when you do the right amount
Depends, in my experience weed is good for volume lifting but not good for intensity lifting.
Also, you shouldn't smoke weed unless your life is under control.
Opium is also a plant you regard
Never smoke every day. One or two days a week? Ok. Could be worse. But never, ever do it every day. Try to not have it in consecutive days either.
This keeps your tolerance low, enjoy-ability up, and productivity as high.
nice you baited all the straight edges into revealing they have no arguments against this.
>The fact is most people cannot smoke everyday or often at all without falling victim to laziness as well as the other seemingly minor negatives it brings.
that's because these people are weak willed enough to let smoking a plant derail their lives
a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
How is weed not this? You tards are so caught up in the word "drug" being bad that you have a brain aneurysm.
weed is fine in moderation anyone telling you otherwise has something to sell you
>a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
How is a tomato not this? So you would say a tomato is also a drug? That doesn't sound right to me, unless we are able to admit that "drug" is a vacuous and thus useless label
Food has physiological effects idiot
Because a tomato doesnt make you anxious, doesnt give you a panic attack and is not psychologically addictive. Fukin junkie are you high right now?
Based and redpilled. I used to smoke waaaaay too much in high school and my early college years and I had nothing going on during that time. I cringe right now when I think about those years.
If you smoke right now, I would just stop cold turkey to see how long you can go without it and how much more productive you become during that time. Whenever I want to smoke, its usually because I'm not up to much or I'm bored, but what that really means is that I'm not being creative enough. Its a sacrifice you make that brings you to a more stable place. Quitting weed is similar to getting up in the morning and lifting or running: you don't want to do it because it requires a lot of energy and willpower, but after you accomplish it you end up feeling like a fucking badass.
Once you quit, you're going to look back at the time you were smoking weed and just cringe.
This, b&r, spbp etc I've had so many friends fall into this trap.
>You're looking for at least one user to post up something so you can justify your use
God people getting enabled by other, more functional people is the saddest shit, especially online. Think about it, you smoke and are sad, so you go to a screen and type something, then the screen makes you feel better and you smoke again, continuing the cycle
I'm 48% muscle mass/13%bf and I smoke weed every day.
Weed does not prevent muscle growth, nor does it prevent fat loss. I never smoke before I lift, only after. The munchies are great for bulking.
I love you Jow Forums, but please go unless you lift.
Weed turns people in to faggots, of course it'll have no effect on OP
Ahh I see the goalposts have moved already. We are assuming tomatoes are also drugs so I'll address your next point. I don't have data on hand (what you learned in your DARE classes does not qualify as "data"), so as an anecdote I get neither anxious nor have panic attacks when using cannabis. I admit that it can be psychologically addictive but so can lifting, gambling, and sex among many others.
Also, 70% of the carbs in tomatoes are simple sugars. Sugar, as this board knows so very well, is both psychologically AND physiologically addictive; meaning that, in regards to addictiveness, tomatoes are worse than cannabis.
*before you realized no one was ever gonna offer you some
no. and its not good for anything else you nig
Big oof
not an argument
Alcohol is made from plants, tobacco is a plant, sugarcane is a plant. Stop being a retard
Weed is fucking great. Another user nailed it: that post workout jay, especially after a particularly good workout, is absolutely divine.
Smoking is vile though. Use a pax.
I admit I was a daily toker for a little while at the end of last year, start of this one. I had to bury a close friend under very Sat circumstances. I definitely was coping and grieving with the assistance of weed. Not proud of that, but on the other hand it was the most reflective I had ever been. I decided to live a more disciplined life, eat better, get Jow Forums, read more, stop spending time and money on bugman hobbies and be my own man. It so far has been the best decision of my life.
Smoking every day is a gnarly practice. That's too often. Weekly is better, maybe Friday night and Saturday night.
Pardon the blog.
Shutup faggot
>during workouts
>After workouts
It's not bad for me because I only smoke during my rest days, which is like once or twice a week.
The key is the moderation, it's cliche but it's true.
your fear of the drug is well-justified.
but you aren't really understanding what it is fundamentally I think.
it is very subtle. Most of it's effect can be described as emphasizing your most ingrained habits (like eating and sleeping for instance).
But to really understand it you are going to have to get more abstract than you're probably used to. But I'll go there for you.
Why does this plant make these compounds that have such an effect on animal nervous systems?
How did it 'figure out' how to interface with our brains, evolutionarily? How does it know us that well, so to speak?
What is it's evolutionary end-game?
Plants rely on animals to propagate. They rely on our excretions and corpses to grow. So we to evolve together, dependently.
The plant 'read' about us through our bodily waste and corpses, 'deducing' aspects of our chemistry and what motivates us.
