No smart genius girlfriend

>PhD from MIT
>In charge of a team that produced the first image of a black hole
>Internet famous now
>Married to a nice northern high-IQ East Asian man (as opposed to loser beta White guys with brown low-IQ Southeast Asians who make up the vast majority WMAF relationships)
>Cute as fuck. TED Talk vid below

Anybody else know this feeling?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Approved, my yellow skinned bro. People of color union.

goddamn their kids are going to be ugly as shit

tfw dumb asian with a smally willy

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>girl used for PR
>into bestiality
like pottery.
nice digits btw

She needs to get herself a white bf immediately now that she's famous.

you cant compete with tiny azn cock

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I hate that a girl took a picture of a black hole. Not because I'm sexist, but I hate how SJWs, and the left in general, get when a woman does something a man hasn't done.

She's kinda ugly in every picture besides the famous one.

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im so far gone i literally thought was a hardcore bestiality fuck site

also checked

Dude, she didnt contribute even 1% of what the whole project was all about. OP is a leftie pushing his agenda by misrepresenting facts or just a troll.

>cute as fuck
Even by r9k standards she ain't

how fucked you have to be that your 1st thought of "the Knot" is a dog instead of a wedding knot? I think it is time for you to step away from the interwebs.

because she's covering up her huge nose and weird mouth

She's a scientist not a woman. Actually the most unique thing about her is her speciality. You don't get many women in CS these days.

t. neet or teen who doesn't understand how projects like these divide up labor between team members
Coding sucks balls and is not intellectually stimulating. They make the retard code monkeys implement the algorithms they (the project lead(s)) design.

maybe i just saw what i wanted to see, maybe i wanted to imagine she met asian chad on but she also thought it was just wedding-related and didn't expect to also fall in love with asian chad's dog the chadweiler

So pointimg fingers is somehow more important than the actual work... Okay. Her input was miniscule. Face it.

Katie Bouman DID NOT invent the algorithm.

Multiple people are cited on her limited proof of concept thesis.

The actual research and development of practical application of this technology, as well as development of the algorithm itself, was done by a huge team of researchers, not Katie Bouman:

This is the primary research that led to the possibility of imaging the black hole. Notice how the research cites Andrew Chael's EHT imaging library (the guy who wrote 850,000 lines of code). Chael wrote the entire library. To not give him the same or preferably more credit than Bouman is pretty messed up.

Also, Katie Boumsn did not lead or manage anything. These are the directors, managers, and affiliates:

Katie Bouman does not deserve 100%, 50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, or even 1% of the credit. There are so many people involved that made far more significant contributions (like Andrew Chael developing the EHT imaging library).

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>was done by a huge team of researchers, not Katie Bouman:

nobody is saying she did all the work by herself. she is just the 'face' of the project because her picture went viral.

Code Monkey vs Alpha Jewess Chadress

Yeah academics tend to base their ideas off other academics' ideas. That's why citations are important.

>Code Monkey
He was the team leader and created the EMT software

damage is already done, no one is going to remember anyone other than this girl. all of this was due to the media



That's what monkeys do. You don't program do you? Implementation is trivial compared to actually designing algorithms.

she didn't design the algorithm


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>Andrew Chael's EHT imaging library
>(the guy who wrote 850,000 lines of code)
No he didn't you fucking retard. Nobody writes 850,000 lines of code in their entire life. His "lines of code" were 99% data.

japanese guys designed it, stop repeating this bullshit

>He was the team leader
Was he? Got a source for that?

I don't have anything against the girl

I was casually browsing reddit fp yesterday and the picture of the girl had more upvotes (173k or something) than the picture of the fucking black hole itself (150k)

that's what pisses me off. Despite involving telescopes in fucking antarctica and hawaii and supercomputers in Germany, this one cute girl gets all the attention and credit and "muh females in SCIENCE!!" And you just know these are fucking Rick & Morty binge-watching funko-pop collecting Neil Tyrone Degasse-worshipping closet incel soiboi's

Leftist purge when?

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>cute girl gets all the attention
she looks like one of those norwegian trolls with her giant schnoze, she got the attention for being a woman

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>"Leftists" must be purged because something that annoyed me went viral on plebbit
The absolute state of contemporary reactionaries.

