>be me >single arm lat pulldowns with the bro >look over to knee extension machine mid-set >girl doing adequate reps lookin’ fiiiiiine >two dudes walk up and start talking to her >one takes her off of the machine >doesn’t even change the weight >shitty reps to impress gym girl >all with a bang energy drink in his hand >his gymbro hops on after him >shitty reps with bang in one and using his phone to text with the other
Another one
>be me >wisdom teeth surgery so can’t lift for a week >bro shoots me a pic of boomer >this fucking guy is doing traps with +600lbs on the barbell >pic related >gets confronted by gym dude about possibly breaking the bar if he continues to do shitty ego reps >ignores him and put more weight on >does a couple verrrry shitty reps then leaves
Not the same thing. Even ripetoe recommends low rep power shrugs with 130% your dl max. they're great but you risk shitposts made about you by DYELs on cambodian fish preservation forums
Always the Asian guys. Three Chinese guys doing 7 sets on the lat pulldown lowest weights and shit form. Confront them about having to use it and they let me. Leave and come back 20 minutes later and they are still using it
Samuel King
"Share ur cringe stories" ok >Go on fit >look for a good thread >See some shitty "cringe" thread >OP mad cause he's weak as shit and wouldn't be able to do 1 inch rom with 135 on a bar >OP is also mad cause girls at the gym look at other guys and ignore him all the time >hahaha cringe
Nothing wrong with the shoes. Chucks used to be recommended as cheap beginner lifting shoes because of the thin sole and good stability.
Lincoln Lopez
t. lmao2plate squat
Jordan Morales
The first time I experienced this was Las Vegas, NV on the strip.
So let me not turn this into a Jow Forums guide to "the strip" but instead state that of all the hotels on the strip in which I've stayed (six?) few of them had gyms open at an appreciable early hour.
I was headed to a tech thing at one of the casinos and providing I can use the monorail, I'll stay at any hotel connected to it. So I end up at the Luxor, which is definitely showing its age. Coming from the South East USA, my internal alarm had me up at 4am Las Vegas time. I "slept in" until 5am. I happen to look at the hotel amenities and noted the gym was already open. I didn't have to be anywhere until 9am but I'm hungry and can't lay in bed watching TV any longer.
Throw on the workout shorts and a t-shirt, brush my teeth and head on down to the pool area where the gym is located. This early, I figure no one is going to be there. Oh mon frere, I was wrong. An actual fit bro was there, a couple of cardio women, a weight bunny or two and pajeet and son. Both in casual shorts, boat shoes and polos. Both doing curls.
I thought it was a meme. I thought I was getting pranked but then I realized it was the real thing. Pajeet and son, doing curls, in polos, in the gym.
Angel Rogers
lmao no one tell him
Ethan Nguyen
absolutely nothing is wrong with guy. it is just a weird meme. some user will point out to his chuck taylors. some user will point out to the shaker cup nearby. some user will point out to sth else. some user will point out that you dont know whats wrong. but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Landon Ward
>Being OP
Joshua Williams
how do i get big traps without +200kg rack pulls then?
Asher Butler
Yeah, sure thing my dude. Take a closer look. Hint it's left side of the picture
Grayson Thomas
Sebastian Scott
>be me >Doing lateral raises in front of the mirror >Looking good, shoulders got a slight pump going >Dude bro with slight amount of definition working out with his tranny "gf" feels compelled to walk over and teach me how to lift >"Hey dude, just wanted to tell you that you need to lift lighter, your form is bad." >Proceeds to show me "proper form" >Tells me I need to raise my arms until my upper arm touches my ears with pronated grip >Unironically telling me to do something that will snap a rotator cuff like a frozen rubber band
LMAO don't give people advice they don't ask for unless they're doing something that will get them killed or maimed.
Josiah Murphy
Bro he just asserted dominance on you in front of his gf. How does it feel?
Carter Long
Clearly it made me change my ways and vote democrat.
Jaxson Collins
"Bro", he was lifting the same weight as me, and his "gf" was a classmate from elementary - high school. Dominance nothing rofl
Andrew Evans
some clown aty gym was deadlifting with the short 6kg bar with 25+20kg on each side.. the bar was bending like he was pulling 400kg on a regular bar... same dude is always throwing around plates, bars, dumbbells. need I mention he wears basketball shorts and a tank top while being a dyel?
If you didn’t say something smart back, or at the very least immediately do another set (ignoring his bullshit) infront of them then you did come off as the beta in that interaction...
That was a lot of words to say “yeah I saw one of those guys at a hotel gym once”
Eli Fisher
more commercial gyms need to ban rack pulls. probably 75% of the bars at my gym are bent from skinnyfat retards doing 2 inch rackpulls with 500lbs and slamming the bar down on every rep and then looking around the gym to see who's miring. I see different people doing this all the time. it's like a virus.
Nolan Miller
a few days ago I saw a guy who had all the 45 plates on the leg press machine, like 8 on each side. His reps consisted of very slight movements, probably no more than 2 to 3cm up and down.
Nolan Fisher
Literally me. What are you going to do about it, faggot.
I'll tell on you, busta. and guess what, bud, if they don't ban you I'm gonna be yoinking your plates right from the bar when you're not looking. And one time I'm gonna follow you out to fins out what car you're driving and pour sugar in the fuel tank next time I see you at the gym. Also, have fun explaining to your non-existent girlfriend/wife/boyfriend what a bunch of magnum condom wrappers are doing in the back seat ;)
Luis Turner
> tfw you unironically wear converse to the gym :/
Joshua Watson
Liam Collins
Fuck yooou
Joshua Perez
WAIT. I never saw this. It’s the Person taking the picture appearing in the mirror, right?
Benjamin Hernandez
>tank top and basketball shorts wh-why is this cringe guys haha just asking for a friend
>go into squat rack because they load up weight they cant lift off the ground so they need the safety rack >move the bar 2 nano inches for 3-5 reps before letting go and having the bar bang on the safety bars >unironically mire themselves in the mirror blows my mind Fuckn hell my gym has alot of retarded boomers but I only see white guys do this shit