It made a model of our consciousness in itself using the drugs it makes as a way to 'write down' its 'theory', and also as a testing mechanism, seeing what changes to the drug mix result in more fertile conditions for itself.
The drug is part of the plant's own 'consciousness'. It is a communication mechanism for the plant to speak to you, listen to you, and negotiate its interests with you.
All plants do this with other organisms. All of them.
This one is just more focused on animal consciousness.
Same exact thing with mushrooms.
If you overwhelm your consciousness regularly with plant-consciousness, you will become more plant-like.
This can have profound benefits or profound detriments.
You want to decide, not the plant.
source: my ass
fine, be that way, but you were warned.
you are putting a plant's brain in your brain.
I can't stand the feeling of a weed high. Makes me feel slow, lazy, and antisocial. Especially now that the market is saturated with freak science experiments that are way too fucking strong. I guess my tolerance is too low (and I'd be stupid to work to build it up). A few of my friends who smoke function just fine on these ridiculous strains.
I'll stick with the occasional mushroom/DMT trio every 2-3 months.
>t. Never interacted with someone who gets really high regular or does psychedelics on a weekly/biweekly basis
It's a sad sight to see
>source: my personal anecdote
same. im strict in when i allow myself to smoke, must be at the end of the day after ive done a hard days work or actually accomplish something (practice one of my instruments, deep clean a room etc).
is it ideal? not totally. but at least this way ive incentivized myself to actually be productive and improve my life
>thing that makes the lobes in your brain function in a way that is not possible sober
>Abuse it
>It has no effects
You really believe this, huh?
Only thing I "believe" in is the scientific method.
It's good for time traveling. I smoked everyday since I was 16 and now I am 25 with absolutely nothing.
> dopamine
> cannabis
learn your drugs bro
> closes the door for alot of jobs in your future that piss tests you
as if you can't stop it for a month or two, e.g. leading up to uni graduation.
Scientism is dogmatic
holy shit this retard actually just tried to make the argument that tomatoes are worse than weed
world class levels of cope, never heard of the fda doing anything about tomatoes, but im sure the weedfag knows more than the actual scientists.
Where's the BLACKED logo?
experimental science as the one solution is total insanity. it just gives total power to whoever can fund logically unnecessary tests to convince dumbfucks who just believe what authority tells them
do you have any idea how unlikely it is for some one that has that good of genetics to go anywhere near a nigger?
Scientists don't make laws smart guy. Cannabis has only ever been illegal because there is a monetary incentive to keep it illegal, not because it is unhealthy or addictive. In fact the leading reason it is being decriminalized and legalized in a few US states is because of its medical benefits (aka benefits to one's health).
The truth is that using weed is a cope. Just like booze, hard drugs, cigarettes, coffee, prescription drugs, etc.
If you use it in moderation and it doesn't negatively impact your day to day life, then enjoy it. If you can't control yourself or need it just to function, then you're a fucking loser.
Most people have a cope in their lives, and weed is relatively low risk compared to a lot of them.
>reduced gray matter
>teenage use permanently lowers IQ through adulthood
>a legitimate gateway drug
thats part of the reason
the other part is that people are actually afraid of its effect and how it erodes the usual bias. and they should be
I can't say either way whether your first two claims are true or not without a source. Your third claim is only true as long as cannabis remains illegal, since people have to go through criminal channels to get it.
This is an anecdotal story:
My buddy is a huge stoner. He believes pot does everything and cures everything and is perfect. He gets high every time we go to the gym and on the way home. He was lifting 2 months before I started going a month ago. I already bench more than he does. I squat more than he does. I deadlift more than he does. We started at almost the same bodyweight. I gained 10 pounds in the last month. He gained 5 pounds in the last 3. Take from that what you will but he eats constantly, sometimes eating an entire large pizza by himself in one sitting, and I intermittently fast.
Weed is literally killing his gains
I don't necessarily disagree, but those people are definitely a minority. The majority of Americans think cannabis should be legalized but (exactly analogous to how the majority of Americans think the rich should be taxed more) this conflicts with corporate interests and thus things don't change at least not quickly.
This isn't even remotely true. It was made illegal due to political reasons and it remains illegal because no one wants to smoke it and they were raised thinking it was an evil gateway drug.
Now times are changing and hippies are finally getting their day. But that has nothing to do with "monetary incentive." In fact, politicians would make more money for their jurisdictions by legalizing the drug and taxing it instead of fighting it in the streets and paying for people to rot in prison.
True, when you casually smoke weed you have basically just told yourself “ok I plan on accomplishing nothing for the next 3 hours”
And I just bought a dab pen last week
This is also the official Dutch Health Ministries line.