>as opposed to loser beta White guys with brown low-IQ Southeast Asians who make up the vast majority WMAF relationships)

Show the statistics, lunatic. And then acknowledge the number of "superior" northeast asian men themselves with SEA wives. Sometimes they even act like r-selected monkeys and leave thousands of children fatherless, like the garbage Korean men who go to the Philippines. You slimy fucks never like to mention that. Simply too inconvenient, I suppose.

Asian masculinists have bad taste themselves. Always the pot calling the kettle black.

'dog bites man' doesn't make the news. 'man bites' dog makes the news.

>awful with money
>wasted 60 million dollars.
fucking lmao, these guys are already on it

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cot damn those guys make me ill

whatever lets these guys sleep at night. If just one occurrence of an asian guy getting el goblino gf brings so much joy to them I must say they have pretty sad lives, I ALMOST feel sory for them

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>being this upset with randos you dont know.

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she is a fucking joke her team is made up of men. also the rocket and telescope used in the project was build by men. women are fucking worthless without the help of men. I would be impressed if she did it all without the help of men.

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so what? you and i arent even on the team/in the picture.

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I chuckled at this image, also you have six repeating digits at the end of your post number

she is a fucking joke she is taking credit for something that mostly men did. she is a leech

men use the inventions and work of other men too, ya stupid.


>being this upset with rando you dont know

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not even true, some outlet decided to use her as the face.

Seriously stop being butthurt holy shit. It's just a viral image. It means nothing.

>posting Amy Lee


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well they are giving her too much credit when they should be praising the men who did most of the work. correction it was a earthbound radio telescope not a space telescope which was still build by men.

yeah and her specialty is sitting on her ass while the men did all the work only for her in the end to take all the credit, don't be such an idiot.

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white knight faggots and roasties BTFO

Lmfao, Im sure you are much more attractive

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Lmao cry more incel. You have no achievements and nobody cares about you.

>imagine having genius gf to make her into a slut when you pound her each nig-
>asian bf with small asian dick

ah forget it

base emotions appeal to a larger subset of the population than more complex and niche interests? wow, color me impressed! this is surely a surprising outcome

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I want off this ride

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>smart genius girlfriend
when are they going to have kids?

holy fucking digits dude

fuck off, she did none of the work

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>850,000 lines of code
And how much of that was actual code? I guess the JSON file I uploaded to github weeks ago counted as me writing thousands of lines too

>smartest girl in America
>picking an Asian guy

so she isn't that smart after all

Butthurt White shit

I average like 4-500 lines of code in a couple of hours whenever I'm first writing something. Assuming he worked on this on average 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at a small 100 lines of code an hour that's 192,000 lines of code a year. Given a couple of doctoral years, that could easily get up to 850,000 lines of code.

friendly reminder this girl would be unknown if she didn't look pretty in the top right picture. also friendly reminder the reason the looks pretty in top right picture is because he jawline and nose is covered.

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She is not cute, how about raising your standards.

she literally did nothing of actual importance

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and yet she's now taking all the credit for the work of an entire team

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Except that isn't the case. We know that more than half of the line count is model data. He didn't write anywhere near that much.

You have never worked in coding and dont understand what project leads do kindly fuck off

Why does this woman make high schoolers so mad?

>aising your standards.
that is why incels will always be incels

is she bae? origanbox

My therapist looked like that post doc and mid-late 20s, except way thicker but also had the fat schnoze

And the two commits she made were the initial commit and merging a PR
What did she actually do for the project?

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this. smart girls go for the bbc

Does editing 2000 lines of code make you a genius?

i have and we had a female "project manager" always getting all the credit, yet she literally just bitched at us and didn't understand the codes herself

Please keep this dumb circlejerk on reddit.

Pic related

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>In charge of a team

She contributed around .22% of the code yet received all the credit.

I hope that whole thing was a massive redpill to that Andrew kid.

The poor guy probably had to get circumcised to marry this jew.

>muh 800,000 lines of code
Already been debunked. Do people actually think that code monkeys deserve praise? lol get a life

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today Jow Forums learns how people in positions
of power get all the credit no matter how much work they do

now who's been in charge for most of human history?

fucking CHECKED
eight eight eight

>how convenient of you to ignore the blatant lack of contribution compared to the praise
We would NEVER have been able to proveblack holes were real without changing font-sizes in the color bar!! Oh and TED talks.

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