Incidentally, the Netherlands has some of the lowest teen weed rates (because it's legal and not even cool, it's just something deadbeats, blacks and Moroccans do).
Compare to France where it's illegal and every teen wants to blaze it to show how cool they are.
>not living in a legal state so you can enjoy the fruits of capitalism
About once a month, I'll buy a packet of pic related, sink into my couch, and play some video games/watch a documentary/etc. They're dosed to 5mg, so you find a good balance of high easily, and the fact they're mints means you get high much quicker than other edibles. Your mouth also contains THC receptors, so you start to feel it within a few minutes, and then within 10-20 mins, the main body hits your gut and boom, a pleasant, comfy high.
I then just periodically have a mint to maintain that high until bed time, when I pretty much pass out only to wake up feeling refreshed after a deep, deep sleep.
ps smoking every day is for losers. Weekly MAXIMUM, ideally not every week either.
Weed isn't killing his gains, lack of discipline is killing his gains. If he stopped eating like shit then he would be fine. And don't give me that shit about the munchies, that's some weak willed shit. I get stoned off my ass all the time and I never give into that shit because I know it'll slow or reverse my progress. Fucking people need to hold themselves and not a plant accountable.
If you don't use a bong you're a fucking idiot who's gonna burn his lungs from smoke or a fucked up vape.
weed ruins sleep, i'm still an active smoker but every time i take a break from it, i have the most vivid dreams and get better quality sleep overall. i have evidence personally as i have quit more than once for extended periods of time, still have been doing it almost daily for 5+ years starting around age 21
I think it's like alcohol. More than once or twice a week and it's just bad. Weed can kill gains by making me hungry as shit, especially when fasting. I do have a Pax vape I like to use on the weekends sometimes. That's it though. To answer your question further in depth, I can name multiple friends of mine that get stoned all day and do absolutely nothing and have no goals at all. That is entirely different than somebody who can moderate their own usage of a substance to late at night on a weekend. But yeah, I won't pretend like I'm productive when I get stoned - that's why it's limited to those nights only. Can't stand people who need to be high all day, I just don't get it!
thc is a drug
If you haven't switched to THCV you're doing something wrong anons.
100% federally legal and more energizing than cucked THC.
Only problem is growers are still working on the strains, the highest concentrate percentage I've seen so far (still federally legal ofc) is 6%. There should be double digits extracts soon, perhaps as high as 20%, and then this shit will really take off. Keep an eye out.
with that pseudo science new age bullshit.
>If you overwhelm your consciousness regularly with plant-consciousness, you will become more plant-like.
this is a weird claim. i mean i see how being slightly sedated could be "plant-like behavior," but coffee is also plant product. People with a caffeine buzz are alert, active, aka not plant-like at all. Basically shut the fuck up.
mentally, no it's not.
Physically speaking, weed does dehydrate you which should certainly be taken into consideration.
Please go outside and talk to women
Re started 2 weeks ago, only went baked to the gym. Pretty satisfied with my numbers so far, always finish my routine.
Fuck hippies man. They're nothing but egoistic smelly cunts.
ask me how I know you're french
Not that user but I’d limit the term to psychoactive
Extremely based
Anyone who smokes weed, or anyone thinking of trying it, listen to this user right here
i love smoking weed, makes music better, friends funnier, food taste better, lifting more enjoyable, to me its a boost to anything im doing. makes me relax too so i open up way easier
This user is heavily blazed
Slowly reduce the amount you smoke till you can quit.
>wake up feeling refreshed after a deep, deep sleep.
How? It blocks REM sleep and I therefore always wake up with brain fog
>muh weed
Weed raises Oestrogen levels:
Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):
Weed Smokers Have More Violent Convictions:
Weed Causes Cancer:
Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :
Weed Is Addictive:
Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:
Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:
Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:
Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:
Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:
Weed Causes Lung Damage:
Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:
You show up in every weed thread. Does it really satisfy you that much to post links or are you just fishing for (you)s?
It's great for bulking, two puffs don't get me high at all and yet I get hungry as fuck.
It only potentially blocks REM sleep if you ingest a lot of cannabis right before you sleep.
All this yet cannabis still continues to grow in popularity globally for its medicinal/ healing effects. Find a new hobby
No source but it kinda makes sense, plants like to reward animals in order to propagate
Those mints contain cannabis...try and keep up
If you let it kill your motivation/discipline, or if you smoke regularly enough to have a noticeable impact on your lung capacity, then yes. If you keep it relatively infrequent, for example as a once a weekend relaxation thing, and keep working out/eating well, then you should be fine.
If you meant getting high before you go to the gym, dont do that.